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No TIPS for you!

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  • No TIPS for you!

    Has there been a time when you were offered such bad service in a restaurant and you walked out without leaving a tip?? So far, even though there have been times where the service was bad, I have always left some tip.

    I am not a very big tipper...just the usual 12 - 15% of the total. But last weekend, at Berkeley, I took my wife and kid to a restaurant and the service was very bad. They did not give my kid a high-chair after asking at least 3 or 4 times for it, they did not give us the appetizers even though people who came in after us got them. It wasn't as if the restaurant was very crowded and they forgot. There were only 4 tables occupied. At the end of the horrible meal and service, I wanted to walk out without giving any tips, but I ended up giving less than 10%. The waiter was staring at me, but I will never eat there again anyways.

  • #2
    I do it all the time if the service is bad. I reduce the tip amount by a dollar each time I have to think about the service.


    • #3
      When the service is very good I leave 15-20% depending on where I am at. If the service is fair to good they get 10-15%. If they suck they get nothing.


      • #4
        I always leave a tip. If I am really upset with the server I will leave a few pennies or a nickel. I am always friendly, smile and try to start conversation and very understanding to their situation, but they need to know when they doing a poor job.
        Just one more guitar!


        • #5
          Depends. If the service is bad, and the owner acknowledges the issue and knocks some off the bill, we tip the normal 15-20%. If its bad and no on there really cares its 12-15% if that.


          • #6
            I've had the embarassment of going out with people (some relatives, even), who seem to consider it a perverse point of pride to not only not leave a tip, but try to get their bill knocked off. I have gone back and tipped, with an apology, on such occasions.
            If the service from the kitchen is poor, I let the management know. Usually the server is not at fault, and I tip 15 to 20 percent regularly.


            • #7
              I won't ding a waiter if the kitchen screwed up.
              I'll take that up with management.
              My waiter is always tipped accordingly. And I can be very generous for those that go out of their way to make my dining experience a good one.
              Asshats get nothing.

              My tips start at %20 of the bill and go up or down based on the waiters performance.


              • #8
                Have you guys ever served? It might change your perspective on tipping. I'll tip 10% even if the service was not so great. Usually 20% minimum. Everyone has bad days, I know I gave some shitty service a few times when I served for whatever reason. And often getting or not getting your food isn't up to the server.

                I'm more likely to deny bartenders a tip than servers usually. But it's really rare that I don't leave something.
                Last edited by Argos; 11-27-2007, 01:47 PM.


                • #9
                  I find it bizarre that I'm expected to give tips for normal service. To me the point of a tip is to reward someone for going above and beyond what is expected of them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Argos View Post
                    Have you guys ever served? It might change your perspective on tipping. I'll tip 10% even if the service was not so great. Usually 20% minimum. .
                    Who are you referring to?
                    Did you read the above posts, or are you jumping to conclusions?
                    I think I observed that we all tip in the 10 to 20 percent range, and don't hold the server responsible for the kitchen. That falls back to the management,
                    not the server.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Argos View Post
                      Have you guys ever served? It might change your perspective on tipping. I'll tip 10% even if the service was not so great. Usually 20% minimum. Everyone has bad days, I know I gave some shitty service a few times when I served for whatever reason. And often getting or not getting your food isn't up to the server.

                      I'm more likely to deny bartenders a tip than servers usually. But it's really rare that I don't leave something.
                      As a student, I worked in the kitchen of the dorm's restaurant. For special orders, I used to carry the food to the table. but there was no concept of tips. So, i dont know how it feels not to receive a good tip.

                      But in this case, I am not blaming the bad food on the waiter. I asked him for the high-chair 4 times and he just kept standing there talking to another waiter and just ignored the request. I would have walked up to the back and brought a high-chair myself had I known where they kept them. My kid is getting naughty day by day. She almost banged her head on the glass top of the table when my wife was holding her.

                      And the appetizers are the same for everyone. My wife was very hungry since we just finished walking for 2 hours inside the Berkley univ campus and he kept giving appetizers to all the tables around us.


                      • #12
                        This conversation made me think of this....

                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                        Love that movie. Even though I go to 20% on good service.

                        Insert annoying equipment list here....


                        • #13
                          I like to keep a $50 bill handy for situations where service is sub par. I'll tear the corner of the bill off and leave it sticking out from beneath a plate.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Thrust View Post
                            I like to keep a $50 bill handy for situations where service is sub par. I'll tear the corner of the bill off and leave it sticking out from beneath a plate.

                            /hats off

                            Insert annoying equipment list here....


                            • #15
                              I drive Limo's as my 2nd Job. I make sure and charge the client's credit card with my tip , before I even pick them up. If the customer wants to pay in cash, they must pay the full amount in cash, and then I take my cut. Usually I tip pretty good (20%)and if someone goes out of the way to do their job, I will throw them a 20.00 bill.

