The Boston Celtics have a contest that's sponsored by Foxwoods Casino for every home game. The person selected gets two tickets to the game in question (worth $120 apiece), and the opportunity to take a 3-point shot in between the first and second quarters. If you make the shot, you get $7,777 and the chance to take a $70,000 halfcourt shot.
Now, I'm kind of rusty, but I used to be nasty with the 3s. I'm a short white dude, so I had to pick something to excel at with the roundball. So yeah, hopefully next Wednesday night I'll be $7k+ richer. Ha!
The contest: http://eform.celtics.com/asbs/servlet/SS?F=1468506
The Boston Celtics have a contest that's sponsored by Foxwoods Casino for every home game. The person selected gets two tickets to the game in question (worth $120 apiece), and the opportunity to take a 3-point shot in between the first and second quarters. If you make the shot, you get $7,777 and the chance to take a $70,000 halfcourt shot.
Now, I'm kind of rusty, but I used to be nasty with the 3s. I'm a short white dude, so I had to pick something to excel at with the roundball. So yeah, hopefully next Wednesday night I'll be $7k+ richer. Ha!
The contest: http://eform.celtics.com/asbs/servlet/SS?F=1468506