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Congress To Look Into Spygate?

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  • Congress To Look Into Spygate?

    "Arlen Specter, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee apparently wants NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to tell the gang in D.C. exactly why evidence from that incident was trashed by the league."

    It's about time someone raised the question. Everyone else just sweeps this story under the rug like the steroid stuff was for years (which ruined baseball IMO).

  • #2
    Yep, like the Government doesn't have anything better to do...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #3
      Amazing this would come out during Superbowl week.
      Specter must be with us, an ANTI Patriots fan.

      I fully expect to be sleeping by the time the shitbowl ends, as I have
      a very long day at work Monday. I hope I wake up to good news.


      • #4
        Go Pats! I heard the Senate is going to look into dog fighting in the NFL too.


        • #5
          Yes, this is one of the most important issues of our time. Luckily, we have Arlen Specter on the case. I'm sure he'll put this to rest once & for all, just like he settled that JFK assassination business as a member of the Warren Commission.


          • #6
            dg, are u implying bullets can't change direction multiple times during flight and get the flukiest, most god damn lucky pot shot ever on a president?


            • #7
              wow. good to see our tax dollars put to good use. i'll sleep better tonight.
              ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ralph E. View Post
                It's about time someone raised the question. Everyone else just sweeps this story under the rug like the steroid stuff was for years (which ruined baseball IMO).
                Very true. It caused Baseball to lose its sense of character as a sport that many considered the 'All American sport."
                Way over paid Athletes for what they do, and excessive life styles interfering with their game, and the use of steriods just simply turned me off.
                Most don't realize just how made they got it.
                Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                  Yep, like the Government doesn't have anything better to do...
                  +1. Same for the base ball hearings. They do it as its something easy they can agree on and look good. Because everyone there will agree the guys taking steroids were bad for baseball, but you will never see a total agreement on the tough issues like abortion, gun control, etc.


                  • #10
                    Wow, i'm shocked that no one seems to care that all our major sports are going down the WWE road. The NBA with the referee betting scandal (and long before that with all the Jordan rules), MLB with all the steroids (all those historic records broken), and now the first "undefeated" team in 35 years in the NFL, who happened to be caught cheating and has a long track record of shady events surrounding them (reference ).

                    Are we so numb that integrity, history, and professionalism mean nothing anymore?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ralph E. View Post
                      Wow, i'm shocked that no one seems to care that all our major sports are going down the WWE road. The NBA with the referee betting scandal (and long before that with all the Jordan rules), MLB with all the steroids (all those historic records broken), and now the first "undefeated" team in 35 years in the NFL, who happened to be caught cheating and has a long track record of shady events surrounding them (reference ).

                      Are we so numb that integrity, history, and professionalism mean nothing anymore?
                      I do care, but its not the governments place to look into that IMO.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CharvelRocker View Post
                        I do care, but its not the governments place to look into that IMO.
                        Who then? The media has done zero investigative reporting into this story. I can find out when Britney took a dump 5 minutes after it happens, but we've heard absolutely nothing about this coverup by the NFL since it happened. MLB still wouldn't have decent drug testing if Congress hadn't twisted their arm with hearings. I don't know, i'm just disgusted with the lack of trust all these leagues have right now...

                        Like I said, maybe it's just me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CharvelRocker View Post
                          I do care, but its not the governments place to look into that IMO.
                          I had the same reaction, but if the sport is not interested in looking into itself, then what other authority has oversight? There is no World Sports Commission.
                          And fan response (or lack thereof) doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Seems a major portion of the revenue comes from TV and advertisers.


                          • #14
                            The NFL commisioner said in a press conference about 45 mins ago "they aren't the only team to do this"... looks like you need to start finding another soap box to stand on, or get a bigger one to include more teams.
                            Last edited by SRD86; 02-01-2008, 02:08 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ralph E. View Post
                              Wow, i'm shocked that no one seems to care that all our major sports are going down the WWE road...

                              Are we so numb that integrity, history, and professionalism mean nothing anymore?
                              Last I checked, "all our major sports" encompasses "more teams"...

