Bought this for my wife at GC on the 23rd.
Piano (LINK)
She tried it out last year around this time and loved it, but she refused to let me buy it because we didnt have the money. Well I scraped the money together to get it for her this year. She doesn't have a clue either
I ended up getting the last one they had in the store, it's a floor model so it has a scuff or two here and there, but I got a really good deal on the whole rig so I can't complain too much.
Piano (LINK)
She tried it out last year around this time and loved it, but she refused to let me buy it because we didnt have the money. Well I scraped the money together to get it for her this year. She doesn't have a clue either

I ended up getting the last one they had in the store, it's a floor model so it has a scuff or two here and there, but I got a really good deal on the whole rig so I can't complain too much.