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It wasn't enough to just suck at playing guitar already

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  • It wasn't enough to just suck at playing guitar already

    ....I thought I'd try to cut one of my hands off.

    Let me tell you a little story...

    Was pottering about the garden today when I unwittingly unearthed a large, thick piece of window glass that was apparently left behind when our house was built.

    I was using my hands (as you do) to drag back all the bark in my front garden bed so that weedmat could be laid down before covering over with bark again. Should save a couple hundred man hours a year in pulling fucking weeds out of the beds by stifling the weeds whilst still allowing the soil to breath and water to pass through.

    So it was while clearing the bark back to bare dirt that I notice a hard scrape across my right palm. "Bugger," I thought, "I've just scratched the crap out of my hand on a bit of bark". When I went to inspect the damaged, I noticed my hand was smiling back at me. The end result was due to my using the aforementioned piece of glass poking firmly out of the ground (and previously hidden by tanbark) in a single sawing motion across the meatiest part of my right hand.

    Quickly rounded the kids up, closed the house up, run the wound under water & wrapped my hand for the drive to the hospital. Fortunately, my years of driving with right elbow perched coolly on window sill (right hand drive cars over here) had left me well equipped to drive & park one handed.

    Hospital staff there were suitably impressed - although Saturday morning lacerations are apparently pretty commonplace, I'd done a particularly tidy job with my gardening accident. Three hours in the waiting room watching the Australia v India cricket match, and I had a guy jabbing needles into my open palm to put it to sleep, and then scrubbing fiercely to remove all the garden detritus that had accumulated there. Additionally, I was well overdue a tetanus shot ("left shoulder, thanks, just had some ink done on my right"), so now I'm sad & sorry on both sides.

    6 stitches later and it's taken me all night to get up the courage to see if guitar play will be at all on the cards for the next week or so. Took my first ginger stabs at a couple of licks. Looks like I can, but forget about palm muting. The slice wraps around my the fleshy side of my hand and across the palm. I'm going to have to learn to play Marty Friedman-style!

    For those in the cheap seats, I'll see if I can get a decent pic sometime tomorrow. The guy did an ace job closing me up, so it may not look too impressive, but I wasn't really in the frame of mind to take photos when it was at it's most spectacular
    Hail yesterday

  • #2
    Damn G sorry to hear that. I hope you heal fast!!
    Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


    • #3
      ouch man!!! sound slike u handled it well....

      ...whats thsat Vitamin G junior? daddy fainted and cried like a baby?? He shouted for his mum??

      hahaha!! i'm toying with ya i'm sure u didn't here's to a quick recovery!!


      • #4
        Man, that sucks, but maybe you'll come back refreshed.
        I cut my left thumb in half longways in 1994 and broke a small bone in my wrist in october.

        It sucks, but I can do really cool things with my numb thumb and not feel it, plus it bends just enough to wrap around the low E and A ala Hendrix (or so I'd like to think)

        The wrist thing has been worse, It still isn't better, and I am having to go to PT. I have to play with the headstock fairly high now or wear my guitar like a necklace - that ain't going to happen - old dude with a Nagel guitar up near his chin HaHaHa.

        Glad to see you can still do most of the stuff you want to.
        It'll be interesting to see how your technique changes after a few weeks of working around this ailment.

        I rode in my friends BJ from New Zealand the other day (that's a diesel landcruiser sickos) and it was funny as a passenger getting into the left hand door. A little unnerving on 65MPH highways with the driver away from traffic (as a passenger).

        It's amazing how cool you can be under circumstances where you are leaking vital fluids. It's like your body knows you need to take care of business and focus on getting help.
        When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


        • #5
          Oooohhhhhh! I got the back of my hand slashed (accidently) by a workmate with a stanley knife when I was younger, and although there was no pain, the sight of such a clean wound was frankly terrifying. I nearly shit my pants. God knows how you must have felt.
          Hope you get back to the guitar soon mate.

          Now what did you mean about learning to play Marty style? I only know him from Megadeth albums, and don't get the point. Does he play some crazy way?



          • #6
            I did the same thing banding up some steel. 11 stitches for me ( four internal, seven external), and it healed up nicely. Palm muting was a b*tch for a few days after they came out, but the week they were in sucked a$$....
            Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


            • #7
              Sorry to hear that G. Don't bust your stitches trying to play too soon!
              I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


              • #8
                Hope you heal fast, Gary! I'm in the irrigation business, & this is just the type of injury that I worry most about with my crew when they're installing sprinkler heads. Builders bury tons of stuff right around the houses rather than pay the dump fees. I try to convince my guys to wear gloves, but a lot of them won't because it slows them down.


                • #9
                  Ah, I see what you mean about Marty.




                  • #10
                    You're lucky that it was your right hand.I'm always super careful about my hands.
                    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                    • #11
                      i just thought actually, well at least u'll be good at legato buy the end of it


                      • #12
                        Damn G.....I hope you have a speedy recovery.

                        I had an injury to my right hand a couple of years ago myself. I had been helping my brother repair a garage door , and while winding the cable on the spindle my hand slipped and the back side slapped the track the wheels roll in, which is stamped metal and apparently someone at the manufacturer forgot to de-bur it and it laid my hand open cutting the sleeve that wraps the tendon exposing the tendon(which is the most pure white thing i have ever seen)..anyway lots of stitches in and out and couldn't pick for weeks BUT,,,,,,, My legato got WICKED. so this would be a great time for you to give the old lefty a good workout

                        MOSH ON
                        "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

                        "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

                        The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
                          i just thought actually, well at least u'll be good at legato buy the end of it
                          thats funny that you posted that while i was typing,,,Damn I type slow,,it took me over 13 min. to type my reply and get my coffee just under your post , glad i play better than i type:ROTF:
                          "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

                          "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

                          The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


                          • #14
                            Ouch! I hate damaging my always scares me a bit.

                            When I was a kid (~17) and still playing in bands, we played a show at a place that was all ages. To do this they put a big plexi glass wall across the middle of club to seperate legal drinkers from underage. I was in the pit on one side while my friends band was playing. The stage was pretty high and one time around I grabbed on and launched my self in the air. Just as I came down, someone on the other side broke the plexi. My right hand came down on it as I landed. It cut my palm just above the wrist and it bled pretty good. The interesting part is that we were up next. I washed it a bit, but didn't have time to do anything else. Plus, I hate playing with anything on my hands or wrists. Also, I wouldn't have been able to palm mute properly. So I played with blood dripping out of my hand. It probably would have been cool if I had a white guitar or something, but the two I had at the time were both black. I had to do a could cleaning to get the blood out of the floyds. There are a couple scars on my palm as a reminder of that show.


                            • #15

                              Sorry to hear you cut yourself, but at least it was your picking hand... imagine a big slide through your left fingers.... yikes!

                              Get better soon!
                              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

