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  • #76
    CFO of 2 theaters and an office building.


    • #77
      Business development Mgr for an autobody supply company 15 years, Basically I sell car paint and make sure my customers are profitable in all areas of their business. Prior to that I was an automotive painter for several years. Prior to that studio grunt and guitar tech at 710 studios redondo beach 89 to 92.


      • #78
        I own a printing company. Mainly do work for corporate cutomers, but also work with other small business.
        1979 Gibson Les Paul Custom
        Jackson SLATQH
        Jackson DK2M Inferno Red
        Jackson DK2M With a Learn Custom Paint Job
        Jackson DKMGT (project)
        Kramer Focus 1000
        Ibanez SDGR Bass
        Ovation Celebrity
        Martin Backpacker


        • #79
          Im a hands on Reproductive Engineer. Hey somebody has too do it. It may as well be me.


          • #80
            Navy, electronics technician, primarily on communications equipment. Currently at a carreer killing command where I sit in a cubicle for 6 hours a day with a total of 5 minutes of actual work to do.
            EAOS: 28JUN09


            • #81
              Originally posted by jacksoncsplayer View Post
              Business development Mgr for an autobody supply company 15 years, Basically I sell car paint and make sure my customers are profitable in all areas of their business. Prior to that I was an automotive painter for several years. Prior to that studio grunt and guitar tech at 710 studios redondo beach 89 to 92.
              Do you every remember running into a dude named Benny Duran out in Redondo Beach Area ? I know its a long shot , but he lived out there quite a while and is a great guitar player. I know he did some recording in that area.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Horse Called War View Post
                Do you every remember running into a dude named Benny Duran out in Redondo Beach Area ? I know its a long shot , but he lived out there quite a while and is a great guitar player. I know he did some recording in that area.
                The name sounds familiar, I want to say I met him at the Guitar center in lawndale, I worked there for a while prior to going to work in the studio, but ya never know. I met so many guitarists while looking for a replacement for Lynch it's not funny. Can you describe him and his guitars?



                • #83
                  Originally posted by jacksoncsplayer View Post
                  The name sounds familiar, I want to say I met him at the Guitar center in lawndale, I worked there for a while prior to going to work in the studio, but ya never know. I met so many guitarists while looking for a replacement for Lynch it's not funny. Can you describe him and his guitars?

                  He was my former brother in law. Big Mexican-Indian guy ,
                  played a 59 Les Paul through a JCM800. His style was more of a Randy Rhoads , Black Sabbath type. He still lives in Redondo beach. I tried to get him to sell me the Marshall, but he won't budge.


                  • #84
                    I work for the world largest manufacturer of office products. We do the injection molded plastic parts. My job is to pick a part up, inspect it, put a label on it, and put it in a box. All this while the machine puts out 10 more parts before I even get done with the first one! lol


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Horse Called War View Post
                      He was my former brother in law. Big Mexican-Indian guy ,
                      played a 59 Les Paul through a JCM800. His style was more of a Randy Rhoads , Black Sabbath type. He still lives in Redondo beach. I tried to get him to sell me the Marshall, but he won't budge.

                      Pretty boy with really long dark hair? If that's the one i'm thinking of, then yes I have met him. Very impressive playing and really cool guy.


                      • #86
                        AS/400 - iSeries Business Analyst/Programmer specializing in JDE. Been doing it for over 15 years. I also do corporate data warehousing, currently with MicroStrategy.

                        So, in other words, computer shit.


                        • #87
                          By Day - Controller at a financial institution

                          By Night - Craven Morehead.....Porn Star!!
                          Good deals with:
                          Metal Medal II, Tonyl11


                          • #88
                            I'm a painter.


                            • #89
                              Service Manager for a Nissan dealership.


                              • #90
                                Ooh, Razor, I got a question for you: I heard that if you own a used Infiniti, you can get it serviced at Nissan dealers, usually for less money. Is that true?
                                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

