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RIP Dime

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  • #16
    Rest in Peace Bro! You'll cast a shadow!

    and SS, if you don't care to pay tribute to someone whom other people looked up to and loved as a musician, then don't read or post in any threads, it's that fuckin simple, you have a choice, but don't shit on anyone else


    • #17
      RIP Dime


      • #18
        Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
        People mourn Dime for a few reasons IMO - 1) the way he was murdered, on stage doing what he loved 2) the fact he always came across as such a nice genuine guy with a real love of life - not some guy who did himself in on drugs or cheeseburgers, or a moaning whiner who always felt sorry for himself. A normal, fun loving guy who normal guys like us feel a connection with and 3) he was a fucking phenomenal guitar player. His soloing is to my mind every bit as crazy as the shit EVH pulled off in the late 70's. I don't think anyone before or since has played the same as Dime - and he did it all with a smile on his face. Even the shit Pantera did before "Cowboys" is good thanks to Dime.
        I'm pretty sure you're right, I find myself often being bummed out over Dimebag, I was a fan of his playing, and Pantera is still one of my favorite bands. I think it does have to do with him being such a genuine person, and just having a high spirit.

        This video always gets to me :
        dedicated to dimebag darrell R.I.P DIMEthis video was not made by me the person who made its name is at the end i downloaded it and didnt see it on here and ...

        Originally posted by horns666
        The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


        • #19
          rip dime. your missed in the metroplex... from those of us that did know him.
          never thought of him as a "hero", just a good guy that some sucess doing what he loved.
          Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
          Amp... Pioneer
          Effects... Boss ME-20


          • #20
            My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


            • #21
              strange story, but i'll vent a little bit. i had two weeks notice that i was gonna deploy for three months in september of '04. did the three month deployment, and pulled back in. had several voicemails on my phone when we pulled back in. none of them were warm welcomes home, they were all "derek, did you hear what happened?". and i didn't.
              the fact that everyone that was close to me made it a point to fill me in about his death says something. dime's death impacted my generation enormously. listen to any song from any modern metal band, you can hear dime. i've been drinkin 7 and 7s all night in his memory. listened to the whole pantera catalogue, and watched the pantera dvd and dimevision.
              i can't put into words how dime influenced my life, but he did immensely. i could rant forever how much i love dime and his work, but i'll stop. i raise my next beer to dime and the music he gave us, and his legacy that will outlive us all.
              EAOS: 28JUN09


              • #22
                Yep. I've been thinking about Dime a lot the last couple of days. I will always remember him as a hell of a guitarist and a hell of a nice guy.

                SS...I'm trying to see some of what you are don't mean any disrespect...but he really did mean a lot to a lot of people...and the way he went out was just so wrong that it really struck a nerve with a lot of people in the industry as well as with the fans.

                My band was the local support act on the Damageplan show in Pittsburgh on 11/28/04. I'm not saying that I knew Dime well...but I spent enough time with him that night to know what he was like. He treated me, my band, & our crew like we were his friends. He took the time to hang guitar a bit...No rockstar bullshit to be found.

                Its very cool when you meet your heroes & they turn out to be very cool.....but losing him the way we did...just 10 days later.....

                I guess I will always feel that "sentimentalism".

                RIP Dime. There will never be another quite like you.


                • #23
                  Dec 8th

                  It so happens that today is my Marriage anniversary ! Every year my wife remembers that today is the day the "guitarist" was shot. She does not remember his name. But I do! Dime, you will be sadly missed!



                  • #24
                    He is my hero. I will miss him for the rest of my life. Most people will. It is so fucking unfair for him to die and so many mf's to live.


                    • #25
                      Still remember it like it was yesterday... RIP Dime. I bet he still is rocking on up there
                      If your mum stabbed ya you wouldnt get upset... You would say ' Ohhh shit mum stabbed me! I better go to a hospital'. - Chopper


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                        It so happens that today is my Marriage anniversary ! Every year my wife remembers that today is the day the "guitarist" was shot. She does not remember his name. But I do! Dime, you will be sadly missed!

                        Go on, wear a black armband next year, I dare ya!
                        She'll understand..........probably.
                        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                        I nearly broke her back

