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Hammett learning a riff

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jimmy B View Post
    I don't think Mustaine wrote half of the material on Kill 'Em All or Ride The Lightning. He may have contributed to half of those songs, but there is no way in hell he wrote them himself.

    Kirk's a good player and has played some great solos over the years. His sense of melodicism was something his peers lacked during the early years of thrash and something that, I think, helped set Metallica apart. Listen to any of Mustaines solos on "Killing Is My Business" or anything by Exodus - talk about widdly diddly crap.(I'm a huge fan of those bands, btw) Kirk learned well from studying those UFO albums. He has also earned my respect for sticking it out with Lars for so long.
    Metallica Fan boy content coming up.
    Mustaine wrote The Four Horsemen, Jump in the Fire, Phantom Lord, and Metal Militia. James and Lars had to add parts too the songs so they could out vote Dave and put them on Kill 'em All


    • #32
      Originally posted by themisfit138 View Post
      Metallica Fan boy content coming up.
      Mustaine wrote The Four Horsemen
      He wrote Mechanix. Metallica changed the lyrics and made it The Four Horsemen after he was booted out.
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #33
        Ride The Lightning is another mustaine song... and he's performing on this version:

        Call of Cthulhu is also a Mustaine song.
        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


        • #34
          Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
          Ride The Lightning is another mustaine song... and he's performing on this version:
          He may be performing on that recording, but that sounds more like young Hetfield on vox, not Mustaine as stated on the link.


          • #35
            Originally posted by toejam View Post
            He wrote Mechanix. Metallica changed the lyrics and made it The Four Horsemen after he was booted out.
            Right, but the Mechanix and the Four Horseman is basically the same song the Four Horseman is slower and it has that middle part added.


            • #36
              all i have to say:
              satriani had many students, some more notable than others. but out of his students that went the thrash direction, one word.
              skolnick. the best protege in my opinion.
              but hey, if lame pentatonic sloppy playing with way too much wah and shitty vibrato gets you recognized as a guitar hero, more power to ya!!!
              EAOS: 28JUN09


              • #37
                Originally posted by åron View Post
                He may be performing on that recording, but that sounds more like young Hetfield on vox, not Mustaine as stated on the link.
                That's a demo recording, and it is indeed Mustaine singing... Look into it. It's not a secret.
                The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                • #38
                  First of all, in my experience there are people that can easily distinguish between diferent voices, and there are people that are, shall we say, tone deaf when it comes to voices. Not that it's even worth bragging about, but I've generally found it easy to quickly identify people by voice recognition.

                  As a long time fan of Metallica and Megadeth lucky enough to see the bands before they went soft, that is Hetfield's voice. I did look into it, as you suggested, and found a fair amount of controversy over this recording.

                  The first think I found is this fan's rant on the subject

                  Obviously, there are people more concerned with this minutia than yours truly, and I'll let them battle it out. If you want to debate the subject, you'll find plenty of willing participants in the comments sections of Youtube.


                  • #39
                    He plays good people and I guess he is much better then you...
                    His solos suck that`s true...
                    Anyway how many of you are here that don`t sing when a Metallica
                    song comes on the radio?... Gottcha...
                    Hetfield plays better solos I agree...

                    Anyway he learned the riff later...
                    btw: How many of you have actually tried to play that riff?..
                    I did and it is a hard one...
                    The same as st.Anger(from guitar magazine that had a workshop with him)
                    so far NOT one tab has it right on the net
                    Cold Hollow Machinery


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                      That's a demo recording, and it is indeed Mustaine singing... Look into it. It's not a secret.
                      Dave only sang backups in Metallica...He's always denied that he sang lead. Don't you think that if he HAD ever sang lead, he would have harped on THAT for 20 years?
                      Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                      • #41
                        Also, I've had days like that, where I couldn't learn the simplest part that our vocalist or other guitarist came up with. You get it eventually and move on. Using a bad day to measure a guitarist's worth does nobody justice.
                        Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Special-K View Post
                          Anyway how many of you are here that don`t sing when a Metallica
                          song comes on the radio?... Gottcha...
                          I can't speak for everyone else, but me, for one. Gottcha...
                          btw: How many of you have actually tried to play that riff?..
                          I did and it is a hard one...
                          I have to admit, I didn't. I did take a stab at Master of Puppets way back in the day, but I was never that into the song to try to learn more than the opening riff. And I've never attempted any of their other stuff.
                          Hail yesterday


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Sinistas View Post
                            Also, I've had days like that, where I couldn't learn the simplest part that our vocalist or other guitarist came up with. You get it eventually and move on. Using a bad day to measure a guitarist's worth does nobody justice.
                            that's the great thing about having a documentary crew following you about - those off days get recorded for all posterity. For most folks recording an album, the general public is only going to hear the finished product, not all the little obstacles and ordinary or less-than-stellar moments that happen along the way.
                            Hail yesterday


                            • #44
                              Anyway how many of you are here that don`t sing when a Metallica
                              song comes on the radio?... Gottcha...

                              i don't sing to them. radio sucks in the uk, and i don't own any metallica anymore so i never have to listen to them and subject myself to kirks awful playing and the frabkly dull middle sections in their songs!!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                                That's a demo recording, and it is indeed Mustaine singing... Look into it. It's not a secret.

                                That's quite clearly Hetfield. I don't see how anyone could think that's Mustaine - the voice and even the way he finishes a lot his lines is obviously Jaymz. You can even hear the early stages of his modern day "yeah-ah"s at the end of all his lines.

                                Who plays the solo though? It's very similar to the one that ended up on the album....


