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Another Speech, Another question...

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  • #16
    Self inflicted bump.
    Yeah, I'm a pain. This thing is like a poll, I need more stats.
    Thanks again...


    • #17
      I am an independent, and I vote whatever way I see fit to. I listen to everything/everyone, watch various news/commentary programs on ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NBC and I visit websites of all sides, but am a member no blogs. If an issue piques my interest, I research it on the net by looking at as many sources as I can (again, from all sides of the issue) and in our state voters pamphlet, all the while filtering out what I believe to be BS. When I have collected enough information that I feel I can make an informed decision, I do.

      I don't just check all of the boxes when I vote. If a race is unopposed, I do not vote for the person. If the issue does not relate to me, or I do not have enough information, then I do not vote on it. I vote for both Democrats and Republicans, so nobody has a lock on my vote.

      Good luck!


      • #18
        Alright, I have the sources.
        Now for the main body. A call to action...
        Vote! And get educated about your vote.

        I've heard every excuse not to...I want you to tell me why
        we should vote.
        Why do you vote, and what's in it for you?


        • #19
          Why do I vote? It may sound strange, but I feel it is my responsibility to vote as a citizen of the US. I have voted for over 30 years now, and I still see it the same way.

          What is in it for me? Not much! I am a realist, and I know that my vote is only one among many out there, and no more special than the next vote. On issues that are near and dear to me, I get the satisfaction of letting my voice be heard, even if what or who I voted for/against does not stand a chance of passing or being elected. It is my way of being heard, however small it is.

          My wife is of the same mind, and she has voted ever since turning 18. Our daughter believes as we do, and she does her civic duty too. We hope to impress the same idea on our son too.


          • #20
            I believe voting is compulsory in Brazil between the ages of 18 and 70. It ought to be the same in the USA. Seeing only 100 million people vote in a nation of 300+ million is rather sad.


            • #21
              I vote because it's the only difference between a resident and a citizen.


              • #22
                Well, no award this time, but it's all ok.
                The speech went fine.
                I had been hounding my coworker about doing Toastmasters, because
                I know he's a natural and he went and gave his first speech.
                As expected, he did great, if a bit nervous. So he won best
                Does anyone else here do public speaking?
                I don't know if it's personal style or what, but if I have the
                material in my head, and don't overprepare, I do fine. If I
                think about it, and prepare diligently, I suck.

