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Anyone else have family in prison?

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  • #16
    Speaking of distant relations, that reminds me... One of my wife's deadbeat cousins got a girl pregnant about 17 years ago, then never had anything to do with her or the kid. Last year there was a mysterious murder of some guy riding his bike home from work at a restaurant. Turned out it was the 16 year old kid. Didn't know the victim, just felt like shooting somebody, then got busted after bragging about it.


    • #17
      I have a first cousin has been in and out of the pen for the past 12 years or so for drug related charges. It's sad to see what drugs make some people do, but they do it to themselves. First time he got out he came to see me. I had been married a year and was washing dishes at Cracker Barrell while the wife worked at K-Mart. He said he didn't have any money, so he and I went out and bought (put on my credit card when I didn't have two wooden nickels to rub together) him some clothes so he could go to job interviews and look presentable. I shit you not three months later he was right back where he started. After that my sympathy can be found in the dictionary. Burn me once shame on you, but I don't let it happen twice and shame myself.

      My cousin is also not allowed around my house as I don't risk the sticky fingers either Rick.

      A couple of guys I used to work with were heavy into drugs and lost their jobs. One received an ultimatum from his wife to go to the Army or go to jail three years ago, and seems to have turned his life around. The other one is a time bomb waiting to happen.


      • #18
        Originally posted by dg View Post
        No relatives, but a few former employees who I really care about. It tears my heart out to think about their families, especially wives & kids. All drug related.
        that's what's wrong with our society today, none of that should be illegal, what a waste of people, time, energy and money for nothing.

        total idiocy if you ask me.
        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


        • #19
          I think that a lot of "drug related" references doesn't necesarily mean that the offense was possession or trafficking. I have a cousin doing a long time in prison for a crime that he committed while he was on drugs. Would he have done what he did had he not been on drugs? Probably not. Have I not done the same drugs as him, and probably in greater quantities? I probably have. Was it the drugs that made him do it? I don't know, and neither do you. Would I EVER do what he did? Not a chance, I would die first.

          That being said, I totally am for the legalization of all drugs, under semi-regulated control. And when I refer to regulations, I am refering to the producers, not the consumers. People will do drugs, you cannot stop them. If someone chooses to do drugs they should have the right to safe drugs from reputable dealers producing drugs under strict quality control guidelines. They should have a safe enviroment with a positive atmosphere towards their chosen activity. And make sure they can get the help they need should they develop a problem with dependency.


          • #20
            I've had a few coworkers who did time before I met them, and one who came a hair away from going back for aggravated assault, which I actually witnessed the assault. His wife and kids' pleading got him probation, barely. He had to quit drinking too, because the beer set him off.

            The other guys, one did time in state pen for armed robbery of a liquor store, and the other did Federal time for bank robbery. He robbed banks to support a heroin habit that he got in Viet Nam. He hit 16 banks b ut never got caught doing the robberies; his heroin dealer ratted him out when he got busted, to get a lighter sentence. Shouldn't tell people how you get your money, I guess...

            They all cleaned up thier acts and were good guys, but they still had big problems with authority, as in not doing what they were told work-related.

            Big D, your brother's gonna be at least what, 51 when he gets parole? You probably don't feel you owe him anything, but for your mother's sake, at least try to persuade him that he should be a model prisoner, maybe take some college courses inside. He will have 2 strikes against him getting out at that age with a serious criminal record. He will need an exemplary prison record and some good skillsets to be able to rehab when he gets out.

            There's every chance that he won't listen, but again, for your mom, not him, make an effort at least to influence him to make the time count as best he can. That's all you can do, that and give your mom as much moral support as you can. She raised you both, and you are the proof that she did a good job.

            Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers, this can't be easy for you.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ace View Post

              If someone chooses to do drugs they should have the right to safe drugs from reputable dealers producing drugs under strict quality control guidelines. They should have a safe enviroment with a positive atmosphere towards their chosen activity. And make sure they can get the help they need should they develop a problem with dependency.
              People should pay the toll for bad choices. Period.

              If you go blind from jerking the weasel, you should not have jerked the weasel. If you play with fire, you should get burned by it. It's how people learn not to do something that is bad for them.

              If someone wigs out on coke, crack, meth, or even a Miller Lite and ends up with a ruined life, guess what? That is part of the choice.

              I will never ever agree that these activities should not have consequences.

              Should bullets not kill? Should fire not burn? Should gravity not pull so hard that you could die if you jump or fall from a great height?

              Freedom of choice should always include full acceptance of the consequences, whether good or bad.
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #22
                Originally posted by Newc View Post
                People should pay the toll for bad choices. Period.

                If you go blind from jerking the weasel, you should not have jerked the weasel. If you play with fire, you should get burned by it. It's how people learn not to do something that is bad for them.

                If someone wigs out on coke, crack, meth, or even a Miller Lite and ends up with a ruined life, guess what? That is part of the choice.

                I will never ever agree that these activities should not have consequences.

                Should bullets not kill? Should fire not burn? Should gravity not pull so hard that you could die if you jump or fall from a great height?

                Freedom of choice should always include full acceptance of the consequences, whether good or bad.
                These are indisputable truths.


                • #23
                  Yes, my brother keeps going to jail because he's a career criminal, and sucks at his job. I got tired of helping him stay out of trouble, which I've done countless times..but never again!!!

                  He's an asshole..and jail is where assholes go!!!!

                  I love him but he is what he asshole

                  My entire family prefers him there, because he's much safer in jail than the real world..where he has alot of enemies and very bad habbits. Jail is a good thing for him..he likes it..we like it..his own kids like it ..and if you knew him , you'd like it it's a win/win/win/win!!!

                  My brother never met a person he didn't fuck, including his own family..except me, because we both know better.

                  So Fuggums!!!!!!!..
                  Last edited by horns666; 10-16-2007, 10:23 AM.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by horns666 View Post

                    My brother never met a person he didn't fuck,
                    Well, he's in the right place for some of that action!

                    Seriously though, I feel sympathy for those family members left outside who have to carry on and bear the stigma and financial pressures of having a loved one doing serious time. I imagine it is far from easy, they are inescapably linked and punished for someone else's fuckups.
                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post

                      Big D, your brother's gonna be at least what, 51 when he gets parole? You probably don't feel you owe him anything, but for your mother's sake, at least try to persuade him that he should be a model prisoner, maybe take some college courses inside. He will have 2 strikes against him getting out at that age with a serious criminal record. He will need an exemplary prison record and some good skillsets to be able to rehab when he gets out.

                      There's every chance that he won't listen, but again, for your mom, not him, make an effort at least to influence him to make the time count as best he can. That's all you can do, that and give your mom as much moral support as you can. She raised you both, and you are the proof that she did a good job.

                      Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers, this can't be easy for you.
                      Thanks for the kind words, these last few days have been real tough. Not only do I have this crap going on with my bro, but I'm super busy with *my* life which thank god is fairly normal compared to a lot of people I know. I have a family of my own, a day job at Microsoft, a band, and night classes. So I guess the good news is I'm so fucking busy I haven't spent *all* my time worrying about him. Plus he and my folks live about 70 miles from me.

                      So yeah, he'll be in his early 50's when he gets out. I've told him he'll still have a long life ahead of him when he gets out, so he should try and make good use of all that "free" time (pursue a degree, read a lot, etc). I think I have a more optimistic attitude about the whole thing than anyone else (easy for me since I'm not the one getting locked up). But my Mom basically is acting as if he is terminally ill. ugh


                      • #26
                        It's terrible. You see, My brother lost the trust of my father and I.We helped him and bailed him out. He still owes my father 2K for that. Everyone knew about it because we are a very tight family. He always played my sister and mother. Both who have a heart of gold. My sister took him in her home when he didn't have a place to go..Our dad and I strongly advised her not to because she has a family of her own which already "stressed". My sister's compassion outweighed our voice of reason, and she took him in. For that act of love, loyalty and kindness..he stole 15K from her.
                        I love my brother..he is my blood. But he is a piece of shit. Every killer, rapist, and lunatic ..including Jeffery Dahmer and Adloph Hitler were someone's brother, son, father..ect..

                        How many times do you see a mother's plea for someone who shot a innocent child while doing a drive-bye. How many dad's and sons do you see on Dateline trying to fuck 13 year olds..

                        Sometimes the apple of of a mother's eye is actually a turd. As a father of a 13 year old son, who is the most important thing in my life. Is the only person that could bring me either the greatest joy or sorrow. All I can do it try my best as a father ..even if that means giving him a hug or kicking the dick off him..that's MY job!
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

