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Kidney Stone remedy?

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  • Kidney Stone remedy?

    Man, I'm in some pain right now!! I believe I'm passing a kidney stone. I've had urinary problems since birth and as such I go to the urologist once per year for a routine check-up. Anyway, I've had an 8mm (I think) stone that lithrotripsy failed to get for some time. I've also passed a couple of small stones in the past few years. Back in May the doc said that this one would hurt when it started to move.

    Well, I'm having that ol familiar feeling again!! I took a Lortab (from back in 1998... ) and tried this 2oz. of olive oil/2oz. of lemon juice concoction.

    Anyone know if this stuff helps? I think I'm going to go saw off a toe or something to distract me a bit

  • #2
    Can't they break it up while it's inside you with some sort of sonar instrument?

    Drink more water is all I can think of man.
    I'm gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge.


    • #3
      Had one before...I feel for ya...As mentioned above....water! And keep drinking lots of it in the future...


      • #4
        Yup keep well hydrated and lay off the milk and cheese. As for your current stone, they told me to keep drinking lots of water. Mine was stuck and I needed a stent but it miraculously passed the night before I went into the tank so there was no need. My buddy gets them all the time. He just doesnt get it when it comes to drinking lots of water and laying off the calcium. Good luck.


        • #5
          Sorry to hear about that man! I haven't had a kidney stone that I know of, but I have IBS and when that flares up it hurts like hell too.

          My brother-in-law did the olive oil thing to pass gallstones, though he eventually had to get his gall bladder removed. It worked for him a few times though. The lemon juice added makes sense for dissolving a kidney stone too. Best of luck with that....
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            The lemon juice / olive oil "remedy" for gall stones has been pretty well disproven. The olive oil + bile + lemon juice makes you crap out little green globules that look like gall stones, but aren't. It's all over the internet. True believers even strain out their dumps & post pics. I think this mythical treatment morphed into a kidney stone remedy because somebody confused kidney stones & gall stones, then the internet did the rest to spread it.

            I've read where some people think the olive oil somehow lubes up the ureters & urethra to help the stone pass. If olive oil is making it through the intestinal wall, through your bloodstream, then through your kidneys, you have a much bigger problem than kidney stones. There would be oil floating on the surface when you took a piss, right?
            Last edited by dg; 01-14-2008, 09:44 AM.


            • #7
              I had a gall stone once. So much pain that I actually went to the ER (it takes a lot for me to go to the hospital). The doctor in the ER and my dad's friend the gastroenterologist (sp?) said that there's pretty much nothing you can do to prevent them; they just happen.


              • #8
                a shot of Morphine.


                • #9
                  My wife gets these. When she had her gall bladder removed, it seemed to loosen up the kidney stones. We think it might have been from the extra fluid via IV's.

                  If you drink lots of water and there are other stones in waiting, watch out.

                  My wife's stone was caught and they were supposed to find out what it was made of (in order to find out what not to eat), but we never heard back (wife should have followed up).

                  She hates most things dairy, but drinks lots of Pepsi. That is what I think causes it.


                  • #10
                    Water.... Lots and Lots of water.
                    My wifes aunt had to be placed into a medically induced coma after going septic from a kidney stone that wouldn't move.

                    Find out what the hell it's made of and then work with your Dr. to modify your diet.
                    In some cases, as with my wifes aunt, she is just prone to getting them regardless of what she does or doesn't eat.

                    She just hates water. She drinks Pepsi by the gallon.


                    • #11
                      good luck with that stone man.. drink as much as you can and always keep smiling ^^


                      • #12
                        Well, I'm alive . I doubted the olive oil/lemon juice remedy would actually "do" anything, however, immediately after drinking it the pain subsided (stone probably went into the bladder). Since I've had a couple of stones, I've asked the doc what are the causes. According to him my pre-existing condition makes me predisposed to kidney stones. However, the only beverage I drink (save the occasional beer) is water and coffee. I eat a very high protein diet, however, (250g+ per day, usually) and this combined with a reduced water intake lately has probably caused me to develop another stone. Anyway, things seem to be going well today.


                        • #13
                          Laugh if you want. I drank the 2 tablespoon virgin olive oil/ 2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice concoction and passed my stone within an hour maybe hour and a half after drinking it. I think the oil helps the stone move easier or something. Good luck.
                          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

