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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
    You really need to go back and read the last 14 pages. If you had, you wouldn't ask about the oil thing. I've made myself quite clear on that...

    You still are missing my point. It's not our fight. OK, the Jews deserve to be in Israel. I get it. Once again, I'll state my point. Last time though. It's not our business. We have no reason to supply them with arms and money. If we do, we better understand that's going to piss some people off. Rather elementary, if you ask me. That's my point...
    Hey, why'd you edit out the Native American analogy? I'd say if they had the power to take it, then yes! But the Native Americans were not one nation, but hundreds. They fell one at a time and didn't give a damn about the next tribe in most cases.

    As for your view on oil, if you can't restate your case it must not be a strongly-held view. But you using the Internet means you participate, so if you disavow the oil culture while benefitting from it you're a hypocrite.

    As for the people we piss off, we need to teach them not to fuck with us, and to fear the consequences enough to observe that lesson. Our business is wherever our national interests take us.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
      I guess you don't know that the Ottomans were an anomaly in the Muslim world and in fact many if not most Arab nations held them in contempt because of it. In fact the Ottomans adopted the Byzantine attitude of live and let live after centuries of both conflict and close contact. It wasn't a typical Muslim outlook. The only other place where Muslim culture was so tolerant was in Spain, for similar reasons.

      And when the Muslim rulers of Spain asked their Moroccan brethren for help against the Christian kingdoms, the Moroccans came in, found the spanish Muslims to be corrupt for this tolerance, and deposed and imprisoned them themselves. That is more typical of Islam, not tolerance.
      Well, first of all, there weren't any Arab nations at the time because the Ottoman Empire encompassed all of the Middle East. But before the Ottomans, there were Muslim nations. Such as Saladin's Empire. But if you read accounts of the crusades, Saladin was a lot more compassinate than the crusaders.

      Regardless, I wasn't even showing you where Muslims have been good rulers. I deliberately included Byzantium (a Christian Kingdom) in order to show that multicultural societies have existed in the past over hundreds of years without as much bllodshed as the societies outside of them.


      • Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
        Sounds like he's going to jail for mail fraud to me; if they have him dead to rights then he's guilty of mail fraud, right? He's probably spinning it to make himself a martyr, and since you're predisposed, you buy it.
        Read more closely. Mail fraud (sending a bottle of wine to a friend over state lines) is illegal. It's a misdemeanor. Because they couldn't get him for defaming Monsanto, they searched through the mail, found what he had mailed, and bagged him for it. The actual case is in the Federal courts, and it's being routed under the Patriot Act. He did it. He's going to jail. The point is, they went after him for political speech, and they found a simple minor offense, and they elevated it to treason. That's fascism. And anyone who thinks this is the way things should be is a fascist.


        • Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
          Hey, why'd you edit out the Native American analogy? I'd say if they had the power to take it, then yes! But the Native Americans were not one nation, but hundreds. They fell one at a time and didn't give a damn about the next tribe in most cases.

          As for your view on oil, if you can't restate your case it must not be a strongly-held view. But you using the Internet means you participate, so if you disavow the oil culture while benefitting from it you're a hypocrite.

          As for the people we piss off, we need to teach them not to fuck with us, and to fear the consequences enough to observe that lesson. Our business is wherever our national interests take us.
          I edited out the Native American part because I didn't want to open that can of worms. This thread is already of topic...

          So because I'm expecting someone posting on this tread to have actually READ it means I don't stand behind my views? I'll say again, read the whole post. Not just bits and pieces of it before calling me a hypocrite. That's about as lame as it gets...

          Of course it's about oil. Duh. There, I did you a favor, you don't have to read all of it, not like you were gonna anyway...

          We need to teach them not to fuck with us? I think that's what they are doing to us now. Ever since 9/11. So it goes both ways...
          I'm angry because you're stupid


          • Originally posted by danastas View Post
            Well, first of all, there weren't any Arab nations at the time because the Ottoman Empire encompassed all of the Middle East. But before the Ottomans, there were Muslim nations. Such as Saladin's Empire. But if you read accounts of the crusades, Saladin was a lot more compassinate than the crusaders.

            Regardless, I wasn't even showing you where Muslims have been good rulers. I deliberately included Byzantium (a Christian Kingdom) in order to show that multicultural societies have existed in the past over hundreds of years without as much bllodshed as the societies outside of them.
            Really? The countries that later became Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco were Arab Muslim nations at the time that didn't always belong to the Ottoman Empire. Morocco never did. In fact, Moorish Spain also existed during some of the period of the Ottoman Empire. All of those regions were ruled by Arab ruling classes, even though the indigenous people were still there. The Ottomans never ruled all of Arabia either.

            As for the Byzantine Empire (technically an empire rather than a kingdom), it was multicultural more by default than design. Constantinople was already ancient and had been a trading center before the Romans came along. Still, there was always an "on-top" culture that was dominant.

            Edit for facts regarding the Ottoman Empire in North Africa.
            Last edited by lerxstcat; 09-26-2007, 09:53 PM.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • Originally posted by danastas View Post
              Read more closely. Mail fraud (sending a bottle of wine to a friend over state lines) is illegal. It's a misdemeanor. Because they couldn't get him for defaming Monsanto, they searched through the mail, found what he had mailed, and bagged him for it. The actual case is in the Federal courts, and it's being routed under the Patriot Act. He did it. He's going to jail. The point is, they went after him for political speech, and they found a simple minor offense, and they elevated it to treason. That's fascism. And anyone who thinks this is the way things should be is a fascist.
              Al Capone was finally busted for tax evasion. Should they have just let him go on with his reign of terror?

              Granted your friend isn't Al Capone. Then again, he shouldn't have mailed a bottle of wine if it's illegal. Are they charging him with treason or is that statement histrionics on your part?
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                Remind me of something, when did I exactly piss in your cereal?
                Not sure, I don't really eat cereal, especially not with piss in it.

                So saying that the war in Iraq is a quagmire is not supporting the troops? Is that right?
                Nope. I'm saying that you saying our troops are "losing" and that " We are fighting a war in Iraq with National Guard members, not full time military." is not supporting the troops. Let's stick to what you said, mm'kay? Thanks...

                I cannot disagree with the administration or else I'm labled as being non-supportive? Is that right?
                Nope. Again. The reason I posted your politically charged rants were to try and help you see the error you made when you said I was "towing the party line" and that you weren't.

                I'm just getting it straight so I can play by your rules.
                I appreciate that. I really do. The only rule I have is no running by the pool, and oh, please wait at least 30 minutes after eating before getting in.

                So not wanting them to be over there getting killed is non-supportive?
                Nope. Yet again. I'm quite sure noone *wants* them to get killed.

                Just trying to figure out what frame of mind your in...
                Really? Because it seems to me that you are changing what you said in order to keep arguing about it. You've twisted it all up, but don't worry I can keep tabs on all that for ya if you get confused or forget.

                Call me names all you want. That's what usually happens. When you can't beat someone down with your opnion, name calling is next. That's cool. I get that game as well. I just try not to do it...
                Oh come now, you've been spouting off all over this thread calling Bush a liar, talking crap about the U.S. and what have you, and you get bent because I call you ignorant for wanting to pretend that a nuclear armed Iran isn't one of the largest issues this country will have to face in the very near future. A fact that the rest of the world seems to agree with and want to deal with? You can choose to ignore it all you want, but it will not go away, but like I said, it's ok ...thank God we have people that are willing to deal with it now and have a good understanding of history and the pattern of a racist, ruthless, genocidal dictator of a country run by fundamentalists. Rest assured it will be taken care of, and you can go about helping clean up New Orleans or whatever you want to do.


                • Evol,
                  First off, Bush did lie...

                  Second, I didn't talk crap about the US. I just said we are really in no position to support a war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. We can't clean up New Orleans. Fact...

                  Third, I don't think I ever said we were losing in Iraq. I may have said we can't win. But really, after all this, I don't want to go back and look...

                  Fourth, I said way back in this thread that neither party speaks to the way I see it. I have as much distain for the Dems as I do the Republicans. So I'm not really towing a party line, I'm more towing an independent line. Sorry. If the Dems spoke for me, we would have been out of Iraq as soon as they took over...

                  Fifth, New Orleans really needs to be cleaned up. Have you been there? You should check it out sometime. Real tragedy...

                  Sixth, As soon as Iran proves it can hit the US with a nuke, I'll start to worry. North Korea can't even do that yet. But maybe you should worry that this administration has done nothing really to make us safer. But I don't lose much sleep over that either. I've said before, the government can't really protect us against this type of enemy...

                  Seventh, It's been fun. I'm out. Remember to tip your waitress...
                  I'm angry because you're stupid


                  • Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                    First off, Bush did lie...
                    Yawn. See what I mean???

                    Second, I didn't talk crap about the US. I just said we are really in no position to support a war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. We can't clean up New Orleans. Fact...
                    "Pretty hard I guess for the "best" military in the world. I use that term very loosely."

                    "Our own economy is in shambles"

                    "Some of you need to get off the idea that we are still a Super Power"

                    "I think Bush Jr. was pissed at Saddam for putting a bounty out on Bush Sr. He "fucked" with his daddy. That and the oil. And the propaganda..."

                    "And the American people fell right in line behind this madman and allowed him to do what he wanted. All the while being blind to what was really going on..."

                    "We can't seem to do shit right lately. Come on man, take a look around you..."

                    " Bush was very fortunate that 9/11 happened. It allowed him to do what he wanted to do all along..."

                    "Must be the body count? Or the fact that the "enemy" after 9/11 wasn't white."

                    That's the crap I was talking about, you've been spewing it all over this thread.

                    Third, I don't think I ever said we were losing in Iraq. I may have said we can't win. But really, after all this, I don't want to go back and look...
                    Oh, but of course not, but fortunately you have help... here I'll do it for you :

                    "We are fighting a war in Iraq with National Guard members, not full time military. We are not winning that war."

                    If you wouldn't mind to kindly explain how saying "We are not winning that war" does NOT equal we are losing ???

                    Fourth, I said way back in this thread that neither party speaks to the way I see it. I have as much distain for the Dems as I do the Republicans. So I'm not really towing a party line, I'm more towing an independent line. Sorry. If the Dems spoke for me, we would have been out of Iraq as soon as they took over...
                    Funny enough it sure seems with all your U.S. bashing statements you sure seem to come from the far left. Just an observation. And for the record that's ok too, just don't expect people who are proud and think we're doing the right things to not call you down off of your pedestal.

                    Fifth, New Orleans really needs to be cleaned up. Have you been there? You should check it out sometime. Real tragedy...
                    Yes I have many times, I have family there actually. A family that I would love to see live for many years without the fear of a nuclear armed Iran, which was/is the topic of this thread, until you injected this into the conversation.

                    Sixth, As soon as Iran proves it can hit the US with a nuke, I'll start to worry.
                    Wow, sometimes I have to shake my head when I see people say things like this. Do you not understand that if they can prove it, it's TOO LATE????????? Thank God the people in power and most of the rest of the world understand that and the goal of current actions set in motion are to stop them from getting to that point.

                    North Korea can't even do that yet.
                    I wouldn't be so sure, not all delivery systems are missile based.

                    But maybe you should worry that this administration has done nothing really to make us safer. But I don't lose much sleep over that either. I've said before, the government can't really protect us against this type of enemy...
                    Like I said, I'm not worried, and I'm glad you're not either, this will be taken care of, we are approaching the point of no return, and the consequences for our future survival will be dire indeed if we do nothing while we still have the chance.

                    I'm out.


                    • Rich is THE BEST. When it comes to debates. He's JCF's undisputed King. His wisdom and knowlege are second to none. No matter what kind homework you do. Rich WILL pee on that homework, marking his territory, and then make you his bitch. If you want to keep your dignity and rectums intact NEVER attempt to debate El Richio. His awesomness is so much higher than yours. I know never to challange Rich on his own turf..I'll use my talents in other ways..

                      I'll be Rich's corner manager..just like Rocky I,II,III .."You go get 'em Rock..knock his block off"..see!
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • If Rich is the anti-ESP guy, then I enjoy watching him piss in the corn flakes.
                        Strat God Music


                        • OMG!! So many tangents here. My whole point of this thread was to say we had a known enemy on our soil and we let him go because of some stupid diplomatic garbage. He should be with Saddam now doing his 72 virgins.(not sure if theyre male or fem virgins) .. This guy kidnapped alot of americans in the 70s and now he is for peace? Yall do know that the quoran says a muslim can lie to an infedel and its ok right? This guy is slicker than Bill Clinton with his speeches. He is trouble and if someone doesnt stop him Isreal will and the doo doo will hit the fan and itll be too late. Convert or Die is there theology and you can not negotiate with that. Its there deepest beliefs and the core of the issue here. Its an idealogy we are fighting not a nation.

                          They should just seperate Iraq into 3 nations and let them kill each other in a cival war.


                          • Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
                            OMG!! So many tangents here. My whole point of this thread was...
                            Well, that's what happens when you bring subjects like this up here, as has been proven in the past. If you'd read the rules, you'd know that "Political, racial and religious threads are frowned upon".
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • No way dude. We are still the greatest Nation in the world. God Bless America. If the world frowns apon us, then FUCK THEM.


                              • Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                                Sure, When I was basically called a leech getting fat off the governement, in so many words . That was my cue to bail..

                                I think it was said in the heat of the happends.

                                I reserve absolutely NO hard feelings whatsover. I'm proud of what I did, who I am and certainly know better.

                                I'm just watchin' the show now..
                                Never called you that. Only someone that thinks people getting health care and pay from the gov't would be offended by that. I just started my gov't job this year. I have no compunction whatsoever or questions about my health care or the fact that I'm paid by tax dollars. I was only questioning that idea that anyone who gets gov't health care is a leech.

                                Sorry you took it as an insult. I didn't mean it that way. As a matter of fact, why would I use it as an insult when I don't think it's a bad thing at all? That makes no sense. I think everyone should have the health care that you and I have.

