You haven't lived until you can reach for a British commando knife that is 10 inches away from my mouse.:ROTF: I'm ready.:ROTF::ROTF:
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What's on your desk?
L shaped desk placed in corner with a hutch.
Photos of family members
Two monitors
DSL modem
Blank spindles of DVD's and DC's.
DVD boot of Judas Priest 1990 Detroit show
DVD Judas Priest Electric Eye
Fountain Coke
Hair brushPeace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...
"Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."
I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.
Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.
3 sets of floyd saddles missing the little brass backing
Solder Gun
A top to a CD spool full of coins
shot glass
beer caps w/ misc screws and parts
A glass about a 1/4 full of RJ-45s
misc small tools
coffee mug
a pile of hair ties I cant use. LOL
a pile of guitar picksJust one more guitar!
1) iPod
2) stack of picks
3) spindle of blank CDs
4) CD for my theory class
5) remote for tv
6) last weeks pay stub
7) tickets to a concert that i didnt go to last month (at least they were free)
8) 2 Sharpie markers
9) box of chocolate
10) cellphone
Heh. Great thread.
1. guitar picks, metronome, Floyd wrench, needle nose pliers for changing strings, an Ensoniq sustain pedal, assorted MIDI and 1/4" cables
2. a wireless mouse, a trackball for when the mouse goes flaky, an ancient NMB keyboard that could survive a nuclear blast, a pair of LCD screens, various flash drives
3. empty Glaceau "smart water" bottles (I blame my wife); empty coke cans and coffee mugs (I blame my addiction)
4. bag o' pretzels, Altoids
5. The Forgotten Battle, Overloon and the Maas Salient 1944-45
6. glasses that make me look like an old man
7. a plastic model kit I'd like to start soon
8. leather repair kit for the rips in my chair (I'll get around to it)
9. Swiss Army knife
10. an old sight from the target bow I used to shoot as a kid
13. a metric ton of unopened mail
14. the usual desk stuff (family pics, pens, phone, etc.)
The guitars aren't actually ON the desk....This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO