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Why are people so stupid

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  • Why are people so stupid

    A close friend of the family was hit by a car and killed yesterday as she walked near her home. The person that hit her - a 21 year old guy that didn't scrape the frost off the window. He couldn't see where he was going, was driving in the wrong lane, at a high rate of speed, lost control and went off the road and hit her. She was just starting to get her life back together after finally getting a divorce and getting away from an abusive husband. He said he had no idea what he had hit until he got out of the car.

    So far he's charged with driving with an obstructed windshield and driving in the wrong lane.

    How is it people have not only so little concern for others but so little concern for themselves? To drive well over the speed limit when you can't see out the windshield? That's just asking for something horrible to happen.

  • #2
    Where is it written that life should be fair? And I don't mean that in a sarcastic way. You know that better than most people. There is not a whole lot anyone can do when there are people out there that just screw people's lives up or, worse yet, kill them. I'm a big advocate of personal responsibility. This driver has no excuse.
    Last edited by fett; 10-30-2007, 04:31 PM.
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • #3
      That's just horrible. I was watching the late news last night and the weather broadcaster said he was following a car and the driver was reaching out the side of the window scraping the windshield with a credit card!
      It only takes about 2 minutes to completely scrape all your windows. It comes down to people are just in too much of a rush.


      • #4
        I hear you.
        Why do grown men rape little girls?
        Why do gang members snuff competitive gang members?
        Why do Jihadist parents send their children our strapped with bombs to kill as many as possible?'s sick out there, and getting sicker.........
        Strat God Music


        • #5
          My new car has the following which will never leave me having to drive with a frozen windshield:

          1) remote start with automatic climate adjustment according to the weather (i.e run defrosters and seat warmers when its cold, AC and seat coolers when its hot).

          2) Heated windshield washer fluid to melt ice on the windshield.

          The few minutes longer it takes for a windshield to thaw are def. worth it, this is a perfect example.


          • #6
            I dont know. I was in a fender bender with a friend because he started to clean his windshield while driving down the street. We were only teenager so I guess we got a pass on that one. This is beyond reason though. I think a younger driver would have had more sense that to do this.


            • #7
              As bad as this was, that road tends to be kind of busy in the mornings - school buses, kids waiting for the buss and people going to work. It's one thing people taking chances with their own lives - it is still stupid, but they aren't hurting anyone else. But those that do stupid things with a possiblity of injuring or killing someone else - that's assinine. There was a case here in Chicago where a girl - like 23 - was either suicidal or rushing to her psychiatrist depending on who you talk to. She was going extreme speeds and hit the back of a car at a stop light - killing the 3 guys in the stopped car. All three were local musicians as well as holding day jobs.

              It's like people forget just what kind of damage a car can do. Or anything else can do with it's used without caution. It's like the people throwing bricks and bowling balls off of overpasses at cars. That whole "Gee I didn't think anybody would get hurt." statement is way over used.

              And no life most definitely isn't fair - lord knows I know that well enough. But this kind of stupidity is just unreal.


              • #8
                Wow, that's incredibly sad and incredibly stupid! My condolences.


                • #9
                  Sorry to hear this, my thoughts and prayers to you and your friend. The driver in that case should be charged with negligent homicide IMO. It's a pretty predictable thing that if you can't see you might hit someone.

                  Again, I'm sorry for your loss. At least she did get away from the abuser before she died. Maybe the fact that she died breathing free air, so to speak, can be a consolation.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    People get worse all the time, or so it seems. My thoughts are with you.


                    • #11
                      I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Mrs T. It seems that idiot drivers are not a local phenomena
                      Hail yesterday


                      • #12
                        If you can't see out the windshield just do an Ace Ventura and put your head out the window


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                          If you can't see out the windshield just do an Ace Ventura and put your head out the window
                          Not really funny in the context of this thread. Not really jumping on you either bro, but if you can not see out the wind shield or mirrors for that matter, the car should not be moving........AT ALL. Period.

                          I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Kristi. God bless.
                          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                          • #14
                            It's that time of year here in Seattle where the windows fog up on both sides. And they ice up while driving. I defrost and scape but this time of year scares me. I am so careful and I will pull over to clear the windshield. That is only common sense. That trait is getting harder to find.
                            Last edited by fett; 10-30-2007, 03:49 PM.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.


                            • #15
                              Common sense is indeed a rare commodity today. I would think the guy would get charged with Negligent Driving, Vehicular Manslaughter or something like that. I sure hope so! You have to be pretty f-ing dumb to do something like this. If I can't see, I don't drive until the windows are clear. Period.

                              I am sorry to hear about this, it is indeed sad to lose someone like this. So unnecessary, and it would have only taken the idiot a minute or two to clear the windows.

                              IMO, it is the 'ME' society (or mentality). Nobody else matters except for that person, and they do stupid shit without regard to consequences to others. I see this far too often, and it is a selfish attitude to have.

