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Why are 'Musicians' forums full of such dickheads

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Inazone View Post
    I think the Internet has "educated" a lot of self-styled experts. A lot of the shit-talking that goes down on a lot of forums would never fly in face-to-face conversations, and a lot of know-it-alls would probably find that their knowledge really wasn't all that extensive in the real world.

    That is dildos.
    that sounds about right. They'll be the one correcting everyone else's tech tips with frequent references to a Dan Erlewine book - there is not more than one approach to fix a problem, Dan has already explained the one true way, amen.

    Or they'll have a handle like "toneguru" and won't ever explain what experience they have with gear whilst handing out judgements on which pedal or amp or guitar is the crappiest piece of gear ever (since the last piece of gear deemed the crappiest piece of gear ever). I learnt at another guitar forum that everything that Digitech have ever made is complete shit (apart from the Whammy pedal, of course, which everyone over there wants to own). Ask about anything Digitech and there are a couple of hardcore numbnuts who'll immediately jump in to let you know how crap the company's entire product is and ever has been. Doesn't matter if it's a Bad Monkey or the GSP1101. Apparently noise suppressors & Sonic Maximisers are the effects du jour amongst the kiddies at the moment.

    And then of course you see some keen young kid come in who'll say something like "I'm 14 and don't have any money but my parents have bought me this cheap Brand X amp and a pedal. How can I get a better sound out of it?"
    The standard response?: "It's shit. Buy a tube amp."
    Hail yesterday


    • #17
      Most of the "dickheads" are posers.I think they cover their inability to play with alot of nonsense that they read somewhere.That being said,there are quite a few of the"regular Joe's" around here that can rip...........and are good people with some good advice and insight that they unselfishly share.............
      Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
        I think it is because the members are fan boy tools. I like Metallica and I like Megadeath quite a bit, but I dont like either enough to join their forums or fan clubs. I think that alot (but not all) of the persons that take fandom to the extent of joining communities or clubs to socialize with other fans are a little too fanatical.
        Fanboyism is really getting out of control. There should be a 12-step program to rehabilitate those people. I don't know all the details about how that might work, but step 1 would definitely be "shut the fuck up already, it's not that great".
        "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
        - Ken M


        • #19
          Speaking of "music forums".
          It seems to me they adopt the smarmy Rolling Stone magazine editor style.
          When I was young and the only mags out were Circus, Guitar Player, Rolling Stone, and a few others, it was Rolling Stone that made or broke artists, at least in their own opinion.
          Only a couple of issues of reading their "greatest ever" lists and commentaries, I decided it had no bearing on reality in the hearts of rockers. I still see that same "attitude" on those kinds of forums, and some gear forums, also. I blame Rolling Stone for that kind of outlook. It also helped me greatly in determining that the Beatles, and especially Lennon, were way overrated.


          • #20
            "It also helped me greatly in determining that the Beatles, and especially Lennon, were way overrated."

            For overrated blokes, their music sure has stood the test of time.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
              "It also helped me greatly in determining that the Beatles, and especially Lennon, were way overrated."

              For overrated blokes, their music sure has stood the test of time.
              I wasn't meaning to turn this into a Beatles bashing argument. It was just an example of the way Rolling Stone affected the mindset of the popular culture, and treated the rock culture in general. I wish I could quote the drivel that they used to publish in the late 60's and 70's. I got so damn sick
              of Yoko Ono, etc. Please. And they would absolutely trash Zeppelin, and the Stones. Just sayin...
              It's more of that ATTITUDE they projected, and it did a lot to subvert actual good quality music that didn't matter to them, because they acted like the kingmakers.
              I picked up a couple of issues later in the mid 80's, and was glad to see they appeared to be behind the waves that had overtaken them, and real rock was starting to come through in spite of them. They had lost, they tried to take up the punk banner, and even the punks spit in their faces.


              • #22
                I would think it was more the Lenny Kravitzes, Bryan Adams & Kurt Cobains that have been overrated by publications like RS. That they would be mentioned in the same breath as Led Zep, The Beatles, The Who or Rolling Stones is to presume that they would have the same lasting appeal. And at that moment it might appear that they could, and so a career is launched as readers rush off to support the magazine's assessment that we are looking upon a new "great" for our generation. But in pretty short time it's shown that Bryan Adam's legacy will be hokey soft cock soundtrack songs to play over closing credits.
                Hail yesterday


                • #23
                  Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                  I would think it was more the Lenny Kravitzes, Bryan Adams & Kurt Cobains that have been overrated by publications like RS. That they would be mentioned in the same breath as Led Zep, The Beatles, The Who or Rolling Stones is to presume that they would have the same lasting appeal. And at that moment it might appear that they could, and so a career is launched as readers rush off to support the magazine's assessment that we are looking upon a new "great" for our generation. But in pretty short time it's shown that Bryan Adam's legacy will be hokey soft cock soundtrack songs to play over closing credits.
                  Yeah, sounds like them. Mind you, I haven't looked at the magazine since around '86 or so. It's that kind of ATTITUDE I detect out of the fan sites,
                  and other forums. Like ONLY my opinion matters, everyone else is a poser, bleh.


                  • #24
                    Jesus Christ should be capitalized, should it not?
                    (to prevent arrogance, and remain humble).

                    In a word, the reason is... insecurity (IMHO)
                    "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                    • #25
                      Godwin's Law. Without those dicks the fundamental internet forum hypothesis would be ruined!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                        I would think it was more the Lenny Kravitzes, Bryan Adams & Kurt Cobains that have been overrated by publications like RS. That they would be mentioned in the same breath as Led Zep, The Beatles, The Who or Rolling Stones is to presume that they would have the same lasting appeal. And at that moment it might appear that they could, and so a career is launched as readers rush off to support the magazine's assessment that we are looking upon a new "great" for our generation. But in pretty short time it's shown that Bryan Adam's legacy will be hokey soft cock soundtrack songs to play over closing credits.
                        That's pretty damn close to the mark. I remember seeing Rolling Stones senior editor talking about Nirvana like they were the greatest thing ever, and with the exception of a couple songs, they are pretty much forgotten.

