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This is bizarre

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  • This is bizarre

    Ok, I live in NY. So this whole Joe Torre story has been a big deal around here. (not to me) So, Im watching TV and the show is interupted for some breaking story. Ok, usually this is for some major news story or the president is speaking or something that is really relevant to the people. So, what is it? Its F*#king Joe Torre,s press conference as to why he turned down the Skankees offer. Sometimes I really hate this state. Its stuff like this that gives this state a bad name. With all the crap thats happening in this world the media thinks that this is so important as to break into normal programming for. Ok, so we need to break programming to find out why someone didnt want to accept 8 million dollars to sit in a dugout next season. Sports are a friggin joke. The NY media is a joke. This only makes me hate the skankees even more. I hope they all die. fuggum.

  • #2
    Joe has his principles.:ROTF: What an ass. There are probably scores of managers in all levels of baseball that could manage every bit as well as he does who would work for a lot less.:ROTF: The whole thing is a joke.
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • #3
      Well, it is all about the money. He will get huge offers from other clubs and he would be stupid to settle for what he sees as a slap in the face from the Steinbrankees. The problem I have is that this whole stupid thing is being forced down the throat by the media to an audience that at best 50% give a hoot. Dont make the mistake of thinking that all those rappers and wannabee gangstas that wear all the Yankee stuff reall give a rats ass about the Yankees. Its just an image thing for them. Theyre posers, but we already knew that.


      • #4
        Still suffering from the Phillies debacle........:ROTF: :ROTF: .

        Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


        • #5
          Ha, I guess I deserve that one. But really, I was fine until they broke into my tv show for this stuff.They crossed the line. They must pay!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Carbuff View Post
            Ha, I guess I deserve that one. But really, I was fine until they broke into my tv show for this stuff.They crossed the line. They must pay!

            Go get'em Car............. .
            Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


            • #7
              I didn't even know WTH you were talking about til I got to the word "dugout"
              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

