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Inflation. WTF? Food Prices

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  • #16
    Next it's gonna be string and picks..... This just sucks!


    Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:

    1. The DNA all matches.

    2. There are no dental records.


    • #17
      Originally posted by fett View Post
      It's like the Mac and Cheese and veggie oil and stuff that lower income people depend on. This, to me, is worrisome. I can buy whatever I want. Food inflation is an issue that hasn't hit the news yet. But I see it.
      I don't know what news you've been watching. Oh wait, yeah I do, the BBC. But I've seen packages on TV for a while now about the growing cost of food...

      The big one for me. Milk almost 4 dollars a gallon. That sucks...

      But as Cyg ALWAYS says, it's the liberals fault...
      I'm angry because you're stupid


      • #18
        Originally posted by Newc View Post
        They've been creeping up for years. My Mom used to compare the weekly grocery receipts and would note whenever prices jumped. $0.64 for a can of Green Giant Whole Kernel Corn one week, $0.78 the next.

        Green grapes are $3.48 a pound!

        Come on, people, this stuff grows on trees.
        Well, today I paid 1.99 for green grapes..just saying
        Seriously..this stuff is goin up and there's nothing we can do about it. And if it was illegal immigrants cheap labor keeping it down, I'd rather pay a bit higher price to have them gone.


        • #19
          I haven't noticed a food increase really, but i don't eat much, lol.
          I'm a miser, and i usually only buy, buy 1 get 1 or 2 for 6 dollar type stuff,
          i try to keep an individual item to around 3 dollars or less.
          I'm spending relatively the same amount at the grocery store as i did 5 years ago pretty much, my grocery trips average about 70-90 bucks, last me 2 weeks, with a few Jack in the Box lunches thrown in due to laziness, which cost under 4 dollars.
          I take that back, i notice meat is getting more expensive.
          COFFEE, beans, rice, pasta, meat, cheese, yogurt, eggs, potatos, salad, is pretty much my diet.
          Sometimes cereal, but milk is nasty, i buy a half gallon it rots everytime before i ever use half of it, lol, then i use it for cream in my COFFEE.

          What really is sucking the stones is the cost of RENT, F*%$^%#! BS
          100 bucks a year, and its going to keep going up every year, bunch of shit.


          • #20
            what is funny is that you can buy milk cheaper at a gas station, and buy gas cheaper at the grocery stores gas pump!

            there are things in the works to bring down the cost of grocery. you will start to see smaller packages on the shelves. not that they hold less, but there will be less wasted (air) space in the box. the saving should come in 2 areas. less cost in materials for production, less cost for in recycle (cost is for the store to haul the cases that hold the item) and vendors pay for shelve space at the store. less space, less cost and there lies the chance of prices to come down. detergents are going to the 2X also. smaller jug that should do the same volume of wash, so it will be a smaller package.
            ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


            • #21
              oh, you will be screwed with items that get shortage due to freeze, fire, flood, etc. how many time have we seen the cost of orange juice go up cause Florida or Ca. get hit with a freeze. So even though it grows on a tree of a vine, it is not safe.
              ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


              • #22
                Went through the 12 items or less register this afternoon to the tune of $56.41. Paid $4.45 for a gallon of milk alone yikes time for Ramen noodles


                • #23
                  I heard that a lot of the US's corn production capabilities have been redirected towards making ethanol, and that has been a big factor in food inflation.
                  "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                  - Ken M


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                    I don't know what news you've been watching. Oh wait, yeah I do, the BBC. But I've seen packages on TV for a while now about the growing cost of food...

                    The big one for me. Milk almost 4 dollars a gallon. That sucks...

                    But as Cyg ALWAYS says, it's the liberals fault...
                    Face're a troller.
                    How many times are you going to throw in that smarta** comment until you figure out I'm not biting? Whatever. Get over it.


                    • #25
                      I actually pay pretty close attention to food prices.
                      Since a year ago, the food I buy is up around 10%. In some stores 16%. Over a year that's a whole lot of cash.


                      • #26
                        Some things here are up even more than that, especially bread & cereal products. For example, I usually eat a bagel for breakfast every morning. They were 50 cents each for years at my local store's bakery, then they went to 79 cents about a month ago, so I get them at BJ's (a membership warehouse store) now. Not quite as good, but you get 9 for $3. I also like to make my own pizzas, and the cost of good bread flour jumped from about $1.50 a bag to about $2.50 in the last couple months. I'm positive that it's mostly due to fuel costs. They affect production & transportation costs of everything. The corn grown for ethanol will also affect things, if it hasn't started to already. Livestock feed prices will go up, more acreage planted in corn will lead to tighter supplies of other grains, etc.
                        Last edited by dg; 02-03-2008, 04:43 PM.


                        • #27
                          I've been living cheap for decades. I really do pay attention to food prices. Riddle me this, why can I buy a red bell pepper at Grocery Outlet for 50 cents? When the same pepper is a $1.99 at QFC, supermarket.
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • #28
                            They may be able to get overstock deals on some produce. I guess one way to tell is if they only have the great deal on red bell peppers occasionally. If they are always in stock, and always 50 cents at the Outlet, then that means the QFC is seriously jacking you.


                            • #29
                              Not me.:ROTF: You don't want to hear about the steaks I bought. All the stuff I am doing can be done by anyone. Except the "Me" deals on meat. It's just a matter of realizing that you will get hammered price-wise if you have to have whatever "right now"
                              I am a true ass set to this board.


                              • #30
                                Supermarkets have to pay hundreds of staff, the rent of the land, electricity to run the store, pay the shareholder etc. In other words, they are ripping you off.
                                A small store has maybe 2 people in it, lower rent, 3 lightbulbs and no shareholders.
                                They can afford to charge less to make the same profit.

                                I'm looking at what you are paying for stuff and we in the UK still pay way more than that 70p a litre of milk ($1.40), £1.08 for a litre of petrol ($2.16).

                                Did our weekly shopping last week, it is just me and the wife.
                                Cost about over £80 ($160), apart from a bottle of wine and a notepad, there was no extravagent purchases, just 7 days of food for 2 slim people.

