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Anxiety, advice....

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  • #16
    Thanks guys, obviously this is something that has been with a lot of you.

    A lot of you talk about getting "to the root " of things. Well, my health is PART of the problem, I have useless sinuses that are constantly under pressure, and blocked. I have seen 2 specialists and they keep telling me to take these meds. So I take the meds, and ONE of the major side effects of them is possible anxiety/increased heart rate.

    My head is always under pressure, and that feeds the anxiety.

    I have a decent job, I dont have any money/women problems. My health issues are important to me, but in the grand scheme, nothing life threatening, so why cant i beat this.

    It truly is a war going on in my mind (although it IS great for lyrics)

    Either way, talking about it helps, but at night when im lying in bed, I usually get attacks, and even though I know Im safe and alright, the attacks run their course.

    Truthfully, I am strongly considering trying something for a 3 month period, just to sort out my head, and get back to LIVING, not worrying, and "worrying about worrying"


    • #17
      I agree with Bill, Tim on the xanax. It won't drug you out, but it'll relieve you of the stress and keep you focused. You don't even need to take a large dose. It is an addictive drug, but as long as you know that and monitor, you'll be ok. Stress or panic attack are horrible, especially your first one. This is truly a miracle drug, if used right it'll keep you alert, not scared, but fully functional.

      My 2 cents
      Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


      • #18
        see an mental health prfessional. or Tom Cruise if u are one of them...

        also discuss other ear, nose throat issues and courses of treatment with the docs. i cant believ the tell u to take meds that cause the othe issues and dont look at other courses of treatment. Thats fucked.


        • #19
          Originally posted by gemini8026 View Post
          ...nothing life threatening, so why cant i beat this.

          Truthfully, I am strongly considering trying something for a 3 month period, just to sort out my head, and get back to LIVING, not worrying, and "worrying about worrying"
          If you have been "tightly wound" since childhood (as I was), you can't fix the problem overnight by simply telling yourself "I need to stop worrying". You can't immediately reverse behaviour that is that deeply ingrained.

          You may not need to go on a regular regimen of meds; as I and others have said, Xanax is great for those "as needed" moments.

          - E.
          Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


          • #20
            Originally posted by gemini8026 View Post
            Hey all, I wanted some opinions/advice on some stuff. Im at a point in my life right now, where im dealing with some issues, and dealing with a lot of frustration. I have a fairly easy life, far from complex and I have no major worries. Yet, starting 2 years ago or so (im 27) I started getting bad attacks. It manifested in weird muscle spasms in my groin and stomach area. I would get bad headaches, and lose a lot of sleep.

            A few months ago, I was having bad attacks, that kept compounding with health worries. The worst of it happened 2 months ago when I received some bad news about a loved one. I had an anxiety attack and I felt somethign like a muscle pull in my neck.. To this day, Im having trouble talking, my throat spasms, it closes up, I cant talk to people for long because the muscle constricts so much. I have a lot of music I want to record, but I cant even think about singing.

            My brother had a nervous/anxiety breakdown a few years ago, and my father had/has it bad.

            Here's my problem, I dont want to be on pills (they are $$$, I H ave no plans) and I dont want to change the person I am. But at the same time, my quality of life is shit right now, when it shouldnt be. I should be living it up, having the time of my life, not having constant panic attacks, and worrying about my health.

            I'm no whining, or looking for sympathy, but I am curious if anyone on here can shed some light on if they think the pills are the way to go, of if a person can mentally face it head on and beat it with some positive thoughts and practices.

            How have you dealt with it?

            p.s - My doctor (whom I dont like, I loved my old one, but he went away, now I have a young pill popper who prescribes drugs for anything and everything) wants to put me on for a full year, making sure NOT to go off of them.

            I find it tough to talk to friends or family about it. My family discredits it all with (what do you have to worry about, your life is easy) and my friends are the same way.

            Anyhow, just another 4am session where I couldnt sleep and looking for some support....

            Thanks to any and all who can contribute...
            The first bit sounds like my dilema - too much tea and not having the central heating on at night. This is why I wanna go back into a shared house where the bills are included regardless of usage level. My parents are deliberately switching the heating off to save on bills (so wtf is my rent money going on?!).
            Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

            "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


            • #21
              Are there any surgical options for your sinuses?

              It sounds to me like the sinus medication is directly related to your anxiety, especially if it's listed as a side effect.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                Lets also not forget that a lot of doctors are paid kickbacks from drug companies to prescribe their medication. So any doctor that just wants to put you on drugs without looking at other issues always raises my eyebrows...
                They really really cracked down on they payoffs (I know a few drug reps it almost killed them not being able to "influence" doctors) The biggest problem with drugs is it is easier for a Doctor to prescribe something than to actually do his job.
                I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                So that none of its lies can affect me


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Bengal View Post
                  Lets also not forget that a lot of doctors are paid kickbacks from drug companies to prescribe their medication. So any doctor that just wants to put you on drugs without looking at other issues always raises my eyebrows...
                  It really doesn't matter - Xanax is love brutha
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc

