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I got a PM I will never forget

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  • I got a PM I will never forget

    Let's just say that we have just a great group of people here. We may have never met and we can post almost whatever we want. But, I can tell you this, we can influence people for good or for not so good. The PM I received drove that home bigtime.
    I am a true ass set to this board.

  • #2
    i hope it was in a good way
    ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


    • #3
      It woke me up. We DO influence members like you would not believe. I,now, know that for a fact. There are a lot of us that have a "Net" presence. This board is bigger than that. Whether we know it or not, how we present ourselves here can make a difference.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        He's gone all cryptic. Oh mighty one what is this knowledge you speak of? Are we mere mortals not worthy of hearing your voice booming out the Fett commandments? Shall we throw up an idol of a cheap steak in your honour.

        Or shall we just take mickey out of you?
        Fwopping, you know you want to!

        VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!

        There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.


        • #5
          No commandments from me. I'm just fett.
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • #6
            Originally posted by shobet View Post
            He's gone all cryptic. Oh mighty one what is this knowledge you speak of? Are we mere mortals not worthy of hearing your voice booming out the Fett commandments? Shall we throw up an idol of a cheap steak in your honour.

            Or shall we just take mickey out of you?

            I thought fett was posting all of these threads in the "pay only" area? I was lied to...

            Pretty open ended there fett. Makes it hard for the rest of us peons to follow along...
            I'm angry because you're stupid


            • #7
              OK. And I am not blowing smoke out of my helmet Or tooting my horns.:ROTF: No details. The bottom line is there are people out there that treat us role models. I'm serious here. Laugh it up. But, it really made me think.
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #8
                Well, you start a thread about a PM you'll never forget but then won't tell us what it said? You only talk about it in vague terms but want us to understand the importance and severity of it? See where the problem lies? It's not that I don't believe you, but I can't really grasp what it is you are trying to say without a little more info. If you don't want to provide the info, that's cool. I would ask why a thread had to be started to covey this? But then again, you are fett. And fett is good...
                I'm angry because you're stupid


                • #9
                  I won't disclose the message or the sender. That would compromise the PM function. I will tell you this. Being fett has garnered a compliment that I have been receiving for decades. I used to be in "Kid Biz" and worked with teens. It's been a few years. But, I guess I haven't changed. And that makes me feel REAL GOOD.
                  I am a true ass set to this board.


                  • #10
                    OK, so this is the "I'm am great and I can't prove it so you'll just have to believe me" thread?

                    You didn't have to start a thread for that. We all know and accept that fact...

                    Kidding you bro. Congrats on the message...
                    I'm angry because you're stupid


                    • #11
                      Fett, your avatar photo alone is an inspiration. I can see the gleaming halls of Valhalla reflected in your eyes!

                      Seriously - well, sort of seriously - I get a lot of emails about my "worthless" gear reviews on Harmony Central, usually from kids who are just getting into building rack rigs or modding their guitar for the first time and want my "expert" advice. Other than playing a couple dozen gigs (usually to a half-dozen attendees) and selling a handful of copies of a very mediocre album, my music credentials are laughable, but I guess that means something to someone.


                      • #12
                        It's not about me. Damnit. It's about how people see us all over the fukking world. And it's about that any one of us can have an impact on someone elses' outlook. That's a heavy thought.
                        I am a true ass set to this board.


                        • #13
                          OK so it's the "We are great but I can't prove it to you so you'll just have to believe me" thread then...

                          That better?
                          I'm angry because you're stupid


                          • #14
                            No.:ROTF: It's about how we see each other. Even with one eye, I can see how we make people think and reflect. I may be waxing. But it ain't my 'stache:ROTF:
                            I am a true ass set to this board.


                            • #15
                              No hard feelings. I'm just messing with you. I'm a bit bored at work and am bored and at work and bored...

                              It is easy to forget that people all over the world are reading some of the stuff we are writing back and forth. I'm sure it has an effect on some...
                              I'm angry because you're stupid

