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Star Trek (original)

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  • #16
    What is a dunsel (sp?) and what is the origin of the word? Who is Herbert and who gets called this name?


    • #17
      Dunsel is someone/something that's obsolete. Don't remember who Herbert
      originally was supposed to be,but Kirk is called Herbert by Dr.Severin and
      his "space hippies".........."Carry on to Eden,yeeeaah brothers".....LOL!!
      Always wanted to do a metalish version of that one!!


      • #18
        What was the grain the Tribbles got into in "The trouble with Tribbles"?


        • #19
          Originally posted by uberthrall View Post
          What was the grain the Tribbles got into in "The trouble with Tribbles"?
          Wheat supply ... right ???

          Oh yeah, and the T. in Kirk's name stands for T'pring I think !!!


          • #20
            In 1978, my father was one of the power people that put on a Star Trek Convention in Oakland, CA. This is the same father that put on SciFi Worldcons in the 60's . It's the same father that gave himself a "Hugo" because he Could. Talk about a clash.:ROTF: Here are all these old school SciFi dudes and dudettes coming in contact with a bunch of Trekkies. It was funny as hell. I grew up in a household of REAL SciFi people. Damn. Those people were weird. It scared me straight.:ROTF:
            Last edited by fett; 09-29-2007, 02:57 PM.
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #21
              Originally posted by uberthrall View Post
              What was the grain the Tribbles got into in "The trouble with Tribbles"?
              quattrum tritticali
              the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


              • #22
                Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                Bah, Next Generation was 1000x better.
                you're out of your fucking mind bro

                nothing beats the original, nothing
                the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                • #23
                  Bones= West Virginia
                  Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by skorb View Post
                    quattrum tritticali
                    Quattro tritticalli
                    Why hunt ... when there is no machine gun season?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Strat God View Post
                      In what episode did Kirk actually say
                      "Beam me up Scotty"?

                      FACT_On at least two occasions ("Miri" & "City on the Edge of Forever") the exterior Mayberry set from "The Andy Griffith Show" (1960) was used. In "City," as Kirk walks Edith home, they pass by the easily recognizable courthouse, Floyd's barbershop, Emmett's repair shop, and the grocery

                      Why hunt ... when there is no machine gun season?


                      • #26
                        keep them coming...finally something i'm good at...
                        Why hunt ... when there is no machine gun season?


                        • #27
                          What is the name of the "ice cream cone" the enterprise battles in one episode???
                          Why hunt ... when there is no machine gun season?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by riffraff View Post
                            What is the name of the "ice cream cone" the enterprise battles in one episode???
                            doomsday machine

                            that's too easy...
                            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                            • #29
                              What is Bones' nickname that his old girlfriend (aka saltsucking monster) calls him?

                              What is the element that the life form known as the horta is based on?

                              Who is the person that "Nomad" thinks that Kirk is and refers to him as the creator?

                              Also I believe that Herbert was a very strict ruler of some colony or something and the Hippie guys call spock or Kirk this name because he tries to make them follow some rules of his and they all start chanting, "Herbert, Herbert"

                              And yes a Dunsel is a term used by midshipmen at the starfleet academy to describe a part that has no use. Kirk is referred to as Captain Dunsel after theEnterprise wins a mock battle while being controlled by a new battle computer designed to replace human decisions in battles.

                              BTW, all this does not come from being some sort of Trekkie nerd. Its from years of Channel 11 reruns of the Honeymooners and Star trek every night, most of the time fairly wasted in the 80's. Good old WPIX
                              Last edited by Carbuff; 09-30-2007, 12:19 AM.


                              • #30
                                horta is a silicon based life form, cant remember the rest right now

