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What is happening in our schools?

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  • #31
    Drug users SHOULD get dirty needles. I don't care if they die from it. They all made the choice, they should have to live with it.

    Why should I care if an 11 year old gets pregnant? It serves them right for not being able to control themselves.

    It's all personal choice, yes, but there should be bad consequences for bad choices. Kids should not be having sex because they are not mentally or emotionally responsible enough to handle the consequences (pregnancy). There should not be an "easy way out" of these situations for kids such as abortions and birth control or even condoms. Self-control and a logical thought process should be the only protection needed.

    It's the 21st century - I think it's safe to stop acting like monkeys and start acting like the highly-developed species we are.
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #32
      Originally posted by Newc View Post
      Drug users SHOULD get dirty needles. I don't care if they die from it. They all made the choice, they should have to live with it.

      Why should I care if an 11 year old gets pregnant? It serves them right for not being able to control themselves.

      It's all personal choice, yes, but there should be bad consequences for bad choices. Kids should not be having sex because they are not mentally or emotionally responsible enough to handle the consequences (pregnancy). There should not be an "easy way out" of these situations for kids such as abortions and birth control or even condoms. Self-control and a logical thought process should be the only protection needed.

      It's the 21st century - I think it's safe to stop acting like monkeys and start acting like the highly-developed species we are.
      Exactly!! Very bad cecisions should have very bad consequences!


      • #33
        Originally posted by jacksoncsplayer View Post
        Exactly!! Very bad cecisions should have very bad consequences!
        But the problem is society has to pay for those bad decisions. And that is the rub. I won't comment one way or the other about the "Pill" thing. You people have kids. All I can say is; Raise them well.
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Endrik View Post
          I have helluva cool parents and they did an awesome job raising me... still it didn't stop me having sex when I was 10.

          I have to disagree with you here, if you were having sex with anything other than your own hand or some random inanimate object at age 10, then no, your parents did not do an "awesome job" of raising you.


          • #35
            I'm 22 and still a virgin. I can't comprehend people that young having sex. Back in middle school I never heard anything about people having sex. Times change fast.


            • #36
              Damn..... is it even possible for normal, 11 year-old (human) girls to get pregnant??

              damn hormones in cheeseburgers and milk......
              WTFHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah, that must be it!!!!
              "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
              The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


              • #37
                It's scary to think of this being the reality, but need usually precedes action in these cases so the problem must exist.

                As for parents, society today gives kids the weapon to get their parents right off their back. All they have to do is cry "abuse" and it's the parents facing questioning from the authorities and maybe jail. Hard to be a disciplinarian when we have a new form of Hitler Youth in the land.

                Not that I'm not for kids being able to report real abuse, but the kids aren't dumb. The kids who need the pill will have parents who run the range from good and conscientious to druggies who won't touch their kids out of fear of cops coming over about abuse and finding the meth lab.

                It's both because of the irresponsibility of some parents, and the fact that most parents today are afraid to impose real discipline, that the situation exists where we have to worry about pregnant 11-year-olds.

                Denying the existence of the problem by saying it shouldn't be like that does nothing to address the current problem.

                I AM concerned about girls starting on BC at 11 though. Risk of stroke is real, especially if they also smoke, which a lot of teens do for at least some time.

                Funny thing is, these schools have already been passing out condoms to these kids for some time, and that somehow didn't arouse an uproar. So if condoms are okay, why NOT birth control pills?
                Ron is the MAN!!!!


                • #38
                  I have some friends who are teachers in a local school district. One of the most affluent districts around here, I might add. Many parents driving BMWs, Mercedes, Lexus, etc. Big coin.

                  A couple of years ago, the teachers were tipped off to some student-authored websites. They were swapping sites! This lead to the discovery of how many students had organized themselves into swapping circles. They'd join up in a circle of 5 or 10 friends, and the kids would swap sexual partners within their circle at will. No commitments, no relationships - just sex with anyone in the circle at will. The circles made them feel "safe" about who their partners were, and allowed them to "experiment" at will. Some swapping circles would "go farther" than others. ...Middle-schoolers, folks!


                  • #39
                    Passing out condoms was never a good idea either, but condoms are not a chemical that can cause strokes and other side-effects like a pill does. Doesn't make passing them out right either way.

                    Giving boys a condom just gives them the OK to bone, or rape, and/or try out their pickup/coersion lines on little girls - "But I want to show you how much I love you!" and all that crap.

                    Bad parents instill the idea that a man isn't a man until he's had sex, and that sex turns a boy into a man instantly.

                    There's more to being a "man" than dipping your noodle - if you cannot financially support the child that is all-too-possible, you're not a man. If you're not willing to step up and commit to a long-term relationship (marriage) for the sake of the child you sire, and are unable/unwilling to support your newfound family entirely by yourself without help from Mommy and Daddy, you're not a man.
                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                    My Blog:


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                      it's been like this since the beginning of the time and I think no one has the solution how everyone in this world can live in an enviorment where their morale values and views rule.
                      democracy seems to be the best way in the world... but it has some really bad sides.... only the majority get what they want (on one specific point) and the others are fucked.

                      you seem to make that 11 year olds having sex is the worst thing....
                      kids doing drugs etc. has lead to death in many cases.... that's a lot worse
                      also kid with a needle in his/her hand can land in jail, kid who is having sex doesn't

                      to prevent teen pregnacy and STDs you can't forbid sex, you have to make sure that they are aware of the risks and can protect themselves.
                      fucked up views how relationships work is very individual and aren't caused by the age when one lost his/her virginity.
                      I pretty fucking sure every parent has told their kids to not do drugs... yet here in California pretty much everyone I know is doing heavy drugs... no matter what age, gender or class.
                      You can't stop people from taking drugs... but you can make them be more cautious. I know a lot of pharmacies and clinics are giving out free cyringes for junkies... they all know they shoot smack... but is it better if they are doing it with dirty old/hiv infected needle?
                      you can't stop everyone from having sex but you can provide them condoms etc.

                      I disagree about the majority getting what they want. It wasnt the majority that removed what used to be the standard of right and wrong from schools. Its was 1 woman. It wasnt the majority that allowed blacks more freedom in the south. It was one woman. It wasnt the majority that caused the civil war. The whole south was the majority but still had to fight a war because people up north didnt like that they wanted to secceed(sp) from the union. Its not the majority who want gays to be allowed to marry. Its not the majority who want this iraq war. Its not the majority who want junkies to have clean needles paid for by tax money. Its not the majority who want kids at 11 to get pills. Afirmative action isnt a majority decision. Public schools having a monopoly isnt the majority choice. Most want vouchers to choose. Its not the majority who want outsourcing and open borders where any illegal can bring there diseases and other crap here then get free healthcare at the majoritys expense. The majority rules is a fallacy. Its the loudest whiners who rule. All they need is a liberal judge and they get what they want.

                      If history teaches us anything its that political corruption and everything goes morally brings down a nation. When people found out they could vote themselves freebies from the govt, is when we started the downward spiral. It will never get better only worse.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                        As for parents, society today gives kids the weapon to get their parents right off their back. All they have to do is cry "abuse" and it's the parents facing questioning from the authorities and maybe jail. Hard to be a disciplinarian when we have a new form of Hitler Youth in the land.
                        I don't know about Mississippi but here in California (one of the most liberal states there is) Reports of abuse, and I'm talking real serious abuse. (I used to be supervisor at the local Juvenile Hall) Are ignored by CPS unless they show up and the kid is actively being raped with a chainsaw or something similar.


                        • #42
                          This is a simple argument. 11 year olds are NOT smart or mature enough to realize the ramifications of their actions. Period. End of story. Try and argue that point, I dare you.

                          Giving out birth control at that age is FUCKING DISGUSTING. But whats worse is that some of you are for it. That makes me fucking sick, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Its people like that that turn our society into what it has already become, a moralless sex and money grubbing self centered ignorant people.

                          Thanks alot, makes me feel REAL fucking good about my baby who is 5 months away from being born. Ill have to teach him/her to stay away from people like you. Ill instill the morals in my kid, not let the school system and morally absent people do it for me.
                          Last edited by RobRR; 10-20-2007, 09:51 AM.
                          Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by RobRR View Post
                            Thanks alot, makes me feel REAL fucking good about my baby who is 5 months away from being born. Ill have to teach him/her to stay away from people like you. Ill instill the morals in my kid, not let the school system and morally absent people do it for me.

                            I wish all new parents had that attitude


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RobRR View Post
                              Ill instill the morals in my kid, not let the school system and morally absent people do it for me.
                              That is exactly what we crazy liberals advocate. The whole point is we want to allow you to teach and hold (almost) any morals you want. We are against legislating morality besides very extreme cases like murder, etc.

                              If you aren't hurting me, I don't care what you believe. Ultra conservative people can teach their kids whatever they want (within reason) just don't try to turn those principles into laws for everyone else's kids... let us also teach our kids whatever we want (also within reason).

                              If your morals are so important and universally obvious then why do you need to legislate them?


                              • #45
                                All very strong positions taken here. Morals, conservatism, liberalism etc. I read lots about parents reponsability, responsability of society, schools, etc. Are the ones that are the subject to this discussion left out?

                                What can a 11 year child do, that lives in an environment where things are less than perfect? Will we say it shall face the consequences of it´s behaviour?

                                If everything would run easy everywhere, we wouldn´t need a government, constitution etc. If todays society provides an environment for the average 11 year old, that having sex is the regular thing to do at that age, it´s thrown into a situation that probably isn´t the result of the childs behaviour. It´s a society created by grown ups that lead to this situation. One might know what lead to this, but that alone doesn´t help any child.

                                If society is like that today we as adults/parents must take our resonsibility to give ALL children the best possible chances. This goal will probably not be achieved by just condemning certain actions or opinions.

                                I am not not at all convinced that BC is a good thing for 11 year olds, but moral principles alone will not be sufficient, if that´s a reality that our children have to face these days.

