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Romney Quits

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  • Romney Quits

    I guess he didnt want to waste anymore of his own money to win this thing.
    All Hail President Hillary !!!!! :ROTF:

  • #2

    as a brit, i'm actally finding this quite intersting


    • #3
      BBC World is all over our little; "Who wants to be a PRESIDENT?" show.:ROTF: It's a refreshing listen on the radio. He thought he was hanging out in the "Platinum Lounge". But he's in the "Loser's Lounge" now.
      Last edited by fett; 02-07-2008, 02:55 PM.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        "I am convinced that unless America changes course, we will become the France of the 21st Century" he said.

        hahaha yeah screw the french :ROTF:


        • #5
          McCain will be the in the running then.... i think it will come down to McCain vs. Clinton.
          I feel most men wil have a hard time putting a woman in the charge... McCain just might be our next president.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sonicsamurai View Post
            "I am convinced that unless America changes course, we will become the France of the 21st Century" he said.

            hahaha yeah screw the french :ROTF:
            He's stealing my lines, then. But mine was much too wordy...
            I said a couple of weeks ago that the US is "heading inexorably
            to the path of Western European socialism, even as the western europeans
            are turning away from it". Or something like that.
            Last edited by Cygnus X1; 02-07-2008, 08:23 PM.


            • #7
              France.:ROTF::ROTF::ROTF::ROTF: Nice one. What a dope. Sock Ray blue. This thread is headed for a hijacques.:ROTF:
              Last edited by fett; 02-07-2008, 03:06 PM.
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #8
                If Romney was referring to Napoleonic France, then I agree with him.


                • #9
                  I consider myself a conservative, and have always voted Republican, but I would sooner have voted for Huckabee than Romney. I can respect that Romney has a business background that is important for a (faltering) economy of America's magnitude, but his campaign speeches about social issues are at odds with his positions while a governor. Frankly, I'm surprised that so many state governors run for (and historically win) the presidency, when voters in the other 49 states have probably never heard of them.

                  Personally, I'm disappointed that Fred Thompson dropped the ball by entering the race so late. Not the most charismatic guy, but I liked what I saw/heard/read of him. That being said, McCain makes the most sense for the Republican party. I just don't see a diehard conservative having a chance in the election, but a moderate should do quite well. Meanwhile, my wife is a Dem and is strongly pro-Hillary, so it really pissed her off to go vote in the caucus and still see Obama win in Minnesota.


                  • #10
                    France seems to be doing just fine to me...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Inazone View Post
                      I consider myself a conservative, and have always voted Republican, but I would sooner have voted for Huckabee than Romney. I can respect that Romney has a business background that is important for a (faltering) economy of America's magnitude, but his campaign speeches about social issues are at odds with his positions while a governor. Frankly, I'm surprised that so many state governors run for (and historically win) the presidency, when voters in the other 49 states have probably never heard of them.

                      Personally, I'm disappointed that Fred Thompson dropped the ball by entering the race so late. Not the most charismatic guy, but I liked what I saw/heard/read of him. That being said, McCain makes the most sense for the Republican party. I just don't see a diehard conservative having a chance in the election, but a moderate should do quite well. Meanwhile, my wife is a Dem and is strongly pro-Hillary, so it really pissed her off to go vote in the caucus and still see Obama win in Minnesota.
                      Well said. I agree with most of what you have said. My wife and I are both conservatives but my parents are blue-blooded Dems because my father has always been a "Union Man". They would probabaly be Republicans otherwise but that is another story and we try to stay away from those types of conversations at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. :ROTF: I am familiar with Huckabee and he may be a Baptist preacher with an evangelical background but he is not a Conservative. He raised taxes in Arkansas way too manay times as governor and he is in favor of some type of "Fat-tax", too. He is BIG governement by definition. McCain scares me with his history of leaning left on most issues but I will vote for him before Hillary or Osama Hussein Barack Yo-mama or whatever his name is. I don't want to see us turn into a France, either and I feel that's what is going to happen with either of them as President. I really liked Duncan Hunter but he was "too" conservative to win with most voters. I then decided my guy was Fred and I also hate that he had such a slow start and poor showing.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                        France seems to be doing just fine to me...
                        Your the one with the pink text

                        But seriously, read the original quote, "France of the 21st Century". How France is doing now doesn't matter, it's about what France did in the 20th century.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fett View Post
                          France.:ROTF::ROTF::ROTF::ROTF: Nice one. What a dope. Sock Ray blue. This thread is headed for a hijacques.:ROTF:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by anuske9 View Post
                            Your the one with the pink text

                            But seriously, read the original quote, "France of the 21st Century". How France is doing now doesn't matter, it's about what France did in the 20th century.
                            get their asses wooped in 2 world wars only to be dug out of their hole by the brits and the yanks?

                            to summarise france's generals after world war I: 'i know lets build the maginot line, lots of guns pointing at germany, except by belgium and that bit in the hills. they'll never go that way' :ROTF:


                            • #15
                              Im glad he is out of the race. Now if we can get Hillary.Obama,Mcain,Huckabee and the other repukelicans out maybe we can start this crap over and get some real candidates.

