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An interesting opportunity, but at the same time depressing!

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  • #16
    1st thought: do it.
    2nd thought: their lead guitarist probably will return.
    3rd thought: do both bands if possible.
    4th thought: that's it - I can't handle more than three at a time.
    AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ace View Post
      Do I regret turning down offers. No. Do I wonder what it would have been like had I joined another band? Sometimes.
      That's what I imagine would happen in my situation. In high school, I played in bands and dreamed of gigging and recording, but it never happened. After college, I thought that being older would open some doors, but the bands never really got any better. I finally got to the point of trying out for an established local/regional band, got the gig, and the band founder/songwriter/manager decided to put it on hiatus. I started Under Eden, and although the going has been slow, I've seen and done the things I wanted. As a songwriter and guitarist, I think that our album-in-progress will top anything I've done previously though, and the songs were written to be played live.

      The obstacle for Under Eden is that, unfortunately, not all of the guys are in a position to hit the road. Oddly enough, the touring band situation would be almost opposite because it would mean that I'd be playing with guys like myself, all in our 30s with wives and mortgages and daily routines . . . not the early 20s crowd eager to party along the way. That part of it would be more appealing, but this would for all practical purposes be your Megadeth/Death/Iced Earth type of arrangement where the frontman is the only original band member and he calls all the shots.

      Whether or not I join up full time, I'm going to at least play through a CD of songs that would cover a typical 30-40 minute festival set and see how it goes. If I hate the songs or suck at playing someone else's stuff (possible) then it will be a non-issue.


      • #18
        Remember a while back you mentioned the chick that sent you the IM and you blew her off?

        Go for it, but you don't have to look at it as quitting Under Eden.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #19
          Originally posted by horns666 View Post
          Dude, I say go for a selfish way to look at things is..You just may make a few new freinds in some good circles that could assist you in your own.

          Me and Sonic seem to be on the same page in thinking on this.
          GO TEAM!!


          • #20
            Do it!
            It's exposure and experience, and after the gig, when meeting audience members, you can pimp your other band
            You'll regret it if you don't - trust me


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
              Brad Gillis left Night Ranger for a time to play with Ozzy. Their types of music are night and day from one another in my opinion. There are others that have been in the same situation. Take the opportunity, things happen for a reason. Once you are done if your band was meant to be at the level you are looking for it will happen.

              You could be Stevie Ray Vaughan!

              And when they insist that you join them to support their next multi-platinum album on a world tour, do it on the condition that Under Eden opens.

              btw, don't know if it means much, but while you might feel a little stuck at a local level, folks on the other side of the planet (me) are enjoying your band's album.
              Hail yesterday


              • #22
                i ended up taking a few fill-in dates for a band that plays christian pop punk....not my kind of music by any stretch, but those 5 shows turned into 6 months with shows nearly every week and now those dudes are some of my best friends. it kept me busy and it kept them going as they are negotiating a record deal right now, and i got to do some cool shit and meet some cool people from it....didnt really get me anywhere in the long run but it was worth it!


                • #23
                  Go for it!

