Fucking cunt. On Friday moring, coming home from work, this fag in a truck totally blows a red light as I'm entering the intersection. So I crashed my van pretty badly. Good thing I saw him barreling through like that and slammed on the brakes or else I would have been dead for sure. I thought for sure it was a stolen vehicle by how fast he was going. We pulled over and exchanged insurace info and I told him he totally blew the red light. Now the fucking cunt is disputing that he even had a red light to the insurance company, so I will most likely have to pay my deductable of $400. There were no witnesses and we have "no fault insurance" in cases like this where it's his word against mine. FUCK.
So I don't have my van, the insurance company has it and will do a damage estimate sometime next week because they are so busy and this stupid christian holiday is coming up. I may not have my van for well over a month. My father-in-law was cool enough to let me borrow his truck until I get my van back.
Yesterday the wife and I went out to a function for her work at a restaurant. I left the goddamn lights on in the truck and drained the battery dry. So today I had to go to Walmart, buy a new battery ($1111) and replace the brand new one I toasted in his truck.
Fuck this shit.
Thank you for allowing me to vent.
So I don't have my van, the insurance company has it and will do a damage estimate sometime next week because they are so busy and this stupid christian holiday is coming up. I may not have my van for well over a month. My father-in-law was cool enough to let me borrow his truck until I get my van back.
Yesterday the wife and I went out to a function for her work at a restaurant. I left the goddamn lights on in the truck and drained the battery dry. So today I had to go to Walmart, buy a new battery ($1111) and replace the brand new one I toasted in his truck.
Fuck this shit.
Thank you for allowing me to vent.
