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Why are people so stupid

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  • #16
    Last summer mt Uncle was killed by a kid 21 or 22 that couldn't see when trying to pull out at an intsection so he just gunned it anyways taking his chances. He pulled out right infront of my Uncle who swerved to miss him and ran head on into a minivan. He died while they were using the jaws of life to get him out of the car.



    • #17
      First I want to thank you all. You guys are a great venting board.

      Well so far the guy has only been ticketed with driving in the wrong lane and driving with an obstructed windshield. There is still a coroner's inquest and police investigation of some sort, but that's all that's happened so far.

      We now live in a world where people really don't seem to care about anyone else. People don't know their neighbors and could not care less what happens around them. It was kind of strange at my parents Friday night - we got in late, almost 1 AM. Their neighbors across the street actually looked out, the husband came to the door to make sure nothing weird was going on. It takes a small town of 1100 or so people for someone to keep an eye out.


      • #18
        It's not fair at all. People just don't realize how one second can be fine and then .......... Whatever I do, I take an extra 2 or 3 seconds before I do anything. I can't tell you how many times I have been 1 second away from being T-Boned at intersections.
        I am a true ass set to this board.


        • #19
          "Why is it called common sense when it's so rare?"

          Sorry to hear about it, Mrs T.

          I use this stuff from WalMart calle HEET. It's a de-icer in a spray can. Hose yer windows and wait like 5 seconds.

          I usually buy a case of it and leave it in my trunk, then pass them out at work when everyone's scraping their windshields.

          Also works great on wasps in the Summer. Kills them in like 3 seconds.

          Unfortunately, this stuff gets no advertisement. All you see are the commercials for the windshield washer fluid that shows ice dissolving in seconds, with the "Dramatization" in the corner. HEET does it for real, and it only takes a second.

          Buy some, pass it out wherever you see scrapers, and help spread the word about it because it can prevent things like this.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #20
            That's why i don't have a driver's license and don't intend to get one.

            With my increasing concentration/mental fatigue troubles, i'd be a pretty dangerous driver.
            "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
            The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."


            • #21
              Sorry to hear that Mrs.T
              In Louisville Ky the other day a big truck ran over a construction worker and a police saftey officer killed them both.Things like this are so sad.
              Really? well screw Mark Twain.


              • #22
                My brother in law likes to send me odd stuff he trips across on the net. About a month ago he sent a vid clip from an intersection camera. A person was crossing through the crosswalk, minding their own business. Other cars were stopped at the light when an idiot ran the light, hitting another car that was legally crossing the intersection, which then flipped over and creamed the person in the crosswalk, obviously killing them. It was disturbing to see, I can tell you that. I will never forget it.

                Just walking along, minding your own business when a vehicle rolls over you and grinds you into pulp, all in a heartbeat. It was sickening to see.

                One day two summers ago, I was visiting my sis up near Deer Park, Washington. I was filling up at a gas station, and I looked over towards the setting sun (and the highway there). Just that second a guy in a Chevy truck turned into the station, right in front of a small Mazda SUV. It was almost surreal, you could see the mist of glass, parts, antifreeze and dust just explode in a glowing orange cloud (from the setting sun). The SUV was at speed (60), but they barely moved from where the collision happened.

                Myself and some other patrons at the station ran over to render assistance. The guy in the truck was fine, his passenger front corner had been pegged and he was wearing his seat belt. The passenger of the SUV was stunned, and we helped him out of the SUV (we insisted he sit but he was afraid of the smoking mess), and he looked pretty good for just having an airbag go off in his face. The driver of the vehicle was saved by the airbag, but all I will remember is her saying over and over 'My legs! My legs!', just sobbing her head off. We did our best to calm her, but there was no moving her as her legs were jammed into/under the dash, and they were badly broken (as we later found out), but luckily no skin breaks from the broken bones.

                I ran back to my car as I always have a small fire extinguisher in it, though we did not need it. The whole thing was something that sticks in my mind, and always will. I will always remember the haze that enveloped the cars on impact, and the impressive release of energy from the collision.

                Makes me shiver thinking about it.


                • #23
                  Ownership of a motor vehicle should be a hard-earned privilege, and not a "right". A disturbingly large percentage of people are fucking idiots, and should not be allowed to control anything more lethal than a pushbike.


                  • #24
                    unfortunately humans are stupid...we like to think we'e highly intelligent and evolved creatures when we're not really, we're just as stupid as the next guinea pig.

                    also, and without being racist...only in america would someone do something as stupid as that lol what is it with you guys!? thats almost like the guy who crashed his car because he thout it had autoipilot and would therefoe drive itself on a busy motorway so he climbed into the back seat to do stuff. you really do have some of the stupidest pl going.

                    talking of ownership of a vehicle being aright, i'm fed up of families in britain driving huge trucks round a tiny estate and having 4 cars parked in their driveway - i think there should be a limit on cars per houshold. i alspo think old ppl should not be allowed cars, they can't see and they're bloody dangerous - other day we had some blind tit on the road just pulling into lanes depsite the fact there was a car right next to themn tooting away literally opposite, this old lady pretty much drove straight into the car, then came out again and nearly drove into us. it was ridiculous. my mum works in a hospital and one woman had a car accisent because her husband who was driving has fucking ALZHEIMER's and crashed there car when he went funny for a bit!!! of all the fucking things!! and she didn't see that there could be any problem with this whatsoever - apparently she'd been leting him drive like this for years with advanced alzheimer's?!?! you just think christ almighty


                    • #25
                      The general public is as good as a hole in a fence for the most part. What a tradgedy. dumber than clamspit I tell you.
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                        also, and without being racist...only in america would someone do something as stupid as that lol what is it with you guys!? you really do have some of the stupidest pl going.

                        other day we had some blind tit on the road just pulling into lanes depsite the fact there was a car right next to themn tooting away literally opposite, this old lady pretty much drove straight into the car, then came out again and nearly drove into us.

                        one woman had a car accisent because her husband who was driving has fucking ALZHEIMER's and crashed there car when he went funny for a bit!!! of all the fucking things!! and she didn't see that there could be any problem with this whatsoever - apparently she'd been leting him drive like this for years with advanced alzheimer's?!?!
                        First you say America has some of the stupidest people. Then you rattle off two stories from the jolly old UK about equally stupid people. Nice way to bolster an argument.
                        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                        • #27
                          well we're not AS stupid... :P

                          i think we just have a stupid policy towards driving here...i think the law should stop people driving after a certain age, i also think the elderly should be kept in a safe padded place where they won't cause any harm to themselves lol

                          seriously tho who starts driving when they can't see out of their windscreen?? i don't think we've stooped to that level of dumbass.....yet...the elderly can at least see a little :P good ol' tunnel vision haha


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by straycat View Post
                            Sorry to hear that Mrs.T
                            In Louisville Ky the other day a big truck ran over a construction worker and a police saftey officer killed them both.Things like this are so sad.
                            So the police officer killed the construction worker and the truck?
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #29
                              lol u know i nearly said that hahahaha....i was like nooo

