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Is there a way to see if someone has kids or not??

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  • #61
    Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon View Post
    That is called constructive discharge and is very risky.
    I didn't put him there to force him to leave. I put him there because that's where he was the least risk to my operation. Moving him there allowed me to move a more productive employee into a more critical position where I needed them. He was going to leave regardless so moving him to a less critical shift with less critical responsibility gave him greater opportunity to look for another job, and caused little to no impact on my environment when he decided not to show up to work 1/3 of the time. He agreed to change shifts, I didn't force him, and it worked out for both parties in the end. I'd never try to force a person to quit, that would totally unethical
    Last edited by UFORocks; 01-15-2008, 08:19 PM.
    '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
    '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
    '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
    VOX AD30VT


    • #62
      Is she crushed beyond belief, because when my brother OD'ed she sat at the dining room table for almost a month reading sorry cards that kept coming in after the services. What's the sadness level like, because my Mom wouldn't have been able to to go to the bar and have drinks with people for a long period of time, but people all react differently to certain situations. But a Mom's love is always , well usually, a strong one.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #63
        Originally posted by Newc View Post
        This board is under no obligation to provide user account info under the privacy act except in cases such as terrorism or piracy.
        I don't know how the admins would respond, but I'd guess they'd rather avoid the whole situation. What I know is that HR issues are volatile and litigious, you have to go by the book or you can get rolled.


        • #64
          dg is correct, but be cautious, if you say the wrong things you could get pulled into court over it. Just document everything and don't accuse her of anything. I would try to get her out of there as soon as you can!


          Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:

          1. The DNA all matches.

          2. There are no dental records.


          • #65
            Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
            Ya reckon?? Geez, I never would have thought of that. C'mon bro, sometimes ya need to vent, and ya gotta admit we are some crafty maybe there might be some good ideas here. You'd be surprised the resources we have here.

            For example, thanks to Zeegs..I'm stabbin her in the face the next time I see her..SEE?? :ROTF:
            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



            • #66
              Oh yeah bro, will have many pics just for you!!


              • #67
                Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
                Oh yeah bro, will have many pics just for you!!
                I knew I could count on you Jeri!

                By the way, in all seriousness, the best suggestion I've heard so far, is to contact her P.O. Even if they can't disclose anything to you, they will at least be very interested in her comings and goings, fabricated or not. They have a vested interest in keeping her gainfully employed.
                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                • #68
                  If you are a member of our local chamber of commerce, you get access to resources specifically related to this kind of situation. I think there is a phone number that allows you to speak to a lawyer to discuss your situation. Perhaps you have a local agency with the same resources?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
                    nahhhman its winter and cold it'll stay fresh.
                    If not then just add a few bags of ice and watch your speed
                    The gators will handle the rest
                    It's not the weather I'd worry about; it's those state troopers all along the way who constantly pull over "suspicious" drivers looking for drug runners to bust. That's a big revenue-generator in these parts!
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!

