Thought i'd post up pics from SPANDEX MILITIA'S debut gig!!
Bit of a baptism of fire to say the least....electricty cut out and eventually came back on an hour after everyone was due to start, had our set cut short, got supplied mic leads but no decent mics, other bands didn't turn up / walked off because the gig was nearly cancelled, and no cover when it was due to rain!! not to mention the drum kick disintegrated midway through our third song!!!
But we got our 15 minutes of fame in, people seemed positive about the songs and the music, but the fact we only managed to scramble a couple of cheap 10 quid mics between the bands caused a few problems, as it was so weak, everyime i turned my head to look at my guitar i went quiet, d'oh! in all its experience, and a good one to get out of the way early lol despite the setbacks and factors beyond our control we still played pretty tight and enjoyed ourselves.

Bit of a baptism of fire to say the least....electricty cut out and eventually came back on an hour after everyone was due to start, had our set cut short, got supplied mic leads but no decent mics, other bands didn't turn up / walked off because the gig was nearly cancelled, and no cover when it was due to rain!! not to mention the drum kick disintegrated midway through our third song!!!
But we got our 15 minutes of fame in, people seemed positive about the songs and the music, but the fact we only managed to scramble a couple of cheap 10 quid mics between the bands caused a few problems, as it was so weak, everyime i turned my head to look at my guitar i went quiet, d'oh! in all its experience, and a good one to get out of the way early lol despite the setbacks and factors beyond our control we still played pretty tight and enjoyed ourselves.
