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Congress To Look Into Spygate?

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  • #16
    And for the record, this is FAR from being "my soapbox":

    Some excerpts ( ):

    “In my view they should go down with an asterisk the same way Barry Bonds should go down,” Svare said. “They cheated the game, cheated the integrity of the game.”

    "It’s a subject sports ethicists will debate, even if customers downing pints of Samuel Adams in New England bars won’t. And it’s fair game for the big game, even though you’re unlikely to hear anything about Spygate unless you tune in for the earliest hours of Sunday’s pregame show."

    "That kind of conduct upsets more people than you might think. People who believe cheating sends a bad message to kids that they should do whatever it takes to win, no matter what the consequences. The message that accompanies it in this case is that because the money is so big and the stakes so high, no one should worry about what happened at the beginning of the season anymore."

    “Maybe it’s just because they value winning more than anything else. We’re willing to do everything that it takes to win,” said Greg Dale, a professor of sport psychology and ethics at Duke. “Is that right? Absolutely not.”

    "Sure, the Patriots are cheaters. More importantly, they are also winners. And in the biggest of the big games, that’s all that really seems to matter."

    If that's not enough, also read the following SI article:

    Just because it's your favorite team doing it doesn't make it right, but hey, that's just my opinion.


    • #17
      Didn't the Pats get busted at this after week 1? Do you really think they did it after that? With everyones eyes on them? That had nothing to do with the fact that the Pats went 17-0 after that. You have to give them some credit Ralph. It wasn't the whole "spygate" thing...

      Plus, why do we need a flashy name for stupid shit like this? That's totally lame...

      I'm of the ilk that the Government needs to worry about other stuff than this. If they want to go after the WWE for steriods, that's fine with me. People have died in that fiasco. So that's all good with me...

      Or they can find a way to quit borrowing money from China. That would make me happy...

      This here? It's a non-story...

      EDIT: And it's just sports. When it comes down to it, it's just a diverson from our daily life. Pro sports could disappear tomorrow and we wouldn't skip a beat. Sure some people would have to find jobs and whatnot but the earth would still keep moving and life would go on....

      Government should stick with issues that effect "real" Americans...
      Last edited by Bengal; 02-01-2008, 02:24 PM.
      I'm angry because you're stupid


      • #18
        I never stated it was right, I was very disapointed after it happened, but again in the press conference the commisioner this SHOULD NOT taint there record for this year because I believe that everything they've acomplished has been within the rules of the game.
        I would think the commisioner knows a little more than you on this subject, yet you don't have anything else to use, so you can't get past it.

        I don't like Peyton Manning between the lines I think he's a whiny b*ch looking for calls when a pass goes incomplete, BUT, as much as I don't like his style of play, I can completely respect his abilities as an athlete, something I don't think you can do.

        If you honestly think that what happened in quarter one of week one has anything to do with what happened this year, other than motivation, you're a fool.

        As far as the Govt. looking into this, Bengal is completely correct, there are SOOOO many more thing more important than this.

        Tell me, don't you think it's odd how this guy brought this up right before the Pats played the Eagles, since he's from Penn. and he just decides to bring it up again two days before the Pats play in the SB?

        politicians are crooked, but the got great timing...


        • #19
          Originally posted by SRD86 View Post
          If you honestly think that what happened in quarter one of week one has anything to do with what happened this year, other than motivation, you're a fool.
          I am continually amazed by every Pats fan that brings this up, as if it is FACT. We don't know how long they've been doing this, if they made copies of all those tapes and notes that were supposedly delivered to the NFL and destroyed, and if they continued to cheat in other ways all this time. I do know that there were continued reports of headphones going out during the Patriot home games this year for opposing coaches (which apparently is nothing new). If you haven't, educate yourself to the Pats reputation by reading the following SI article, or are they a sports voice that knows nothing either?

          And as for Roger Goodell, please, what do you want him to say? The NFL wants to go global soon, do you really think he's going to admit anything that would destroy the "integrity" of the NFL? He's as much a politician as Arlen Spector.


          • #20
            I'm no Pats fan at all. But they were the most scrutinized team out there this year. You don't think the Bills or Dolphins didn't have people watching to see what they do after week 1? Of course they did. They were under the microscope more than any other team this year...

            What did it do? Make them go undefeated. That's what Arlen needs to understand, by doing this he's just pissing the team off. You don't want a pissed off New England Patriots...

            By bringing up that SI article really proves only that SI has it in for Bellichik(sp). They have for years. He's not open with their reporters so they have had an axe to grind with him for years now... (and yes, I read the article, I'm a SI subscriber)

            But like I said, I'm no Pats fan. I'm rooting for the Giants this year even though I'm a dyed-in-the-wool AFC guy. But I give the team all the respect it deserves. It's made quite an accomplishment this year. Video "cheating" doesn't make Tom Brady throw a great pass to a double covered Randy Moss for a completion for a TD, does it? The double coverage kinda makes Moss a freak of a WR. And he is. Always has been. You don't have to like the guy, but give him some credit...

            I really don't know why I'm debating this. I have no iron in the fire. But it bugs me that they want to lump this team in with Barry Bonds. That's not fair to what the team has done this year...

            EDIT: And when 1 teams headsets go out, both teams have to take them off. So I don't see how that's an advantage to New England...
            Last edited by Bengal; 02-01-2008, 02:49 PM.
            I'm angry because you're stupid


            • #21
              Well, turn it around, why is it ok for you to come off as fact that they are still cheating and it still influenced this season?
              Yes, I know all about the headphone thing and was getting pissed at the team that things like that may have been going on, but it was looked into by the league and no action was taken, but you failed to mention that it has happened in other stadiums by other teams, look right over that because it doesn't help your argument.
              I'm well aware of the things that have gone on or questioned, but how do you come off with this know it all about the Pats attitude, yet you don't acknowledge things like this happening with other teams?
              why aren't you screaming about how the Giants bench heaters "didn't work" two weeks ago, if you are all about fairness, the packers should've shut off their heaters, wouldn't that be the fair thing to do?


              • #22
                Teams have fucked with other teams since the start of sports. Those kind of things will always happen. The difference is that back then, people didn't cry about it...

                Everyone is a victim...

                EDIT: But where are the teams that lost to New England crying about it? They are not. My team got DESTROYED by New England. We didn't cry about it. Seems like those with something to gain are being quiet about this. Why?
                Last edited by Bengal; 02-01-2008, 02:54 PM.
                I'm angry because you're stupid


                • #23
                  oh yeah, about Goodell commenting on it, all he would have to say is that he feels the appropriate measures have been taken and I feel it is a past issue


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                    Teams have fucked with other teams since the start of sports. Those kind of things will always happen. The difference is that back then, people didn't cry about it...
                    whew, I was beginning to think I was the only one that thought that way


                    • #25
                      Gamesmanship (ie heated seats or cold locker rooms) are completely different than knowing the plays that the other team is running.

                      Com'on guys...


                      • #26
                        so, stealing signs in baseball is wrong too?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ralph E. View Post
                          The NFL wants to go global soon, do you really think he's going to admit anything that would destroy the "integrity" of the NFL? He's as much a politician as Arlen Spector.

                          that's it in a nut shell. there is no way no matter what they find, they would strip the Pats of the title is they win. image is everything, all the NFL will not blacken their own eye.

                          Are we so numb that integrity, history, and professionalism mean nothing anymore?

                          At least on the international level they do take action on cheating. The track woman was striped of her metals, the Tour de France strip the winner last year. And ice skating has some changes going on with judging, due to the last Olympics.

                          With all the money that is wagered on games, I do see the NFL dealing with this on a internal basis. They would not want Vegas to stop placing odds.
                          ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                          • #28
                            Play calling and signal watching is one thing. It still comes down to how well the players play on the field. The Pats have some great players that work together on the field as a team. Congrats to them on a perfect season and another Super Bowl win.


                            • #29
                              So the players are just mindless robots then? The play is everything? There is no "read and reaction" going on? It really is just like the vibrating football game from the 70's?

                              You don't think this has been an issue before this? Why do most signal callers from the sidelines put the playcards in front of their mouth before they call a play? Most do. It's called protecting your team. Seems to me most teams know this kinda stuff is going on. They adapt to it...

                              I'll say again, it's a non-story. I don't know why the media and idiots like Spector are wasting our time with this BS...
                              I'm angry because you're stupid


                              • #30
                                So you're telling me that if you're playing Madden (for example) and you know your opponents coverage ahead of time, you don't have an advantage? I would say you do, and so would anyone else that knows football. Heck, Ron Jawarski said any QB that knew the defensive playcall before the snap would throw 75% completions, and would be a huge advantage.

                                So yes, gamesmanship like heated seats is COMPLETELY different than stealing signals and knowing the upcoming plays IMO.

