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What is happening in our schools?

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  • What is happening in our schools?

    Are these people nuts? 11 year old Girls on birth control.

    Pupils at a city middle school will be able to get birth control pills and patches at their student health center after the local school board approved the proposal.

  • #2
    should they get pregnant then?
    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


    • #3
      Originally posted by Endrik View Post
      should they get pregnant then?
      No, not if the parents were doing their job.
      Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


      • #4
        Originally posted by StukaJU87 View Post
        No, not if the parents were doing their job.
        enlighten me please
        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


        • #5
          Well, most parents are just not up to the job. At least here in Germany, and I guess it'll be more or less the same in the US.
          I'd rather the schools give out birth control pills to the daughters of such families than have more teenage mothers. That's just a perfectly good way to fuck up your life early on, and that of the newborn as well. Those fortunate enough to have competent parents are not likely to end up using the service, and it's definitely a good idea for those who are/would be dumb enough to conceive children at such an age. Which is another problem all in itself...


          • #6
            11 year olds should not be having sex. Period ! This is insane. For any adult to condone birth control in a public school is Crazy. I agree that it's worse if they get pregnant but this is not the answer. This is fucking bizarre.


            • #7
              One for sure sign that you are getting older is when stuff like this starts to happen and you just don't understand how they could possibly do this.

              I'm guessing kids have sex in middle school now. Damn I wish I was a kid nowadays.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                enlighten me please
                Dude, with all due respect, you need enlightenment on the fact that if 11 year old kids are having sex, the parents are not doing a proper job of raising them?
                Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                • #9
                  I guess you're right, i'm shocked more than anything. As much as I bitched about my parents being strict, I truly need to thank them for instilling good morals and more of a conservative ideaology. I think i'm turning into a hypocrit.


                  • #10
                    My daughter will grow up having enough self respect and a healthy dose of fear that she will not be fucking at age 11.

                    Parents don't parent anymore. They send them off to school so the teachers can raise them.

                    It's fucking disgusting.

                    And last time I checked, dispensing birth control pills without a prescription from a doctor is illegal.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jacksoncsplayer View Post
                      11 year olds should not be having sex. Period ! This is insane. For any adult to condone birth control in a public school is Crazy. I agree that it's worse if they get pregnant but this is not the answer. This is fucking bizarre.
                      this is the most "adventurous" time in person's life... don't you remember what happened when you were that old?

                      parents can teach you and warn you but that doesn't mean the kid still doesn't do something wich he/she shouldn't (according to parents)... it's not like the kids are killing other people... but everyone likes to do something wich they are told not to do

                      I have helluva cool parents and they did an awesome job raising me... still it didn't stop me having sex when I was 10.

                      There are a lot of kids who are very young and having sex... more than you know or are willing do admit.

                      I personally support that the school is giving out birth control pills 100%

                      Yeah there are a lot of people who don't like that idea.... but a fucking pregnant child would be a a lot worse PERIOD.

                      Too much people are worried too much about their morale values rather than thinking rationally and preventing the real disaster.

                      Hey it can be worse... there's tons of 9 year old kids who are sniffing glue and stealing shit... but I guess in today's hyper conservative world it isn't as hot news as mating 11 year olds.
                      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                      • #12
                        Not a chance dude! I'm not buying it and I damn sure wont condone a goverment system giving my child Birth Control at the age of 11 especially without my consent. I parent my kids and I teach them the value of self respect. This is entirely unacceptable and we keep getting weaker and weaker. This Country is losing it's moral integrity and our kids have no clue what integrity is because half the parents don't have any. Kids are not adults, as much as they want to be, they are not adults and every once in a while they need to be taken down a notch and taught that there are a different set of rules. Fucking at 11 is a rule you better not break !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                          I personally support that the school is giving out birth control pills 100%
                          I don't.
                          It's not the school, or the tax payers responsibility to provide birth control to anyone.

                          That is a medical decision that is made by the parents of the MINOR child.

                          Also, not all females can take the pill. The side effects are not common to all girls and to some, can be deadly.

                          Again... the PARENTS should be taking the lead on this. Either raise your kids (boys and girls) right, or PAY for the fucking pills yourself.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                            this is the most "adventurous" time in person's life... don't you remember what happened when you were that old?

                            parents can teach you and warn you but that doesn't mean the kid still doesn't do something wich he/she shouldn't (according to parents)... it's not like the kids are killing other people... but everyone likes to do something wich they are told not to do

                            I have helluva cool parents and they did an awesome job raising me... still it didn't stop me having sex when I was 10.

                            There are a lot of kids who are very young and having sex... more than you know or are willing do admit.

                            I personally support that the school is giving out birth control pills 100%

                            Yeah there are a lot of people who don't like that idea.... but a fucking pregnant child would be a a lot worse PERIOD.

                            Too much people are worried too much about their morale values rather than thinking rationally and preventing the real disaster.

                            Hey it can be worse... there's tons of 9 year old kids who are sniffing glue and stealing shit... but I guess in today's hyper conservative world it isn't as hot news as mating 11 year olds.
                            It's people with this kind of mindset that are running certain schoolboards and town councils. This is the kind of thing that happens when people don't bother to vote. With rare exception a very small, but vocal minority from the very far left come down the same way on issues like lemmings following Marx and Engles from the birth of communism.
                            And it's people like this that love to drag out the accusation that conservatives are "close-minded", "prejiduced", "infantile", in their thinking when they are actually exposed on issues like this. To me, conservatism is all about personal choices. And the parents are the ones who have the responsibility for the choices of their children. Not "the state".
                            Giving away condoms, birth control,needles, drugs, or whatever is patently approving the activity it supports. And it undermines the authority of the parent by instilling into the CHILD that if the "State" says it's ok, then the parents must be wrong. It's just scary, the fact that some people will turn over their authority to government, and then defend it to others.


                            • #15
                              Eh - it's more complicated than either side makes it out to be. Most people are capable of making these decisions before they turn 18, but the law has to apply to the lowest common denominator so it ends up being silly. I don't really see any 11 year olds being that mature, but probably by 13 or so a lot of people would be. It's impossible to apply the same strict set of guidelines to everyone or you end up with a lot of problems.

