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  • #31
    Shocking - he was living pretty clean from what I had heard. Terrible deal. +++Vibes to his fam & friends.


    • #32
      I agree with what everyone has said, i am shocked too. I opened for QR in 2002 and it was an amazing time! Rudy was SO loud it was amazing, Frankie was the coolest and Kevin sounded and looked better than he ever had. Funny side note, Carlos smoked one of the JCM 900 heads on the back line supplied by a local shop - so his tech noticed we had a 100w JCM 900 212 combo for my singer to play thru and asked if they could use it - when i got it back EVERY knob was on 10!!! Its amazing that it held up they were SO loud, did I mention this was in a 500 seat club in Youngstown??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      RIP Kev, Metal will never be the same without you!


      • #33
        It's a sad day; RIP Kevin...
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #34
          Sad indeed. RIP.
          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


          • #35
            My cover band does QR also, we'll be sure to raise a toast to Kev, RIP bro.
            Charvel 7308 (TMZ 008), Charvel Pro-mod (yellow), Jackson Soloist Custom (Yellow), Jackson SL2H-V Natural, Gibson LPS DB, Gibson LPS EB, Gibson LPCC C, Charvel Model 2 (scalloped), Jackson DK2M (white), Charvel Journeyman, Fender Classic Player 60's strat, Carvin C66, Musikraft strat mutt, Warmoth Strat mutt, Fender MIM Jazz bass, Epiphone Classical, Takamine parlor. Marshall 2203, Marshall JVM 210H, Splawn Nitro, Fender Supersonic 22, Line 6 AX2 212, Marshall 4X12.


            • #36
              Wow, this is really sad to hear. RIP Kevin, although listening to him you get the impression that if heaven is a quiet place, it won't be any more. 52 years old? Damn, that is only five more than I am now.


              • #37

                R.I.P. dude.
                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • #38
                  quiet riot was the first band I ever saw live back in 83. They toured with Sabbath in support of Metal Health. It's a shame to hear this today
                  Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                  • #39
                    so sad. he left a lot of great memories.


                    • #40
                      Yup Randy, Robin and now Kevin are forming the ultimate 80's LA hair band upstairs.
                      First #1 heavy rock band on top 40 is a huge deal.


                      • #41
                        Wow!!! What a shame. I actually sat beside him on a plane flight from Pittsburgh to Charlotte back in '03 after their final show together with the classic line-up. He was very cool, but a bit bummed as he knew that was it for the band in that form.

                        RIP Kevin.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by RemCarr View Post
                          when i got it back EVERY knob was on 10!!!
                          Ha! Real metal heads would have wound it to 11!

                          Ahem, back to the serious stuff, such a shame to hear this news. Quiet Riot were the very first live band I saw, opening for Judas Priest back in 1984, I literally couldn't hear anything for 3 days afterwards, but I can still picture KD in his stripey spandex twirling a stripey mic stand around.

                          He got a bit of stick from the Press (erm, well, Kerrang) for daring to cover tracks by the untouchable Noddy Holder, but I reckon he did a respectable job, certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Other dodgy rumours aside, [cough] hair transplant [cough], it's truly a sad day for Party Rock that he has gone so young.


                          Oh, fuck it, going to share a story with a tenuous link. When we kids saw a video for some track off Metal Health, it featured some bloke in a straight-jacket with some sort of iron mask on. So, when we went to see Priest, my mate and I, at our very first gig, wide-eyed 14 yr olds, we spotted the merchandise stall. There, among the T-shirts were masks! Fuck it, says my mate, I'm having one of those. I looked on enviously, because I was a poor schoolkid and he had a better part-time job, as Dave waved his £10 at the scruffy git behind the stall, who snatched it, stuffed the mask into his hands and moved on to the next customer.
                          Oh how I pissed myself as Dave sadly surveyed the shitty plastic mask he held in his hands, like some kiddy joke-shop tat, that he had just shelled out £10 for. He thought he was getting one made of metal!!!!

                          Every time I hear KD's voice, I smile at that, and if Dave's in earshot, I ALWAYS say, "Hey Dave, do you remember that mask you bought......"
                          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                          I nearly broke her back


                          • #43
                            One of the first metal bands I ever heard. RIP.
                            Turn that Sh......... down!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                              Sucks..saw QR in '83..belly to the stage.


                              RIP Kevin..
                              Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                              I saw QR in '83 as well. With Saga and Girlschool. Was my second concert. Loved it...

                              Originally posted by Mayday View Post
                              quiet riot was the first band I ever saw live back in 83. They toured with Sabbath in support of Metal Health. It's a shame to hear this today
                              Saw them in '83? '84? Can't recall for sure. They opened for Iron Maiden on their 'Piece of Mind' tour at Madison Square Garden. They were HOT at that time and put on a great show. The man had a powerful voice.


                              • #45
                                Very sad. QR and the Scorpions were my first big concert back in '83. I was at the stage in front of Rudy. We'll miss you Kevin, say hi to Randy.

