To monk: with all due respect, you should just STFU about what America's "motivations" were in dropping the bomb during WWII. First of all, you're not American, so you can only speculate about why we did what we did.
Second of all: you weren't there and didn't live through the ravages of that war. And neither did I. You, I, or anyone else who didn't live through WWII don't have a freaking clue what was going through the collective minds of US and other allied leaders back then. They did what they did based on the horrors they experienced to date, and based on what they thought was in the collective best interests of their nations and the rest of the free world.
Your entire post is nothing but bullshit revisionist history. You are simply applying your impressions of America as it is today - i.e., engaged in an unpopular war of agression in Iraq - which have absolutely nothing to do with what or why the US did what it did during WWII. And that insults the memories of the people who lived, fought, and died during that war based on what you think of the US's actions today. It's an insult to all people - American or otherwise - that went through WWII. And many of those people - rightly or wrongly - believe that dropping the bomb then sacrificed some to save many, many more.
Second of all: you weren't there and didn't live through the ravages of that war. And neither did I. You, I, or anyone else who didn't live through WWII don't have a freaking clue what was going through the collective minds of US and other allied leaders back then. They did what they did based on the horrors they experienced to date, and based on what they thought was in the collective best interests of their nations and the rest of the free world.
Your entire post is nothing but bullshit revisionist history. You are simply applying your impressions of America as it is today - i.e., engaged in an unpopular war of agression in Iraq - which have absolutely nothing to do with what or why the US did what it did during WWII. And that insults the memories of the people who lived, fought, and died during that war based on what you think of the US's actions today. It's an insult to all people - American or otherwise - that went through WWII. And many of those people - rightly or wrongly - believe that dropping the bomb then sacrificed some to save many, many more.