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WTF is wrong the US
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Just google Ahmadinejad and the Mahdi. See what he really believes. Combine what he believes will happen & his intent, nuclear weapons, and the fact that he believes everyone who converts to Islam will be spared and those who do not shall be killed. That is a receipe for disaster. He really believes this and speaks about it frequently. It is his plan for the world.
Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View PostDon't confuse conservatives with Republicans. The Republicans are little different from the liberal Democats.
I, still consider myself a Constitutionalist. But, being no such "party", and wanting to be able to vote in the primaries , have to register as "Something".
Let's not let this thread get off topic. The type of poeple that have invited him to speak are defended by the very soldiers they spit on.
I don't see how inviting him to speak is equated with spitting on soldiers. I don't see them doing that at all...
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Originally posted by Bengal View PostMy statement was more geared towards the overall view of the US now after Iraq. But I can totally see what your saying...
Yep, that's all Liberals want to do, spend your money. All conservatives want to do is borrow it from China. What's worse???
I, still consider myself a Constitutionalist. But, being no such "party", and wanting to be able to vote in the primaries , have to register as "Something".
Let's not let this thread get off topic. The type of poeple that have invited him to speak are defended by the very soldiers they spit on.
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Originally posted by emperor_black View PostIraq kept a check on Iran. Now, with Iraq gone, they are the rulers of those regions. Even if he does not want to bomb US, he might decide to bomb his neighbor and soon the rest of the region might get into an armed conflict. And that region is filled with black gold. Yes, Oil! Again, its all about Oil IMO!! That is why he's in the news so much.
He looks like a Monkey to me Bill.
He looks like Iran's version of Dennis Kucinich..who's another asshole. He's got a piece of ass young wife tho..who's about three feet taller than than that baby Hitler.
Hey Tommy, we would rule the fuggin' world. I would make Hitler, Napolean, Nero , Ceaser, Usama, Saddam and this monkey lookin' fuck..look like chumps. I'd pudslap them into obliveon..then baptize them with my foamy, golden, jet stream!
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If you have a bucket with 2 gallons of water in it, and another bucket with 5 gallons of water in it, how many buckets do you have?-lol
This world will never get along, here, there, everywhere. that is a constant. Human beings are all messed up, and I'm gonna be in charge one day. Yeah baby, yeah!!!
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Iraq kept a check on Iran. Now, with Iraq gone, they are the rulers of those regions. Even if he does not want to bomb US, he might decide to bomb his neighbor and soon the rest of the region might get into an armed conflict. And that region is filled with black gold. Yes, Oil! Again, its all about Oil IMO!! That is why he's in the news so much.
Originally posted by horns666 View Post
..He looks like he smells of pee.
Well, I'd sure pee on him..that would be cool.Last edited by emperor_black; 09-24-2007, 06:51 PM.
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Originally posted by iced_earth View PostI lived in Taiwan for two years and a lot of people asked me if I owned a gun. It seems the common perception from Hollywood movies and TV shows was that every American owns a gun and we live in this semi-violent place that requires it. My response was always "Can every Asian fight and fly like I see in Martial Arts movies?" That changed their perception fairly quickly, but you'd be amazed how many assumptions are made from what we know to be fiction.
My statement was more geared towards the overall view of the US now after Iraq. But I can totally see what your saying...
Yep, that's all Liberals want to do, spend your money. All conservatives want to do is borrow it from China. What's worse???
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Originally posted by Bengal View PostYou really think that people in Europe or Asia or wherever form their views about the US from US television? That's a bit of a strech...
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Originally posted by Accept2 View PostIf you want to do whatever it takes to let anyone have the oppotunity to debate, why not let the leader of Iran speak with freedom of speech. As for idealogy, yes libertarians are too scary for most Americans...............
Libertarians can get a little scary, but at least their first value is individual choices.
Liberals are more of a threat, because they want to use everyone else's money to redistribute the way THEY see fit.
I prefer to devote my resources, my money, directly as I see fit. Leave the middleman out of it. Since they didn't earn it, they bear no accountability to the giver, or the beneficiary. It's all about self preservation, at that point.
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Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View PostAccept 2, at least recognize that we can even debate these things.
I appreciate that freedom most of all. I can't defend the United States' actions in the world, but I will do whatever it takes to let anyone have the opportunity to debate, and determine their destiny, as we can.
Even though you are a bit north of the frostline in idealogy for my tastes...
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Originally posted by Accept2 View PostWeak?!? No, the world views you as an absolute agressor with a caveman mentality. World politics is like playing chess, but the US doesnt understand that..................
Winston Churchill had the nuts to stand up.
And so on, ad nauseum...
Accept 2, at least recognize that we can even debate these things.
I appreciate that freedom most of all. I can't defend the United States' actions in the world, but I will do whatever it takes to let anyone have the opportunity to debate, and determine their destiny, as we can.
Even though you are a bit north of the frostline in idealogy for my tastes...
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Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View PostLet's both go to the beloved example of freedom, Iran, and have this kind of debate. Because I would have to puke if I hear any more of the hippocracy that comes from the deep corners of either side of the political spectrum.
But we can do it, and we fight for the right to do it.
Achmadeenashad <sp> is just a puppet of the regime, the clerics picked someone who could appeal to the middle class of Iran, when he gets too far out of line, he'll be thrown overboard. It isn't him I get worked up about, it's the kind of anti-americanism that the world loves to propogate, just to be fashionable. Where in the world doesn't everyone bitch about the boss?
It's when people fail to realize, that as flawed as this country is, we still have a thousand percent better chance here than the most of the places that hate us so much. Oh, I've seen it, it's more fashionable to live in this hellhole, on the dole in the form of "grants", and spit in the face of those that made all those "grants" possible. Even worse if those grants are made by corporate dollars. It's hippocracy in it's most infantile form, and it fits the "worldview" that us common ignorant Americans are just sheep.
Fuggit, I'm laughing my way to the bank, and saying what I want while NOT getting my tongue cut off.
I'm going to spin some Yoko Ono LP's.....
Iran is what it is. The middle east is what it is. The fact that our president thinks that democracy will work there is quite laughable...
I'm not concerned about what goes on in Iran. I'm more concerned about places like Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, than Iran. I don't see them as a huge threat. But they see us as one. We would feel the same way too if North Korea came in and invaded Mexico and tried to set up shop. I think we would have a big problem with that...
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Originally posted by Bengal View PostYou really think that people in Europe or Asia or wherever form their views about the US from US television? That's a bit of a strech...
Actually it's rather refreshing to hear foreign propaganda for once. I'm gonna puke if I have to watch another bullshit commercial. Home grown propaganda...
But we can do it, and we fight for the right to do it.
Achmadeenashad <sp> is just a puppet of the regime, the clerics picked someone who could appeal to the middle class of Iran, when he gets too far out of line, he'll be thrown overboard. It isn't him I get worked up about, it's the kind of anti-americanism that the world loves to propogate, just to be fashionable. Where in the world doesn't everyone bitch about the boss?
It's when people fail to realize, that as flawed as this country is, we still have a thousand percent better chance here than the most of the places that hate us so much. Oh, I've seen it, it's more fashionable to live in this hellhole, on the dole in the form of "grants", and spit in the face of those that made all those "grants" possible. Even worse if those grants are made by corporate dollars. It's hippocracy in it's most infantile form, and it fits the "worldview" that us common ignorant Americans are just sheep.
Fuggit, I'm laughing my way to the bank, and saying what I want while NOT getting my tongue cut off.
I'm going to spin some Yoko Ono LP's.....
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Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View PostBingo! That's why the world percieves us as weak!
When a country is given freedom its meaningless. Just look at Iraq. When a country fights within itself for freedom, it means something. Planting a seed in the minds of Iranians is a better chess move than trying to get involved with them in a war, handing freedom over to its citizens, and then having rebellion against you because you've just proven that you are the blood thristy savages the previous dictator said you were.................
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