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People are really going off the handle

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  • #16
    There has defintely been a devaluing (sp?) of human life. Which is sad. There was a guy here in TX that pulled off the road, took his three month or so old son out of the car, placed him on the ground, and stomped on his head until he fealt the skull crack. WTF If you didnt want him go to a firestation and hand him over. You can do that it TX with no questions asked and no consequences. I dont think the media has played a role in increased violence as I believe society for what ever reason is becoming more violent. I think it is a cumulative effect with many varied factors. I do agree that the spree killers use the media for lack of a better term to drive their ill thought out points across. Twenty years ago you would see a political activist kill themselves to make a point. Some times the act was unceremonious. Now they create manifestos and aim for a high head count to ensure maximum coverage. I love reading the news online, over the last few years it has become almost an obsession. I think I may have reached critical mass though and it is time to cut back.


    • #17
      I think they should publicly hang people that do this kind of thing. Same thing with a child molester. As for rapest, cut it off and feed it to the fish.
      "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

      I hate stupid people.

