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Rappers...Whassup in da hood?

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  • #46
    Based on your typing skills as they are now and the thought, you have bigger issues than worrying about little fett. Take care.
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • #47
      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
      True but I'm a white boy like Steve Martin (you youngsters may not get that reference).
      Unfortunately I know EXACTLY what you mean! Well, I loved the movie but it dates us, that's for sure!
      Ron is the MAN!!!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by nsubulysses View Post
        I wouldn't necessarily say that. Although recent rap mostly sucks, there is a lot that goes into trying to make good rap songs. Those drum machines don't program themselves....

        Even then that's just the beat only. Mixing samples together so they don't sound like garbage isn't easy. I play mostly metal, and I play in a drum machine band. Listening to rap and hip hop has really helped me a lot to be more creative on drum machine rather than just having something that keeps the tempo of the music.

        Also, two best ways to better your vocabulary:
        1. Read lots of books
        2. Listen to rap
        So anyone with the ability to run a register at McDonalds can be a "C"rap star? As far as the Mixing, they don't do it... they hire someone to do it! Listening to Rap improves you vocabulary? That's like saying eating shit improves the smell of your breath. Please!:ROTF:


        Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:

        1. The DNA all matches.

        2. There are no dental records.


        • #49
          Anyone with a drum machine, a dictionary, and a few bullet wounds can be a rap "star".

          Its a fucking insult to musicians.
          Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


          • #50
            the roots the roots the roots the roots


            • #51
              Originally posted by clifffclaven View Post
              Anyone with a drum machine, a dictionary, and a few bullet wounds can be a rap "star".

              Its a fucking insult to musicians.
              Judging rap based on what gets popular radio airplay and stereotypes spewed in the press is about the same as deciding metal sucks because you heard Nickelback on the radio and believe the stereotypes spewed in the press about folks involved in metal.

              And let's face it, most metal lyrics are crap. The stuff in the late 80's absolutely sucked and the so-called death lyrics today are just plain silly.
              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

              - Newc


              • #52
                Isn't this a forum for guitar players/lovers? Where is the guitar in rap? there may be some guitar use in rap, but lets face it.... rap is just a poor attempt at making money without having much talent. To name one rap artist that is trained either by a school or music teacher may be possible, but I challenge you to name more than 5! However.... in any other form of music.... Metal, Classical, country etc.... I challenge you to name 5 or more people that are trained either by a school or teachers to play the instrument of their choice, thats easy! My point is....rap is so easy that even someone without a high school education can make money doing it! Where is the talent?


                Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:

                1. The DNA all matches.

                2. There are no dental records.


                • #53
                  and everybody in rock and metal bands have phds???


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Shibs View Post
                    Isn't this a forum for guitar players/lovers? Where is the guitar in rap? there may be some guitar use in rap, but lets face it.... rap is just a poor attempt at making money without having much talent. To name one rap artist that is trained either by a school or music teacher may be possible, but I challenge you to name more than 5! However.... in any other form of music.... Metal, Classical, country etc.... I challenge you to name 5 or more people that are trained either by a school or teachers to play the instrument of their choice, thats easy! My point is....rap is so easy that even someone without a high school education can make money doing it! Where is the talent?
                    You are confusing making music with being a technically trained musician.

                    Kurt Cobain was a pitiful guitarist and a terrible singer. Where is the talent? Umm...he wrote compelling songs that spoke to a large number of people. Same goes for Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Kiss, and many others.

                    Assuming you meet your own minimum criteria (IOW, you have a high school education), I challenge you to create a 2 minute rap song. No dorky spoofs - create a real rap tune - it should be a piece of cake for a guy like you who clearly has talent

                    Just curious, what does a high school education have to do with being able to create music anyhow?
                    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                    - Newc


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Shibs View Post
                      Isn't this a forum for guitar players/lovers? Where is the guitar in rap? there may be some guitar use in rap, but lets face it.... rap is just a poor attempt at making money without having much talent. To name one rap artist that is trained either by a school or music teacher may be possible, but I challenge you to name more than 5! However.... in any other form of music.... Metal, Classical, country etc.... I challenge you to name 5 or more people that are trained either by a school or teachers to play the instrument of their choice, thats easy! My point is....rap is so easy that even someone without a high school education can make money doing it! Where is the talent?
                      Rap songs don't just spew out of your ass like your comments on this thread. The song idea has to be thought of and then made just like any other song anyone else writes no matter what instrument they play.

                      Someone who is a rapper who says, "Rock music is bullshit! I could stomp around and yell and make loud noise, too! Any asshole can do that!" can say that just as validly as you can say that rap is not music.


                      • #56
                        Yeah stop dissing rap it is quality entertainment. Note I said entertainment, NOT music. How can you not be amused by brilliant lyrics like this:

                        Move bitch, get out the way
                        Get out the way bitch, get out the way
                        Move bitch, get out the way
                        Get out the way bitch, get out the way
                        Move bitch, get out the way
                        Get out the way bitch, get out the way
                        Move bitch, get out the way
                        Get out the way bitch, get out the way

                        Besides - rap facilitates grinding with hot drunk 18 year olds. Who doesn't like that?


                        • #57
                          Here's my take on this subject. Of course it will be awesome..due to my evergrowing, impeccable wisdom.

                          There is a place for Rap music, and it needs to exist. My problem was the pop agenga in the states was very one sided for over a decade. I call it the ebonic plague (1992-2002). I do not intend to sound like a racist..nothing could be farther from the truth. I judge people on quality and not color. I'm talking "music" here but, that does go hand-in-hand with politics and culture as well. Like Metal, Rap is a culture with it's own book of rules!

                          It is important to understand how much influence the media has on people, especially the young. Rap was heavily promoted, and in constant rotation on every radio and TV music chanel. MTV, BET, Much Music, VH-1. It was very universal. You would see the same videos on BET as well as MTV and ect. That was the only problem!

                          I've been a "metalhead/musician" and had many like minded buds, just like the JCF. We played in bands and got laid..good times. I patroled the ghetto during the peak of hip hop.."fuck the police" and ect. That music wasn't meant for me to enjoy or identify with, actually quite the opposite..ya think?! But, I saw their side of the coin and culture and understood why it was as important to them as metal was to me.

                          Since there wasn't a rock or metal video to be heard or found on TV, it wasn't cool. Kids had to fit in, and had to embrace what was cool. The term "wigger" was quickly coined. White kids dressed in FUBU-wear, wearing fake gold, speaking in ebonics mirrored what was cool and actually refered to each other with the "N" word"..and it was cool, and they got laid!.

                          All popular or "rock" was extremely dummied down and injected with rap. That list is endless and should be kept in the closet. All those 10 year old photos..chillin' with yo possie..can you look at that and not feel like a tool. Even the mighty George WTF Lynch tried to make a livin' with "Smoke This" you think he's proud of that? I'd say that was the equal to suggin' a dick for beer money!!

                          BUT, I don't expect black kids to dig the stuff that we do, even tho some do..which is cool. The majority can not relate to metal or rock music and that's understandable. Most "artists" WRITE music that is fun and personal that comes from the heart. The love for making music is the same across the hope that others enjoy it as well.

                          I don't expect a kid on Kinsman ave to like metal, just as a kid on my street to like rap..some still do. But, they are sporting Metal T-shirts shirts bought from Hot Topic instead of FUBU. They have Guitar Heroe I, II and III, and traded their precious Limp Dick, ICP cds for whateverthefuck is on Headbangers Ball. Many are forming metalcore/ emocore bands ..dressed in black just as we did, and it's now, the pussy will ensue. If those kids looked/talked like that just 6 years ago..they'd be percieved as reclusive dorks that will go pussyless and ridiculed. As "wiggers" do now..somehow those stragglers didn't get the memo..just as dudes with mullets/skullets didn't. My kid is 13 and my lil' "big" bro is 17..they keep me informed of what is cool!

                          Now, In C/W music lyrics: Like I said before, music is to be fun and to escape. Sometimes the goofier the better, on both sides of the coin. Finally, there is two sides to the coin after all these years. That one sided coin was flipped for far too, depriving kids the power of Rock N' Roll. The coin read hip hop on both sides. Now it reads hip hop/R & B on one side and rock/metal on the other. Something for everybody. Now suburnites don't have to play the role, and be a square peg in a round hole. The can sport their messy Beatle-mop, like their buds and get sweet poon...sweet, awesome poon.

                          It's all about the poon. Girls like what's "cool" and dudes in bands again. More and more girls are going to metal shows, in metal bands, and play Guitar Heroe and/or real ones. I thinks that's awesome!!!

                          This is not a matter of race. It is a matter leveling the playing field..and giving a choice.

                          NOW, I don't have to listen to rap if I don't want to. I can turn the chanel or station and connect to something that don't give me a fuggin' rash!

                          I didn't have this luxury during the 90's. Even the local news anchors tried to rap the news..that was fucked up!

                          Yes, there is some truly fun rap songs, but I never really took them seriously!

                          Bill Z Bub
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #58
                            ..I wrote way too much to get buried.

                            That was my second post PC crashed on my first one..which was actually more elaborate!
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #59
                              OH Tim.."The Jerk" is awesome!!!

                              Man, I got a lot of typos in that shit up's late..fuggit!!
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #60
                                great post bro
                                "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                                "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert

