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Starting the journey to home ownership.

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  • Starting the journey to home ownership.

    Last Friday, my wife told me that she was going to look at some houses with one of her friends and a realtor who has been emailing her listings for the past 2-3 years. I basically rolled my eyes and went back to work thinking nothing of it. A few hours later, she calls me and insists that I come check out one of the houses as soon as I get off work. I agreed to do this, not expecting much.

    Silly me. After glancing at some listings and not being impressed, or making some suggestions that she didn't care for, we found a place in our price range that wouldn't require either of us to compromise. After the initial showing, I went back two days later with my parents, who are very experienced in house-hunting, moving and remodeling. A day after that, we made an offer. Then we made another offer. The seller (a bank, as this was a foreclosure) was holding out for the full asking price. All of two days later, they changed their mind and accepted. That was this afternoon. After work, we're going to sign some more paperwork. I guess I can cancel the other showings.

    We were going to wait until spring, but I guess opportunity knocked early.

  • #2
    When the time is right it is right. Congrats!!! Now get prepared to sign your name so many times you will hate it.


    • #3
      Congrats! I wish we could finally buy a home.


      • #4
        Yep. Banks hate to own houses. It's if the shoe fits and it's on sale, go Bundy's. Congrats.
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #5
          Congrats on the new home. Right now is the perfect time to buy.

          I wish I had more spare income right now.
          There are some kick ass houses for sale here that I know will be worth major cash in a few years.

          And yea... don't plan on playing guitar for at least a day after the signing.
          My hand was actually sore from signing all the damn paperwork.
          Been in my house 8 years now and don't regret the decision one bit.


          • #6
            With home sales figures going down, probably a good time to buy price-wise. Especially on a foreclosure.

            Congrats, and hope it works out well for you.


            • #7
              I think I signed my full (incl. middle) name more times in one hour on Sunday night than in my entire life combined. I mean, it was obvious that my middle name didn't exactly "flow" with the rest of my signature. And that was only writing up our initial offer!

              Although I had intended to wait until spring so that we could save up some money, I'm willing to endure a few lean months early on. We'll have my wife's bassist/business partner renting a downstairs bedroom from us, which will take some of the burden off. One of the more responsible musicians I've met, and we've known him for a few years now. No major work to be done - almost everything is brand new - and no projects that need attention until after winter unless the final inspection turns anything up.

              I'm looking forward to having a dedicated music room, and hopefully can put together a respectable home studio once we have a firm grasp on our new budget. For the moment, I may have to find out how well guitar cases work as substitute furniture!


              • #8
                Congrats man! Home ownership is well... Painful. But, it's YOURS!!!

                Hope you have a great experience with it all man.


                • #9
                  Congrats! Now is the time to buy. I am selling so I am taking a huge hit just to get ride of my house.
                  It's great when you don't have to do much after you buy it too.


                  • #10
                    Its a buyers market right now and will be for a while. Price may even get better (for the buyer) in the near future. Good luck on buying your home. Can be a paperwork nightmare, but when you carry your bags thru the front door, set them down and realize its yours.........its worth it.

                    Just do what you gotta do...
                    Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


                    • #11
                      Sounds a lot more complicated than it is in the UK. Welcome to the club!
                      Fwopping, you know you want to!

                      VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

                      There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Congratulations! My wife and I just bought our first house a few weeks ago.

                          So the bonuses include: changing whatever I want to in the house (paint, appliances, etc.), being as loud as I want to at 3 in the morning, and having a garage.

                          Non-bonuses: higher bills since I have to pay for water, sewer, trash, insurance, property tax, school tax, and maintenance of the house.

