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thoughts on me getting a gerbil.

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  • #16
    True gerbil experience:
    My sister seemed to HAVE to have whatever herbivore
    struck her fancy, and after unsuccessfullty lobbying our parents to get a hamster, they gave in, and bought two gerbils, complete with cage, water bottle, and wheel. So, after about a month, one of the little darlings croaked, and the other decided to make a break for it. It probably took all of thirty seconds for the family cat to realize the opportunity, and put the lonely one out of it's misery.
    All in all, they were boring, and provided no possible "pet" value, and seem to me to live a miserable life in the confines of a cage. At least a cat will cuddle, and a dog is the best.


    • #17
      Originally posted by AlexL View Post
      Sounds kinky. Once, with one of my girlfriends, I was a gardener and she was a lonely housewife. But hey, whatever works for you.

      - E.


      • #18
        Originally posted by thetroy View Post
        get a cat - rodents are boring after 30 seconds

        Or get a cat and let it hunt the gerbils, THAT would be entertaining!

        I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


        • #19
          Originally posted by JetFixxxer View Post
          My gerbil story.

          I use to own a Python and a Ferret... I use to feed the Python gerbils. One day I had this very aggressive gerbil that was biting the shit of my python. Sooooooooo after I thumped the gerbil on the head with my finger... knocking the little bastard out. I put him in a box and as he regained conscious an Idea popped in my head. Why not put the ferret in there with him...and so the gerbil had some company. The ferret attacked that gerbil
          like it was it's mortal enemy. In fact being the sicko that I was.. I video taped it... I have it somewhere. Maybe I will convert it over to digital format and post it.
          Whoa, that's just not right.


          • #20
            well i must say...... you guys are sick.......
            "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


            • #21

              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


              • #22
                Originally posted by JetFixxxer View Post
                My gerbil story.

                I use to own a Python and a Ferret... I use to feed the Python gerbils. One day I had this very aggressive gerbil that was biting the shit of my python. Sooooooooo after I thumped the gerbil on the head with my finger... knocking the little bastard out. I put him in a box and as he regained conscious an Idea popped in my head. Why not put the ferret in there with him...and so the gerbil had some company. The ferret attacked that gerbil
                like it was it's mortal enemy. In fact being the sicko that I was.. I video taped it... I have it somewhere. Maybe I will convert it over to digital format and post it.
                Um,, yeah. Yer a little weird dude. You know that most serial killers start out with small animals right?
                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                • #23
                  That's some Michael Myers shit right there!
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • #24
                    I've had gerbils, hamsters, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, fish, lizards, newts, snakes, and turtles.

                    If you're looking for a pet, you have to decide what you want them for, and how much effort you're willing to expend in their care.

                    Gerbils and other small rodents are pretty much low maintenance. Feed and water them, and clean their cage out a couple of times a week, and you're good. However, none of them are cuddly. Even if they don't try to run away when they are out of the cage, they have sharp little claws. My rat used to sit on my shoulder for about 30 seconds before he got bored and decided it would be much more fun to crawl down the back of my shirt. Guinea pigs ar the worst. They are very nervous, and vibrate all the time like small dogs. They are very irritating little fuckers.

                    Cat's and dogs are very high maintenance, especially dogs. It depends on the dog of course, but mine chewed up anything it could get ahold of. Plus it was a female, so it bled all over the place sometimes. Stupid bitch. Cats can be awesome pets, but usually aren't. I have 2 of them. One of them is a glutton, and eats so fast, that it makes itself sick, ALWAYS on the carpet, and NEVER on the hardwood, or tile. The other one yowls all the time. It yowls to go out. 30 seconds later it's yowling to get in. 2 minutes later, it's yowling to get out again. Also, there's the cat and dog hair. It gets EVERYWHERE!!

                    I never had any luck with reptiles or amphibians. They all died on me. Useless creatures.

                    Fish are cool. yeah, you can't put them on your lap and pet them, but they're cool to watch. I wouldn't get live feeders again though. I had a pair of oscars, and those bastards were vicious. One of them was slightly bigger than the other one, so he tried to eat the other one. I had to get rid of the smaller one, because he was going to get killed. The bigger one (named lucifer) was 16 inches long, and ate goldfish like they were going out of style. Even with high volume filters, I still had to drain and refill his 60 gallon tank every week. Oh yeah, he also had a strong dislike of tank heaters, you know, the ones shaped like giant test tubes. He would swim at them and smash them. He smashed 3 of them, and I just gave up and let the water stay at room temperature. I'm really surprised that he didn't get electrocuted when he smashed them. Weird.

                    Anyway, stick with goldfish.
                    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                    • #25
                      Wow you guys are some synical bastages.. I've worked in pet stores for about 6 years. And i've had a small zoo. I've had fish,ferrets, hamster, birds, cats, lizards, newts, toads. You get the idea. Plus i awas in charge of the pet maintance at several stores in the chain i worked in. Anyway. Pets of any kind are great. If you;re willing to put time and effert into maintaning and training the pets. Even Gerbils can be trained. They are very smart little critters. Never grab a gerbil by its tail. It will break off. Honest. And then all your left with is a bloody stump. You can put 2 gerbils in a 10 gallon tank. with a screen top. Then all you need is water bottle and holder for a tank, food dish, Food, and some chew blocks, and bedding (pine shavings work best) Cedar is too strong and burns thier sinus cavities, The same for Guinea Pigs. Give the gerbils a few days in thier enviroment and start getting them used to being held and taken out of the cage etc.. Be gentle and they wont freak out and try to bite. Remember anything with teeth can bite. Wether it will is up to you and the animal. If it feels threatened it will bite. I say if ya want the gerbils go for it. They can be great pets.


                      • #26
                        I used to raise mice. Not on purpose but we were suppoosed to get 2 females and got a make and a female. So they had babies like rodents do. One day i came home from work. To find all three of our cats. acting weird and like they were in stalker/hunter mode. I look at the tank in the room i had the mice in. They had escaped. There was about 13 mice runnin around our apartment. (lived with a gf then). The cats had cornered all but about 5 of them in various corners of the apt. Mostly in the kitchen. So i gathered up the mice. i could see. Coaxed the ones out from under the baseboard radiator in my room. They were the smart ones and didnt venture out into the wild frontier of the cat kingdom. All mice were acounted for. I then got a new lid for the tank and all was well after that.
                        (disclaimer No animals were harmed in the telling of this true story).


                        • #27
                          What do Gerbils say when gay men walk into a pet store?

                          Woof Woof....



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Firebird V View Post
                            What do Gerbils say when gay men walk into a pet store?

                            Woof Woof....

                            :ROTF: :ROTF:
                            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                            • #29
                              When my cats die, no more pets here, except for fish.

                              If I ever get another furry type pet, I'll get a ferret. They are ridiculously intelligent, and comical as hell. Even the way they run is funny.
                              Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                              • #30
                                What did the brown gerbil say to the white gerbil?

                                "You're new around here aren't you"


                                Did you hear about the new labels on jars of Vaseline?
                                They're going to have pictures of missing gerbils on them.

