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Playing gigs... some questions.

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  • Playing gigs... some questions.

    So Ive just started giging. Im loving it! Mentally, Im never even the least bit nervous. Physically, my first show I had a hard time playing because I guess my body was nervous, but it seems every show Im playing better and better.

    But last night was wierd. We traveled almost 5 hours to play a show in Cumberland MD with a "friend" band Bloodbourne and some other band Blankly. We played there once before (before I joined) and people loved us.

    So last night comes, and the first band goes on. They were horrible... the singer/guitarist was playing a tele through a 5150... riiiiiight. They just werent talented players, but they had a good crowd. So Im watching and thinking to myself, hey... well have just as good a crowd as were MUCH better than them.

    So we go on... starts off good, we had tons of energy and the crowd seemed to as well... but after the 3rd song, alot of people disappeared. Even the "friend" band who was really psyched to have us again was nowhere to be seen.

    Obvously we were kinda confused about this, but we kept on playing. We were really tight and played great! Towards the end there were some more people there, but not as much as at first.

    After packing up, we got to talking. We were really disapointed. Now, I know we played great and sounded great (we watched our video to make sure lol), but what went wrong?

    All we could think of was this... the first band was kind of punkish... the last band was straight up death metal. We on the other hand, are just metal... really cant classify us in a specific genre of metal, Ive tried. But maybe those people were either fans of one or the other? I guess this kinda stuff happens...

    We suspect that most of the people were outside smoking up while we were playing, as thats all they really do around there. But what kinda upset us was the fact that we traveled a long way and the band that brought us down didnt even really support us.

    Eh I guess Im just rabling on here... any input?
    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...

  • #2
    Its all about rivalry. Many times other bands encourage their friends and fans to leave when their set is over. Other times its just about friends coming to see their friends band. When their band is done for the night.. they leave.
    One thing you need to learn about playing live in clubs is that its not what you know or how good you are.. its more about how many of your friends come out to see you play. Most people either don't know or are too hammered to know if you are playing a song correctly.


    • #3
      yeah, what he gotta build your own crowd. my band plays a show every weekend, either opening for some touring band or playing our own shows. our OWN crowd is spotty at best, and rather difficult to get to come out a lot. it is nice when we can play opening slots for national bands, because our fan base usually grows for the exposure. my singer pimps our myspace and our .com every couple of songs. that has helped a lot in getting us a following. last night we played a show after the hockey game....right across the street from the arena. it was a differnet type of gig for us, but we picked up a TON of potential "fans". our myspace visits jumped up around 300 hits since last night. we gave away some was great exposure. playing out-of -town is MUCH harder though. you gotta play somewhere A LOT and have a promotion gimmick to get people into you. we give away CD's when we go outta town...we lose money, a lot, but it helps because when we go back, we can look at our e-amil list and contact people. we also will drop e-amils when anything is updated on our .com or keeps us fresh in people's minds. seems to work...

      as far as the friend band....we play shows with a certain band a lot. their drummer used to ours, he left on good terms to join this other band. we were cool with that...ANYWAY, his new band NEVER sticks around to watch us. they stay a song or two, then bolt. it is a part of the "game" sorry to say...

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        What you need to do is have lots more beer before you go on, then you won't give a fuck.*

        Remember not to be too hard on the other band, it's easy to say they should have watched you but it's a different story when you come offstage, you have a totally different frame of mind. Cliched to say it, but it's like coming down off a nice buzz, you either want to go and chill out somewhere quiet, or soak up all the praise your toadies heap upon you. It's fucking difficult to simply go and stand and watch another band, unless they are absolutely amazing and you haven't seen them before. (Not saying you aren't amazing, of course )

        I remember when I was in a band (back before the days of electricity), all I was interested in was getting more lager down my neck, or as I got older, making sure all MY kit went into OUR van and no-one was strolling off with my guitars. It would usually be two bands further down the bill before I actually got out front (to heckle and throw stuff).

        SO long as you played a blinder, it doesn't matter anyway, the one person watching you might be a scout, he doesn't give a shit about band politics and fan tribes, he'll just see the talent, so play every gig like it's Wembley Arena regardless of turnout.

        *Warning, may induce complete indifference as to what song, key you are playing and encourage you to spend most of the set mooning at the crowd, or simply play bollock naked. Guess how I know this.
        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

        I nearly broke her back


        • #5
          Just to add, the "friend" band went on AFTER us. Thats what I mean... they were all there already. I mean hell, we were staying at the guys house after the show, he's known the other guitarist for like 10 years. Just thought it was kinda... eh i dunno.

          I didnt take it personally... we KNOW we played good and thats what matters the most. We always give out CD's and bring tons of merch for cheap.
          Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


          • #6
            Were you up against a home stage advantage? If so, it's hard to win. Some gigs are just better than others.
            "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
            I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


            • #7
              I live in Michigan. Around here the cops are busting people for drunk driving so much, alot of people are leaving the bars long before closing time. It's just not wise to be on the road just after closing time.


              • #8
                We are doing a 3 band gig in 2 weeks. We are opening up. Basically.. we are doing the show so that we can sell our CD's. I am sure that much of the crowd won't be showing until after we are done. Thats cool. As long as we can sell CD's all night which is part of the agreement.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dironifish View Post
                  I live in Michigan. Around here the cops are busting people for drunk driving so much, alot of people are leaving the bars long before closing time. It's just not wise to be on the road just after closing time.
                  Um, that's a good thing isn't it, that the Law are nailing drunk drivers? If there are that many out there that driving is dangerous after closing time, then there is obviously a BIG problem there. Generally speaking, the kind of twat who drives whilst pissed is a danger at ANY time of the day, especially if he is a soak, he'll be over the limit all the time.

                  Or do you mean, "it's just not wise to be on the road just after closing time because you and all the other people who have had a few bevvies have to run the gauntlet of traffic patrols "? Tut Tut!
                  So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                  I nearly broke her back


                  • #10
                    Well it's a money game. Here if you drink 2 beers you're legally drunk. First offense will cost you about 3 grand, second offense you go to prison!


                    • #11
                      So you know the solution then, only have 1 beer. Better still, especially reading another thread on here about a fatal car accident, simply don't have any beer when you are driving. Anything that impairs your driving is increasing your chances of ending up on the slab, or worse, killing/maiming some poor innocent minding their own business.

                      I hate to be a po-faced arsehole, but anyone who worries about affording a 3K fine rather than the possible outcome of driving home over the limit needs a good kick in the nuts. That punishment (the fine and prison, not the kick in the nuts) is there to discourage fucktards from getting into their car after a few bevvies, you should applaud it, it's for the benefit of you and your family, and everyone around you. I fail to see the reason a place empties before the last band plays can possibly be tough drink/drive laws.

                      I can be a total piss artist, but don't drink at all when I'm driving, and guess what? It doesn't stop me enjoying any band I go to see, despite what I may have told myself when I was 18. Rolling out another cliche - I don't need to get pissed to have a good night out. (And if I do get hammered, it usually turns into the kind of night that I can't remember anyway!)

                      So, drink orange juice, enjoy all the bands on the bill, and drive home safely. Simple.
                      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                      I nearly broke her back


                      • #12
                        I see the whole moving crowd here in Ireland sometimes. It seems to have little to do with the music. People will leave for a quieter place to have a drink/smoke after a band they came to see. I also see plenty of people going after they saw their friends instead of sticking around.
                        Sometimes bands don't stick around if they are on next, they head off to warm up together somewhere quiet.
                        If I'm playing a gig, I try and make it a point to see all the bands if I can. I mean if you're not willing to support someone else, then you don't deserve to be supported by them either.
                        We played first of 3 bands at our last 2 gigs. We just started gigging again with a new singer and so started off with short sets. It sucks to play to an empty room but in fairness every gig is a gig. You'll win over a few minds if your good enough, even tough people leave a few will stick around.

