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What would you guys do?

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  • What would you guys do?

    I know, that's a goofy thread title for me....

    OK, so it's been really bad weather all week here in California.

    Tonight I'm relaxing at home, it's about 8 PM, so it's dark - I have the porch light on at the front door.

    (BTW a little background here: I always use my side door to enter & exit the house. There is no light there. Most visitors go to the front door, right? Jehovah Witnesses, high school kids selling stuff, etc. My SOP when getting knocks on the front door especially at night is to come out the side door and "sneak up" on the front porch interlopers, thereby putting them off guard -- and denying them a look inside my front room, which is filled with musical instruments. They're still under the light so I can get a good look at 'em, etc. One time last month I did not follow this plan - it was a Latin selling strawberries during the day - he caught sight of the Tama drum set and got, er, excited. I had to quickly close the door on him while he was going "Tambores!" and making drumming motions. Fugger.)

    Back to tonight. During a break in the rainstorm, I hear a knock on my side door, I figure it's friend, family or neighbor.

    I get to the door, look out the blinds and there's nobody there. First red flag.

    I look down the driveway and there's a big white guy there (2nd red flag - I'm, er, a minority in my neighborhood so to speak), he's smoking a cigarette (I don't like that right off the bat) and he starts saying his vehicle broke down and asks if I have jumper cables. I notice in this brief conversation he drops the F bomb several times (2 1/2 red flag? )

    He points across the street to a fairly late model white Ford Explorer
    (Red flag or not?).

    So anyway, I'm standing there in my doorway, red flags piling up, and my Paranoia-meter is rising.

    So I lie. I actually have jumper cables, 2 as a matter of fact. One pair somewhere in the trunk of my Buick (which said stranger is standing next to -- and eyeing BTW).

    "Sorry, man. Maybe try AAA." as I close the door.

    Now normally, I'm a pretty helpful person. I don't hesitate to push people's cars around, give strangers directions, get groceries from the top shelf for short or old people, etc etc. But this situation bugged me a bit, as you can tell by this ever-growing post Just way too suspicious all around.

    So I start to think, how would I help this guy? Say, sure, I got cables. Would I leave my door open and/or unlocked while I rummage through the trunk finding those cables in the Buick's trunk? (That'd be a great time to clout me over the head with a crow bar, eh?) Then what, I suppose he'd want me to go give his Ford a jump?

    Now I am remembering some door-to-door scams that people get ripped off with. The can I use your phone bit, or we're city inspectors, blah blah.

    BTW I checked the street about a couple hours later. The Ford was - cue dramatic music - gone!

    Anyway, WWJCFD? Was I right to be cautious?
    Last edited by RacerX; 01-28-2008, 03:05 AM.
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

  • #2
    Always be cautious in those situations, you gotta look out for your shit first and foremost!
    I heard a story of someone knocking on our old rear neighbours door, keeping them busy whilst there boyfriend went around the back and broke in, but got caught. Luckily this new place has a side front door and a bigass gate.

    Weird timing, the place across the road just got completely robbed. That def sounds like an inside job since they run there business outta there though, still too close to home (literally).


    • #3
      I guess you did the right thing Ron, it shouldn't be that hard to find jumper cables so even if the guy wasn't someone to be suspicious of it's not a big deal
      Check my bands!


      • #4
        Originally posted by RacerX View Post
        Jehovah Witnesses

        There's a hot girl at school that I like. Unfortunately she's a Jehovah Witness.

        Not joking.
        Last edited by Norton; 01-28-2008, 09:32 AM.
        I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


        • #5
          Dude I think you did the right thing, and I would have probably done the same thing. The whole side door thing freaks me out, Put a light on the side.


          • #6
            Truthfully, I wouldn't have answered my door to begin with.

            Being Cautious > Being Raped , Beaten, Killed, and Raped again.
            Originally posted by horns666
            The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


            • #7
              You did the right thing. He had no business being anywhere on your property. If he had a legit problem, he would have been at your front door under the light.


              • #8
                Always go with your gut. You did good, Ron. The cemetary is full of people that fell for that trick.

                And just as a little extra protection, build a false wall about 5 feet in front of your front door so it looks like you have to walk to the side to get into the front room, and it obscures your belongings from prying eyes.
                It doesn't have to be drywall or even plywood. A few sheets of posterboard painted to match your walls stapled to a 2x4 frame that goes floor to ceiling is enough.
                Last edited by Newc; 01-28-2008, 08:40 AM.
                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • #9
                  First off, I gotta say that it's a shame you live in a neighborhood that you should have to worry about something like that. I live in a neighborhood where some folks still leave their doors unlocked at night. I know, I'm lucky.

                  In this case though Ron, I think you did the right thing. Always go with your gut like Matt says.
                  Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                  • #10
                    I always feel bad when I dont help somebody out, but you have to follow your instincts. Stop worrying about it, you did the right thing.
                    Just one more guitar!


                    • #11
                      I'd say you did the smart thing, man. Never trust anyone.
                      THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                      • #12
                        I'd also see about lining my doorframes with those yardsticks they have at the pizza parlor to quickly see how tall someone is so they can describe them accurately to the cops.

                        And mount a mini-camera on the peephole of your door so you get their picture. Get one that you can pivot for the jerks that stand off to the side.
                        Mount a second one about the middle of the door for those who wear hats and look at their feet to avoid showing their faces.

                        And a can of something flammable and a Zippo in case someone needs to go to the burn unit.
                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #13
                          Sounds like something didn't smell right, and you did the right thing. Nothing to add that hasn't already been said, really, just saying it again.

                          Helping people in distress when you're out is one thing. Having somebody come to your door for something is a whole different ball of wax. I can see who is at my door without them knowing, and I never answer the door unless I know who it is. Never. The risks are just too great. And everybody has a cell phone these days. Everybody. I am not AAA. I am not the sheriff. I am not a phone booth. I am not a taxi or the ER. If somebody needs help that bad, they can call 911 - or scream loud enough in the street, and somebody will call for them.

                          But outside of the home, I will do some crazy shit to help people. I was driving back from a show about 30 miles away last month, on a 4 lane divided highway. Speed limit on the part I was on was 55. I was in the slow lane, and noticed a car parked in the fast lane at 11pm without hazard lights. About the time I noticed the car, I heard the screaming. This was screaming that would stop you without thought.

                          Then I noticed the body in the middle of the highway. The stopped car had just hit a pedestrian. I stopped in the middle, about 40 feet back, flashers on, to try and keep the next car from hitting the pedestrian again- and prayed that the next 40 cars behind me going 85 didn't hit me for putting my self in between. Then I called 911 so the right people could show up.

                          But anyway, sounds like you did the exact right thing to me. Personally I would rather wonder for a couple of weeks whether I should have helped instead of knowing I had fucked up when the guns/knives came out.

                          Glad you're around to chat about it, Ron.
                          The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



                          • #14
                            Good call, DTA....I actually had a guest in my home once ask me if I was insured for theft!!!! Needless to say he was not a "guest" for long afterwards, and was promptly told to go fuck off every time he showed up since, and he tried on many later occasions to "visit".......

                            On a side note Jehovah's Witnesses no longer approach my house......My secret? I answered the door at 10 AM in my boxers with a needlessly large joint hanging from my lip and Dimmu Borgir blaring on the stereo, and they haven't returned since (6 years and counting).....that's what they get for fuckin wit my Saturday morning...........
                            I'm not into hell.........I just dig the soundtrack.........


                            • #15
                              A comedian said that if you decorate outside your front door with chalk body outlines and police tape, with a few copies of Watchtower strewn around for good measure, the number of unwelcome visitors will go way down.
                              The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


