I'm pretty unsure what to do besides see a doctor about this issue, but maybe we have some doctors on the board..
The past couple months or so I've been playing guitar religiously, usually around 6-9 hours straight, and last night I was working on Paganini's fifth caprice for a while, and my thumb all of a sudden just locked up and started burning and got really swollen.
I iced my thumb and went to bed, and today it's not nearly as swollen (feels a tiny bit swollen), doesn't hurt, but I attempted to play guitar a tiny bit and my thumb sometimes gets these like, weird pinched nerve feeling..
From the research I did it's pretty much a case of trigger finger..
Basically..Help, what the hell should I do? Anyone else have this case and have any recommendations on how I should approach it? Anything I can do outside of seeing a doctor?
The past couple months or so I've been playing guitar religiously, usually around 6-9 hours straight, and last night I was working on Paganini's fifth caprice for a while, and my thumb all of a sudden just locked up and started burning and got really swollen.
I iced my thumb and went to bed, and today it's not nearly as swollen (feels a tiny bit swollen), doesn't hurt, but I attempted to play guitar a tiny bit and my thumb sometimes gets these like, weird pinched nerve feeling..
From the research I did it's pretty much a case of trigger finger..
Basically..Help, what the hell should I do? Anyone else have this case and have any recommendations on how I should approach it? Anything I can do outside of seeing a doctor?