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WTF is wrong the US

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  • SouthPlatteDemon
    The rest of the world should live in fear of the United States. We have nuclear bombs and will use them again.

    Why the fuck should we care what anybody in the rest of the world thinks about our foreign policy?

    Dont' believe me? Do something like the 9/11 shit again. Even the PETA members were kicking their dogs that Bush didn't turn the entire middle east into glass on 9/12.

    You're either with us or against us. We still don't eat "French" fries around here.

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  • danastas
    It's a well known fact in hard core Republican circles.

    But it's a mistaken notion.

    They've asked professors to self identify. In the Humanities, it is 75% liberal. Political Science has a majority of conservative though, and History is 50/50. Then you have the business schools, which are 90% conservative, economics and finance, heavily dominated by conservatives. Engineering splits at 50/50.

    Overall, the numbers reported in the Chronicle of Higher Ed. were 60-40 liberal. Now, I don't know what the difference was about 10 years ago, but I'd be willing to bet that the gap was smaller. Higher Education, like the rest of the country, is trending liberal and Democrat. look at the latest numbers of how people are self-identifying. people are moving away from the GOP and into the Democratic ranks.

    Also, you should be aware that the Pres. of Iran is here for a UN gathering, not to speak at Columbia. The UN is located in New York, and as long as it is, world leaders will congregate there without the US preventing them from entering the country. Even Fidel Castro has been to the UN. And ultimately, this visit by the Pres. of Iran is no different than Kruschev visiting Iowa during Eisenhower's administration. Actually, the President of Iran was a lot more polite than Kruschev. At the very least, he didn't take off his shoe, bang it on the podium and scream, "We will crush you."

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  • shobet
    Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
    "However I do take issue with your government's foreign policy and it's insistence of trying to police the world. It's a bit like watching the biggest bully in the playground going around making sure he gets his own way."

    Oh, you mean like how the English tried policing the continent of Africa and various other areas of the world.
    And look at the UK now, so you're point is?

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  • Hellraiser6502
    Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
    Let him talk all he wants. The more he opens his pie-hole, the more we understand how much he is a lying, snake a-hole.
    I think that is a very naive statement. Remember who his audience is.

    It's pretty well known that most colleges are democrat run houses of brainwash...listening to a guy like this just further reinforces their spoon fed 'we need progressive change' hoohockey.

    They should never have even allowed him into the country. He's basically spitting in our face.

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    "However I do take issue with your government's foreign policy and it's insistence of trying to police the world. It's a bit like watching the biggest bully in the playground going around making sure he gets his own way."

    Oh, you mean like how the English tried policing the continent of Africa and various other areas of the world.

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  • Newc
    Originally posted by Baum83 View Post
    If I'm not mistaken, the Bill of Rights is applicable to anyone, regardless of nationality, political attitude or general assholiness.
    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
    Not that I don't think he's an asshole, but you've gotta practice what you preach.
    This is where a lot of people are getting confused: the Constitution only applies to U.S. Citizens, not visitors.

    Along with that protection comes responsibility which cannot be separated from said protection. You accept both or you get nothing.

    The responsibility lies in allegience to the United States of America, the dutiful observence of its laws and statutes, and the mutual respect of other peoples and the compatible cultures they bring with them.

    By "compatible", I mean those that get along with each other. Islam doesn't get along with anyone else, because at its core is the belief that anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel and should be killed - this is the duty of a "good Muslim".

    All religions have killed in the name of their respective God over the centuries. Islam is the only one that still does it. Proof enough that it is a false system that deserves to be driven out of this and every other nation who values freedom for all.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    As an European I have nothing against most Americans, the majority I've met and talked to seem OK and pretty nice people.

    However I do take issue with your government's foreign policy and it's insistence of trying to police the world. It's a bit like watching the biggest bully in the playground going around making sure he gets his own way. With the rest of his little cronies, (stand up Tony, you're one of them) huddled around enjoying the power.

    A lot of the anger in the middle east can be traced to Israel and the way they treat the Palestinians - a legacy originally created by the British - human rights are abused and freedoms limited here but no action comes from your leaders. Israel has a nuclear capability and are quite belligerent to their neighbours, so I fail to see the difference from Iraq apart that they are your supposed allies (personally I think if Israel was not near the oil rich areas of the Middle East your government would not be so supportive). All this anger has in the last decade or so been compounded by invasions and what they perceive as an occupation of their land.

    There are always going to be people/races/religions/countries who hate other people/races/religions/countries and you're never going to be able to enforce your will on a population, you can with a state but the populace are another matter. You would have thought your government might have learned something from it's foray into South East Asia, but apparently not.

    I'll repeat what I said above, I have nothing against the USAs population, but your administration scares the shit out of me.
    But, isn't it too easy to blame it on the American administration, when Chris Patten just yesterday talked about how the EU has abdicated its role in addressing these hotspots? Even better, the UK foreign minister last year said that going after oil in the Middle East is inevitable if we are to keep our economies afloat. This means that at the highest levels gov'ts are preparing for an all out rush to control the oil spigot, no matter how many people die in the meantime. The US is doing the dirty work, and the EU will reap the rewards (which, I'm assuming, will never come now that the region has become a huge mess). Bengal is awaiting for us to take on Saudi Arabia (which makes sense since that's the country funding a great degree of the terrorism) but then the question you have to ask is, why is our US gov't so buddy buddy with the terrorist backers? No, I'm not talking conspiracy. I'm talking about oil. We already have a tacit agreement with the Saudis about oil. It's under control there. They know, we know, that oil ultimately belongs to us, and they are compliant as long as they get paid. If you look at the Middle East, it's all about $$ and oil. Palestinians and Kurds and Saddam's tortures and Iran backing the Shiia, all this is a sideshow. Palestinians are what the Arabs use to stir up public hatred against the Western corporations that come to take their oil. If there were no oil in that region, the Arabs would drop the Palestinians like a hat. But when your Saudi Royal gov't is taking all the oil profits and giving none of them to you, a poor Saudi, you're going to look for the nearest scapegoat, and that's Israel. It should come as no surprise that the biggest terrorist in the region is a son of one of the biggest oil families. This is natural, since he's using religious propaganda to defend his family's interests.

    The ultimate question is: do you support wars that maintain our current way of life (which depends on control of oil) or do you think it's wrong to kill other people to support the way you live? That's really what it all boils down to.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by Tune_Up View Post
    Just google Ahmadinejad and the Mahdi. See what he really believes. Combine what he believes will happen & his intent, nuclear weapons, and the fact that he believes everyone who converts to Islam will be spared and those who do not shall be killed. That is a receipe for disaster. He really believes this and speaks about it frequently. It is his plan for the world.
    He really believes this? Is that why he backed off when he felt some political heat in Iran from the voters? He's a shill, a politician, just like all the rest. And when you're going after the hardcore Islamofascist vote in iran, you better pander. It can backfire on you, though, as it did on him. This guy is more like Putin than anyone else. Look at his background. He was a deep state spy. Even George Bush speaks of Gog and Magog when talking about the war in Iraq. Who is he appealing to when he uses those terms? I seriously doubt that those words are code for anyone on this forum, but someone out there in the US is thinking, "Yep, like me, Bush believes War in Iraq = Apocalypse."

    That's how it works. It's all propaganda, and it's all phony. Ira is now in the target sights the same way that Iraq was. The only problem is the Ira is a whole other kettle of worms, a non-Arabic country that has modernized more than any other country in the region. You could plop Tehran in Middle America, remove the Iranians, populate it with Americans, and no one could tell the difference between it and other cities around it.

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  • rjohnstone
    Originally posted by shobet View Post
    but your administration scares the shit out of me.
    Me too... that's why rednecks shouldn't be allowed to be president.

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  • danastas
    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
    This just in..."Columbia University would have allowed the same opportunity to Hitler", this from a PC dean of the esteemed bastion of Socialism in our great US of A.
    I had an opportunity to be involved in a gathering of these types at Emory University earlier this year. They live in an entirely different world from the rest of us "little people". I looked just caveman enough in my suit for them to think I was one of them. Just think Marie Antoinette and the Royal Court of France, how someone could get so wrapped up in their own self importance to simply not even regard how the real world works. That's the modern liberalism that can accept someone like him, just to "listen to what he says". BS. It's thumbing their nose at the "War on Terror", I think.
    LOL. What are you all afraid of?

    You can't even tell that the war machine needs another boogeyman now that Saddam, our former friend, is dead.

    They are playing you.

    When you invite the Pres. of Iran to speak, just give him enough rope and let him hang himself. You don't even need to insult him. The audience will do that for you with its laughter when he makes the claim: " There are no homosexuals in Iran."

    Plus, he was in the US not for a speech at Columbia. He was here for the UN meeting.

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  • shobet
    As an European I have nothing against most Americans, the majority I've met and talked to seem OK and pretty nice people.

    However I do take issue with your government's foreign policy and it's insistence of trying to police the world. It's a bit like watching the biggest bully in the playground going around making sure he gets his own way. With the rest of his little cronies, (stand up Tony, you're one of them) huddled around enjoying the power.

    A lot of the anger in the middle east can be traced to Israel and the way they treat the Palestinians - a legacy originally created by the British - human rights are abused and freedoms limited here but no action comes from your leaders. Israel has a nuclear capability and are quite belligerent to their neighbours, so I fail to see the difference from Iraq apart that they are your supposed allies (personally I think if Israel was not near the oil rich areas of the Middle East your government would not be so supportive). All this anger has in the last decade or so been compounded by invasions and what they perceive as an occupation of their land.

    There are always going to be people/races/religions/countries who hate other people/races/religions/countries and you're never going to be able to enforce your will on a population, you can with a state but the populace are another matter. You would have thought your government might have learned something from it's foray into South East Asia, but apparently not.

    I'll repeat what I said above, I have nothing against the USAs population, but your administration scares the shit out of me.

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  • horns666
    I think he meant COCKSUCKERS!!!

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  • 442w30
    Originally posted by pott View Post
    Fighting his kind eh? What kind do you mean?
    Fundamentalist Islamic terrorists is what I believe he meant. Not that I know enough about him to paint him with that brush. Some of the things attributed to him would classify him as one of "them".

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  • pott
    Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
    WHY WHY WHY are we letting our enemy talk on our soil??? The president of Iran is spewing his bile at Columbia university. If he is providing aid to the people killing our troops then why dont we take him out?? He is an enemy of the US!!!!!!! DOnt people know that the quoran teaches that a muslim can lie to an infedel. He is Full of S*** and we let him on our soil. That is a slap in the face of the troops who died fighting his kind.
    Fighting his kind eh? What kind do you mean?

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  • Argos
    I just watched an interview with him on PBS. Charlie Rose did an hour with him.

    I have to say that (and I am surprised myself) I think he made some very valid points. At the very least, he's a rhetorical genius.

    Is he sincere? Maybe, maybe not. It was a very interesting hour nonetheless.

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