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A new warning to americans

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  • A new warning to americans

    I don't usually pass on political advice or info however we had all
    better wake up and start paying attention!

    This morning, from somewhere in Pakistan, Taliban Minister of Migration,
    Mohammad Omar, warned the United States that if military action against
    Iraq continues, Taliban authorities will cut off America's supply of
    convenience store managers.
    And if this action does not yield sufficient results, cab drivers will be
    next, followed by Dell Computer customer service reps, Motel 6 managers,
    and liquor store cashiers. Who knew it would come to this. It's getting ugly.

  • #2
    Dell support, haha. What a joke.


    • #3
      Dell support will survive.
      They are in India, not Pakistan.


      • #4
        I'm all for slamming the middle east, but is this racist?

        I have to ask because I'm white, so I'm automatically guilty.

        If it's not, then I'll LOL!


        • #5

          That's hysterical.. thanks for the laugh!


          • #6
            Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
            Dell support will survive.
            They are in India, not Pakistan.

            Yeah but what if Pakistan goes (more) caca coockoo and nukes India.


            • #7
              If that happens I can't talk to my Quikie Mart guy, God or Allah only knows where he came from, about Cricket. Those people that run that strore are great. They have never seen a "fett".:ROTF:
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #8
                No fett, to them you're just another "infidel".
                "The BLUES is the tonic for what ails ya."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                  Dell support will survive.
                  They are in India, not Pakistan.

                  Dude it was a joke .

                  And no its not racists. So laugh. Remember they laughed when that dudes head was cut off with a knife. They laughed when the trade centers came down. They laughed when those americans were set on fire and and hung up. Thats racists.

                  Its all in fun. We all know that they do those jobs


                  • #10
                    I could start a thread about being fett to our international friends here, but I must relate this. I go to a store that is run by a bunch of Koreans. I think. But, the ladies just love this Viking god-like American. It's a big store that has all kinds of Oriental food. Their produce is great. They always say "Hi" when I walk in. Then last week one of the nice ladies asked me my name. It's Bill. But they say;" Beal". It's a hoot.:ROTF: I'm the "Funny American" and I have no idea what they say in Korean about me as I walk out the door.
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
                      Dude it was a joke .
                      I know. I just felt like being a smart ass.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                        I know. I just felt like being a smart ass.

                        Cool. I totally know about Dells tech support dept. They are the reason I own a MAC now. Once I asked to speak to an american or someone who understands english and got hung up on. :ROTF:

                        I will never own a Dell again. They suck at customer service .


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
                          Cool. I totally know about Dells tech support dept. They are the reason I own a MAC now. Once I asked to speak to an american or someone who understands english and got hung up on. :ROTF:

                          I will never own a Dell again. They suck at customer service .
                          You own a Mac because one PC company has a tech cneter in India? Anyway, funny joke.


                          • #14
                            I still own some Dell systems, but dealing with their tech support (warranty stuff) is a pain in the ass. I can hardly understand the person, saying 'Excuse me, could you please repeat that again?', over and over and over. What is worse is that when I call, I know what the problem is but the tech insists on going through their check sheet, step by step. By the time they are done and they have confirmed what my diagnosis is, I am ready to kill someone.

                            If Dell (or anyone else) wants to provide customer support, they should be smart enough to hire people who can actually speak our language. That is why I quit buying Dell, and the systems I have left are all out of warranty. Now I only call them when a customer has a problem with their Dell, and that is still too often.

                            Dell (and other computer mfrs) need to provide an advanced tech support for customers who actually know what they are talking about. That is one of the few things I like about our cable provider. When I have a problem, I call their regular number and say a word three times at the right prompt, and I am forwarded directly to someone who actually has a brain.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DrDoug View Post
                              I still own some Dell systems, but dealing with their tech support (warranty stuff) is a pain in the ass. I can hardly understand the person, saying 'Excuse me, could you please repeat that again?', over and over and over. What is worse is that when I call, I know what the problem is but the tech insists on going through their check sheet, step by step. By the time they are done and they have confirmed what my diagnosis is, I am ready to kill someone.


