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Local band BS (ggrrrr)

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  • Local band BS (ggrrrr)

    I'm just venting.
    We get asked by a band (local really meaning from the same state..K?) to trade us a show. They are just getting started have about 4 shows under their belt, wanna come to OKC. Just so happens we have a show in Jan that we still need one band for. I get check with the promoter, she talks to them, books them with us. They in turn, ask us to play at Moms Only Chance Saloon in Faxon, OK. This was all right around Christmas or so.

    I send them (the venue) a quick "thanks for letting us play with Solvent State" message, due to the holidays etc, and they just got their new myspace page done, I haven't heard from them til last night.

    This is what I hear..Uhm..did I book you here?..Uh oh.

    So I explain everything, seems Aaron never talked to Mom-C (owner/boss/etc).
    In the end she's cool with us coming down there, but asks me to call her tonight. Just got off the phone with her..she is a SWEET lady. Elderly, but awesome! Anyhow..She explains she didn't know about it, etc etc, asked some things about us etc etc, all is good. She says will you please have Aaron call me? So i say sure.
    I call him (FLAKY!!!) I ask him to call her, explain that she didn't know anything about us....he then tells me that we don't want to play there, that place is LAME etc etc etc.
    I said, I just told her we would be there with you, he keeps making excuses, saying that place isn't good enough for us (COM) to play etc etc. I'm gonna kill him!! So I guess I'll call her tomorrow and tell her we aren't going to play there cause Aaron changed his mind. See, she pays..cause she asked if we were splitting the money (of course I said well, YES)..she's usually a one cover band night place, the do metal muti bands once every couple of I'm guessing he's not wantin to give us some of the money. Which probably isn't much from a small town place, but dammit! That's beside the point. He INVITED us to a show, then changes his fuckin mind. Jerk.
    Thanks for reading..I'm going to go and beat my head against a brick wall.

  • #2
    Du'dette .... that is f-up.

    the sad part is there are so many people like that, every where you go
    ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


    • #3
      Musicians are flaky as hell. I'm amazed that bands ever get together in the first place.

      I'm teaching myself to sing and program drums because it's easier than dealing with having a 'real' band.


      • #4
        Damn them all to hell hun!!!! They'll be begging for you guys one day to help them out, take my word on it. Then you know what to do and say. UP THEIRS!!!!
        "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

        I hate stupid people.


        • #5
          damn, what a screw up! That's what you get for trying to help someone out. No wonder people get so cynical & jaded.
          Hail yesterday


          • #6
            This sounds very unusual, most of the musicians I deal with are extremely reliable.

            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #7
              Originally posted by hippietim View Post
              This sounds very unusual, most of the musicians I deal with are extremely reliable.

              LOL, You almost had me going there for a second....


              • #8
                Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                This sounds very unusual, most of the musicians I deal with are extremely reliable.

                Nice one.......

                Sorry to hear this, Jeri. That guy Aaron sounds like a major league asshole.
                Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                  This sounds very unusual, most of the musicians I deal with are extremely reliable.

                  You almost got that out with a straight face; great effort!

                  Jeri, have they already done the show with your band? If not can you get them cancelled? If not, then I guess just get them on the shit list locally and if anybody asks you about them tell them this story.

                  In the long run, they screwed themselves much more than you.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!

