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my first break

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  • my first break

    Well it finaly happened. I broke my ankle. I was walking out of my apt building on wed. When my right foot decides it wants to investigate the depth of a utility access or what looks like the plumming system in my building. Which just happens to be smack dab in the center of the walkway and right in front of the door. Exactly where i was stepping. So my right foot finds it. As I was looking left (the direction i really wanted to go cuz thats where my car was) Myright ankle rolls out right into the hole. The rest of me wants to go left. So i fall left and here a snap as i hit the ground. In pain. Thinking eh maybs its just a bad srain the snap was a ligament being stressed. Or like the sound your knuckles make when you crack them. So I lay there for a few minutes. Nobody seems to be walking by. Odd for a wed morning in my complex. Anyway. I proceed to get up gingerly in case it is broken. I can put some wait on it. So i figure I'll go to work andsee how it feels later. Well I work all day on it. (my current position at work lets me sit down most of the day) So i was off it for the most part. It starts to get excrutiating in the after noon. Almost to the point of tears. I start to think Hmm maybe it is broken. So i drive myself to the hospital. (now mind you this is my right ankle) To see if it is indeed broken. Well they take x-rays and sure enough. The fibula is broken right at the ankle bone. Which also explains why theres a really sensative lump on the outside of my leg. Well the nurse finly wraps up my ankle in a soft half cast. To which i cant put any pressure on. Cus it will move. This has been fun. I can seem to get down the technique of carrying food and walking on crutches at the same time. So i may lose a few pounds. Not a bad thing cusi gained back a few of the pounds i had lost when i was in the warehouse. Talking shower is a whole new experiance. Using the curtain rod, shower head, and walls and support to balance myself and turn around etc. While my right leg is in a plastic garbage bag to keep it dry. Have you ever tried taking a shower while only being able to use one leg to stand on? Well it's an experience. Not knowing if the next move you make is gonna sned you plummeting to the tub floor. Or worse yet out the tub onto the bathroom floor. All my muscles are hurting from being over worked with trying to support myself properly when i sit , try to stand, and from the crutches. I called the property mgr yesturday and told her what happened. She says she'll make out an incedant report. But needs me to bring my hospital paper work to her so she can verify etc... I guess for the insurance purposes. But she also says she cant cover the access pipe. And all she can do is put flags around it or something. Thats funny cus it has been covered for years. Then the cover got removed and now its exposed and hasbeen for several months. She refuses to cover it. Maybe she'll change her mind after law suit. Of both the complex and the insurance compny for allowing a trip hazzard like that to exsist. I've been talking with a legal assistant friend of mine on the right way go about gettin things right for a suit. So i'll keep ya posted. Oh im out of work too. Cus i cant drive. And i wont get a full cast till monday. Hopefully i'll be able to drive when i get the cast. But i'll have to see what happens. This sucks. I so dont want to miss work. I need the money.Altho with a law suit i could win a bunch. With medical bills. Maybe therapy, Missed time from work. The insurance compan and the complex for neglajence. Etc.. Ok i need another vicadin. and some food.

  • #2
    That sucks man. I hope you get well soon. My prayers are with you.


    • #3
      Ouch! Hopin for a speedy recovery.


      • #4
        That is a mighty big brick of text!

        Sucks about your ankle though... I too haven't broken anything yet and would like to keep it that way


        • #5
          Sorry to hear about this, that sux. It seems that by the time you get to really know how to get around on crutches you dont need them any more. I scattered my leg right above the ankle in a motorcycle accident serveral years a go. I had to lie in the tube with my leg sticking out if I wanted to bath. That was no fun.
          Just one more guitar!


          • #6
            ouch! Sorry man

            A Couple of years back i spiral fractured me leg that put me on crutches for a couple of months
            Say, I smell bacon.Does anyone else smell bacon?
            Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.


            • #7
              Feel better, hope you get a good settlement
              Jackson KV2T Black Ghost Flames with EMG's


              • #8
                Yeah, sue the shit out of the building owner.

                I broke my right ankle skating a half-pipe when I was 18.

                It hurt a bit.
                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                • #9
                  Dude that sucks. When you get a cast they have cast covers for them to keep them from getting wet in the tub. I know they have them at the Walgreens home medical centers. They are like $35. You can at least take a bath and not have to worry about falling over. Other places may have them too. Harlem and Cermak is the closest WMC to you.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Rich.. I'l look into that. Or convince my sister to bring my moms shower chair over so i can use that. Mom doesnt use it anyway. Plus she;s in
                    an after care rehab center anyway.


                    • #11
                      Gil let me know if you need anything sorry to hear about this.
                      I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                      So that none of its lies can affect me


                      • #12
                        No No No...

                        Not vicadin and food, you need vicadin and a few stiff drinks, that'll take care of the pain


                        • #13
                          That hurts... mojo for a speedy recovery.
                          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                          • #14
                            My wife is in a cast at the moment too. We just moved into our new house, and while carrying some things down the front steps of our old apartment building, a pillow fell out of the pile and under her foot. She sprained it and has a hairline fracture. She has a cast that allows her to walk and drive OK, but it is still causing her some pain, so I wouldn't be surprised if she has to use crutches all the time in the near future.

                            Heal fast!


                            • #15
                              Thanks guys. Tetsuo.. Thanks i appreciate it. I went to the doctor today. The pediatrist. and he told me what exaclty was wrong with my ankle. Since the ER people werent so keen on tellin me. Apparently when i truned my ankle the ligament streched snapped and pulled a piece of bone off the fibula.
                              I got one of those boot cast things. So i can drive. And walk etc.. He also said I can put as much weight on it as i can stand. So i don't need to use crutches. At least for now. So i went shopping. I needed food. etc. And i go back to work tomorrow. Oh boy lucky me. Back to work. lol I wonder how badly they fucked the place up with me gone. lol M ankle hurts like hell know
                              though. I havnt used my right foot extensvily since last wednsday. Hopefully it wont hurt too much after i get some sleep. But i have my trusty ol- vicadin just in case.

                              Thanks again for the well wishes guys. I'm moble again.

