and yes, this is all in good jest, none of these debates are totally serious. its just funny how we can make an argument out of anything, and its a good excuse to let of some steam....
SOooo...what's next?
i'm not sure what conclusion we reached about Kiss. not necassirly brilliant musicians, but we were agreed they had good songs. but we hadn't agreed on how much influence they'd had on modern music compared to some bands. and they cetainly hadn't sold as much as some bands, so they wren't necessarily the 'biggest' band on he planet...

SOooo...what's next?
i'm not sure what conclusion we reached about Kiss. not necassirly brilliant musicians, but we were agreed they had good songs. but we hadn't agreed on how much influence they'd had on modern music compared to some bands. and they cetainly hadn't sold as much as some bands, so they wren't necessarily the 'biggest' band on he planet...