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What a crappy weekend...

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  • What a crappy weekend...

    Fucking cunt. On Friday moring, coming home from work, this fag in a truck totally blows a red light as I'm entering the intersection. So I crashed my van pretty badly. Good thing I saw him barreling through like that and slammed on the brakes or else I would have been dead for sure. I thought for sure it was a stolen vehicle by how fast he was going. We pulled over and exchanged insurace info and I told him he totally blew the red light. Now the fucking cunt is disputing that he even had a red light to the insurance company, so I will most likely have to pay my deductable of $400. There were no witnesses and we have "no fault insurance" in cases like this where it's his word against mine. FUCK.

    So I don't have my van, the insurance company has it and will do a damage estimate sometime next week because they are so busy and this stupid christian holiday is coming up. I may not have my van for well over a month. My father-in-law was cool enough to let me borrow his truck until I get my van back.

    Yesterday the wife and I went out to a function for her work at a restaurant. I left the goddamn lights on in the truck and drained the battery dry. So today I had to go to Walmart, buy a new battery ($1111) and replace the brand new one I toasted in his truck.

    Fuck this shit.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent.


  • #2
    Godamn sounds like my week!!

    I didn't get into an accident, but was on the highway doin about 100kph and the front suspension blew out and then blew the front drivers side tire, so I take the car in tot he dealer to get that fixed as all was working fine otherwise, and I get the car back and now mysteriously the engine is fucked! interesting and strange that now my engine all of a sudden does nto work properly and is fucked beyond repair.

    so now I have to buy a new car! I don't have anyone to loan me one, I commute to work every day, so now I'm forced to make a snap decision without having time to research, FUCK christmas! this year fuckin sucks an ass



    • #3
      However sorry for the accident, I fucking hate people that are totally oblivious to anyone but themselves!!

      so good luck gettin your Van back



      • #4
        Damn bro that sucks! Was there a police report filed? Did he recieve a ticket at the time of the accident?

        Oh and as for the dead batter... You could have just recharged his battery instead of buying a new one. Especially if it was a new battery, killing it a few times wont destroy it. Its when you let it go dead for extended periods of time that itll die.
        Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


        • #5
          Sorry about the rough weekend dude, I totally understand! Last weekend was my crappy one... My daughter was evicted from her apartment and I had to play super dad and bail her out by moving her and paying for her shit! right on time for christmas! Blew all my spare cash.... She got an ear full, but what can I do?


          Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:

          1. The DNA all matches.

          2. There are no dental records.


          • #6
            That blows. Sorry to hear this but at least no one was hurt or worse. In trying to think of a way to prove he ran the red light, I guess this stoplight doesn't have those automatic cameras that go off for citations? Are there any convenience stores/banks at that intersection?..they usually have a 24-hr cameras that may have picked up something. Lastly, I don't know about your regional cell phone laws, but if he was on one at the time, that may be records would show this if he ain't fessing.
            "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


            • #7
              Sorry to hear about that bro. Still, Merry Christmas anyway; it'll get better
              My wife was in a similar situation last year, some twunt backed into her car in a parking lot while she was driving down the lane. The woman said my wife flew around the corner at 40mph and hit her truck. The whole case ended up going to arbitration but we got our deductible back in the end. At first they tried the whole "no fault" crap on us, but it was obvious that it wasn't my wife's fault, and I wasn't about to have my rates go up over that shit. Just curious; why didn't you call 5-0?

              '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
              '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
              '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
              VOX AD30VT


              • #8
                I had the same thing tried on me. She blew the light, we traded info and next thing I hear she said that I hit her. I went back to the intersection and hit the businesses there. It was night when the accident happened, so my hopes were not high. I stopped at a Domino's pizza and asked in there. It was nighttime then, and a chick who worked there said that she saw the accident as she was getting in her car for a delivery. I got a statement and sent a copy to the bitch.

                She paid out the nose for the repairs, no argument. I even dinged her for some front end work that I needed before the accident just for good measure.

                Any businesses around where it happened? If so, go back there at the same hour the accident happened and ask around.


                • #9
                  that sucks


                  • #10
                    We called all the businesses at that corner, and none have cameras pointing that way. So it's still his word against mine.

                    Get this - last night the truck we borrowed wouldn't start. Wife's step bro is a mechanic and he says it's the starter. So I probably wasted money on that battery. He's replacing the starter today, at my father-in-laws cost of course, but we had to scramble to get Jen a ride to work for today.

                    Fuck, I want my van back.
                    THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                    • #11
                      Oh yeah, and the battery only cost $111, not $1111.
                      THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MetalMedal II View Post
                        That blows. Sorry to hear this but at least no one was hurt or worse. In trying to think of a way to prove he ran the red light, I guess this stoplight doesn't have those automatic cameras that go off for citations? Are there any convenience stores/banks at that intersection?..they usually have a 24-hr cameras that may have picked up something. Lastly, I don't know about your regional cell phone laws, but if he was on one at the time, that may be records would show this if he ain't fessing.
                        +1, that is some good advice.

                        Sorry to hear about your bad weekend, hopping things turn up for you. It is almost a new year. I am hoping next year is better than this year. I had a fucked up year and I knew it on New Years eve.
                        Just one more guitar!


                        • #13
                          It's not a christian holiday any more. It's just about selling more junk to people to give to other people. It's all about the money.
                          Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


