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Shoulder problems

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  • Shoulder problems

    Well, I had to leave work today due to the pain. I havent touched a guitar in about 3 weeks and I cant sleep on that side. I didnt do anything to cause an injury and I am quite baffled. I have done the whole ibuprofen thing and hot and cold packs, etc, but it has just gotten worse.

    It appears to be located in the front of my shoulder and is quite localized. From what I was told it will be an early morning MRI, but I should not expect results until Monday/Tues.

    This will make my job quite difficult trying to type and such in the office. I am just thankful that I dont have a real labor intensive job or I would be really up a creek.

    The thing that really pisses me off is that I cant touch my guitars. You guys and gals will have to pick up the slack for me, LOL.
    Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that...I have occassional pains, but it's usually from sleeping too hard on one side, and not rolling over, because a particular cat of ours tends to lock me down, and I don't roll over when he's backed up to my calf.
    Hope it all works out ok, I've had friends and relatives go through rotator cuff surgery and such, with good luck.


    • #3
      Dude, I hope it's nothing serious. In the mean time you should ship all american guitars to my house and I will resume your normal practice routine :ROTF: . Take care of that shoulder.
      Last edited by jacksoncsplayer; 11-20-2007, 08:23 PM.


      • #4
        Good luck! I am with you on not being able to play your guitar.I sold 2 of them in the classifieds because I really hated to see them go to waste.I hope it works out...........
        Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


        • #5
          Lay off the Motrin. Go swing a tennis racket or a baseball bat very gingerly to see whether it's just a lack of movement. What do I know?
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • #6
            Just play sitting down!


            • #7
              I hear ya man, I'm in the same boat right know with my wrist...only it's only been a couple days for me. I think I may have strained it playing my bass.


              • #8
                No idea what caused it? I had a "shoulder impingement" <sp?> that caused quite a bit of pain. I couldn't sleep on that side, play guitar, or really lift anything. Hell, driving was difficult because I drive a stick and sometimes had to reach across with my left hand. I went to the doctor, and he said to take a double dose of Aleve. It cleared up after a week or two.


                • #9
                  I had the same problem (or sounds like it) after I was pushing my motorcycle at the hotel (wife & I were on a trip). I let it lean too much, and I had to reef to get it back upright. I did not think I messed up my shoulder, but that evening it was like someone had taken a baseball bat to my shoulder. If a cop had said 'Hands up!', there was no way I could have raised my right arm much further than above my waist. Just bending the arm to a 90 degree angle at the elbow put enough weight on it that the pain was excruciating.

                  The ride back home (365 miles) was a nightmare, and thank goodness for cruise control! I almost stopped at a hotel at the halfway point, but I am glad that I did not. I would not have been able to ride home the next day, it was that fucked up. Luckily (if I can call it that), I have to take a pain med (Talwin) and anti-inflammatory (Orudis) every day, so I just tripled up for the ride home. It still sucked, but it took the edge off of it.

                  The Doc said that I pinched the nerve in my shoulder, and that it would take a couple of weeks to get over it. I tried to deal with it for a week before going to see him, and I am glad I went! I had to boost my pain med to 4x a day, plus a muscle relaxer he prescribed 2x a day and my anti-inflammatory 4x a day for two weeks, then nurse it for about another month after returning to my regular prescription dosing.

                  I am in no hurry to repeat that again. See a Doc and get some pain meds if necessary. It ain't worth suffering if it is anything like what I did.


                  • #10
                    The diagnosis is Bicep tendonitis. That large tendon that attaches to the front of the shoulder. At least it is not torn. I will need to get an injection in the sheath of the tendon to help cut the inflammation down. They said since it has been 3 weeks and ice and motrin havent done it the shot will. I have no idea on how long I have to wait after that before I can start playing again. The doc seemed to think it was no big deal and would be fine.
                    Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


                    • #11
                      Right on man Glad to hear it. You'll be shredding in no time !


                      • #12
                        No flogging the ol' hot dog for a couple of weeks.

                        "Hey Sweetie, can you give me a hand?" :ROTF:

                        Yup, you will be up and shredding in no time. Just take it easy and don't irritate it.

