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WTF is wrong the US

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  • Cygnus X1
    Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
    I think its hilarious that everybody fears Iran and this guy. So what if he came to make a speech, is the US not a place that recognizes freedom of speech, or are Americans wanting Nazi ideals of censorship and supression and lets kill everyone who thinks differently? Besides the media misquotes this guy alot because they like to add fuel to the fire and get you guys all fired up for a lynching................
    I trust the media very little because they are so lazy while chasing ratings.
    But what can you point to that was a "misquote", or are you as snake charmed as Mike Wallace was about this puppet of the Iranian clerics?

    It will be more than hilarious when Pakistan falls, and Iran has both the nuclear facilities and the brains to put it all together. We can all party, then! At least the Soviets were somewhat predictable...

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  • 442w30
    Maybe we can secretly replace him with Joaquim de Almeida (Bucho from "Desperado")?

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  • Super_shredder
    we should send ron out to iran to kick him in the ass

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  • Shawn Lutz
    I wish they would arrest his ass for the TWA Hijackings

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  • zeegler
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    I hate that ugly troll..I wanna beat him up!

    Me too Bill. I want to punch him in the neck.

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  • Accept2
    I think its hilarious that everybody fears Iran and this guy. So what if he came to make a speech, is the US not a place that recognizes freedom of speech, or are Americans wanting Nazi ideals of censorship and supression and lets kill everyone who thinks differently? Besides the media misquotes this guy alot because they like to add fuel to the fire and get you guys all fired up for a lynching................

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  • horns666
    I hate that ugly troll..I wanna beat him up!

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  • shreddermon
    Let him talk all he wants. The more he opens his pie-hole, the more we understand how much he is a lying, snake a-hole.

    The Iranian people are not our enemy. The regime controlling Iran (i.e., the clerical leadership, revolutionary guard reporting to them, etc) are.

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  • horns666
    To give the ILLUSION of "diplomacy" to please a good percentage of goofballs in a world of extreme PC..IMO!

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  • yard dawg
    started a topic WTF is wrong the US

    WTF is wrong the US

    WHY WHY WHY are we letting our enemy talk on our soil??? The president of Iran is spewing his bile at Columbia university. If he is providing aid to the people killing our troops then why dont we take him out?? He is an enemy of the US!!!!!!! DOnt people know that the quoran teaches that a muslim can lie to an infedel. He is Full of S*** and we let him on our soil. That is a slap in the face of the troops who died fighting his kind.