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Pet Food or scraps?

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  • #31
    My dog Bear eats a mix of dry and soft canned food twice a day and I still give him my pizza crust and other table scraps now and then.... he'd probably eat anything that I give him, it's difficult not to spoil him! Best dog I've ever had!


    Two Reasons Why It's So Hard To Solve A Redneck Murder:

    1. The DNA all matches.

    2. There are no dental records.


    • #32
      Both my dogs eat Hills Science Diet z/d dry food. (Prescription dog food for dogs with allergies)
      One is 14 years old and the other is a 3 year old baby.
      No scraps and no canned.
      They do get buddy biscuit treats for a snack.


      • #33

        I used to feed Suzy the individual vacuum packs of Iam's choice cuts. Once Iam's announced that some of their products might possibly be defective, the vacuum packs were taken off the market. I called Iam's and they recommended a replacement and we haven't had the first problem. She eats one meal a day and has inbetween meal snacks consisting of Milk Bone Chicken Drumsticks or Milk Bone Filet Mignon treats.


        • #34
          Originally posted by MetalMedal II View Post
          I'm curious to know if you dog owners keep food and water out for your pet all the time, or limit it to feeding times?
          Water is out all the time for my dog yes.
          But not food. If I left food out all the time he'd eat the lot. And I'm not joking. He ate an entire box of Coco Pops once.
          Not a pretty sight when I came home from work to about 40 big steaming piles of crap all over the living room.



          • #35
            And that's exactly why I don't feed my dog table scraps. When Suzy was 8 weeks old, her vet told me to stick with one food and not to vary her treats. She's 10 years old now and we've never had any problems with loose stools or other intestinal problems. Granted, she may go belly up tomorrow, but it won't be from eating greasy chicken from Popeye's.

