What a morning.
The road I take to get to the thiftstores is the busiest road in the county. At 8:20 AM, I was just done getting gas. And I had to wait for hundreds of cars to go by to get on the road. I am blind in my right eye and I wear very heavy correction glasses. So, I get into the far left lane. About 20 seconds later, the lens for my good eye pops out of the frame.
And I hear it land on the floor of my van. That makes me blind. As in, I can't make out the big E on an eye chart blind. Actually, worse. Well, I was able to safely cross over to the far right-hand turn lane and I was able to get up into a Park-and-Ride lot. I opened my door thinking I will have to spend a long time finding the lens. It was right there. Thank God. A Swiss Army knife and a dab of glue and I tightened the lens back in and I was on my way. I am going to get stinking drunk.:ROTF: The Viking Gods were with me this day.
