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COD4 modern warfare

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  • COD4 modern warfare

    It's a fun game. I've not done the multiplayer yet, but I've got to say, just straight through...I beat it in 4 hours. MOHAB took me quite a bit longer.

    I bought it yesterday for 59.99$ and called back today to see what it trades for...30.00$

    Haha, reminds me of the days of old RPGS, buy armor and sell it for half.

    Anyway, if you want to play it, and you don't play the multi-player, buy it used so you can take it back in a week.

    Hopefully the multi is worthwhile of the game, but I forsee this going towards assassin's creed.

  • #2
    It's good, but Crysis will be better.


    • #3
      I'm still more of a Battlefield 2 multiplayer person. I just like the big open maps and jumping in vehicles.

      I do have all the COD xbox360 games though.
      Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


      • #4
        Its going to be tought to beat Rainbow 6 Vegas with the Co-op and online play. I have yet to find a game that compares in my opinion. COD4 has great graphics, but, no Co-op..... Halo3 is not as good in my opinion. Its just a run and gun game. No tactics like R6V....I just hope they come out with a sequal to it.
        " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


        • #5
          I thought it was great! I played throught the campaign on hardened and it was definately a challenge. the multiplayer is pretty fun (gotta love the knife kills ) and my clan from rainbow six: vegas is planning on competing in the fall season for COD4 on Gamebattles. I suggest you give the multiplayer a shot before you get rid of it. My xbox gamertag is Nightwarrior323 if anyone wants to play with me


          • #6
            I've played the Crysis demo I was impressed with it.. but I still think COD4 is a much better game.
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            • #7
              I thought it was fantastic, short, but very nice.
              The AC130 Gunship level was a blast (pun intended)
              as well as the Sniper training level.

              Now I'm on Gears of War, and next is the new Fear expansion, then Crysis! lol
              I am not a game addict


              • #8
                I didn'/t like gears of war at all, I played the first board, and I'm like, you know what... I'm more of a WW2 fan myself.

                I was so upset when Halo 3 came out, I knew that the multiplayer would go downhill for MOHAB, and it did. It went from like 1000 people on the servers, to like 140. You have to wait so damn long for a game now.

                I'll probably play COD4 until Wednesday, and then I'll go get assassin's creed.


                • #9
                  I am a WW2 fan also but I always liked the COD games a bit better than MOH. I played the demo for MOHAB and didnt paricularly like it. The whole weapon upgrade system seemed crappy since I piss through ammo like its candy and i pick up other weapons as I go and having to start from square one upgrading the weapons multiple times through the demo mission was a big turn off for me. Did they keep it that way during the full game?


                  • #10
                    I picked up a 360 this weekend and COD4, but the game was for my brother-in-law. So when he's through with it maybe he'll let me play it. LOL

                    I did get Halo3, so I'll try that out this week.



                    • #11
                      I just downloaded demo version of COD4 for PC..fucking 1.4gb!!! Took 4 hours to download. I'm gonna try to run it later.....I doubt it will work on an AMD Sempron 3000+, 512 ram and Radeon 9600xt though . Damn, I need a better PC now . I'm not a hardcore gamer though, I like to play some good FPS from time to time (HL, HL2, FarCry, Call Of Duty1&2..), that's like 2 or 3 times per year .


                      • #12
                        Naz, I wouldn't buy a new computer for COD4


                        • #13
                          Tried the cod4 demo...its good, but crysis is better. I'm gonna see if I can pick it up today(it comes out today...the release date was shortened by a day!)...
                          Gonna torrent gow and maybe ut3 also.
                          UT3 has a lot of probs, but so did ut2k3...


                          • #14
                            COD4 X360 multiplayer is a bad mofo... Totally fun.

                            Insert annoying equipment list here....


                            • #15
                              I have COD4 for the PC and I really enjoying. I've been playing A LOT of multiplayer since it came out.

